League of Legends

nice.. looked at the tier list for dominion
looks like if you have insane burst or cc your champ is pretty good
~swoops in~ Ooh a League Thread!

My main is Sona :3 Supporting is my thing! ~plays most of the supports~ I'd play them all but I don't own them all yet.

I enjoy playing Tanks too! and I am interested in trying Jungling

I second quite a few champs though :T Anyone got any tips on how to deal with tanky enemies? I fought this Olaf as TF the other day and my team and friend got annoyed we couldn't kill him :T

Edit: Just bought Sejuani too so I am going to be playing her quite a bit :T
I play assassins. And carries.Main jungle Lee Sin. I play udyr.... As a jungle carry >:/ . I got a penta two days ago with talon ^.^ .ALl of the new champions designs suck these days. Last good one IMO was talon.
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man. this thread's been down for a while. i like league of legends. i find it more entertaining than SC5. There's some things wrong here and there like bugs and minor glitches (*cough [Lux's Q going through people]*cough) but it's fun none the less. i'm having a hard time finding team mates that aren't completely bad. my biggest pet peeve in LoL is going mid and getting ganked because top and/nor bot called mia. i can't look everywhere at once. i'm too busy dodging Ahri's charm and Q.
i still play since i cant handle sc5 atm.
ign : sycflaw add me if anyone wants to ever play
I downloaded this game a few months ago and I LOVE it! Granted, this is my first MOBA and I'm still trying to get the hang of everything: Last hitting, map awareness, proper building, when to engage an enemy, when to back off ect ect.

Do far, the three champs I'm most comfortable with are: Singed, Volibear and Lux. I just bought Malzahar, Fiora and Galio so I'm gonna give them a try too.

Feel free to add me, my name is: mizuiro kitsune
I'm level 18 atm so you could say I'm a noob but I'm not bad at it.

I use Sona, Fire angel woman and Rammus. Haven't brought Rammus yet.

Since my net is pants it takes ages to download an update and there are always updates, haven't played in like a month.
Lvl 30 and been since season 1. My main champs has to be Malzahar, Sona, Cassiopeia,Orianna, and Varus. Mainly a mid person but i can play every role and lane, even jungle.
LOL ranks up there with Diablo 2 and the original CIV for me. Yes, its that good! I am a mmo game fan,I like PVP best. In most mmo games, I found Wartune's PVP is the coolest.
I forgot all about this thread! Hi!! :D

You guys can add me on League if you want the most Sej you will ever see! >:D I main Sejuani, Cassiopeia, Galio, and Heimerdinger.

Add meh: TalimStripper