Madison SC4 Tourney #23 Results 05/02/09


[10] Knight
Fun stuff ladies and gentlemen. YAY, we got more girls to play in our tourney! That's always a plus cuz I always root for them to kick ass, just like Xianghua kicking ass, HAI!!!

1. jimmypikachuchoi (X)
2. MysticBill (Lizardman, X, NM)
3. Anduril16000 (Asta)
4. Ken Howe (Ivy)
5. Phil Bond (Siegfried, NM)
5. Pouncer (X)
7. Tomi (Mina, Cass, Sophie)
7. Syxx (Amy, Sophie, Mitsu)
9. Metallix (Sophie, Hilde)
9. CJ7 (Cass)
9. Babbyreen (Maxi)
9. Voodoo (Asta)
13. Lisha (Taki)
13. Lokim (Talim)
13. Orange (Mitsu)

Set 1:

Pouncer's too strong

SFIV was

1) Syxx (Zangief, Cammy, Rose, Sakura, Ryu, Akuma)
2) Ken (Shoto's not named Ken)
3) MysticBill (Zangief, Dhalsim)
4) PhilBond (Blanka, M. Bison)

Good seeing you guys again

oh and i used mitsu in the tournaments since 2KB is SO BROKE and SHOULD BE BANNED
Fun tournament

Jimmy: GGs. I will play you any time you want. We probably should not play while your falling asleep though. Strong play in the tournament.

Andurl1600: Way to take 3rd. Don't settle for it though. Keep working at your game and you will start placing higher.

Phil Bond: Your Sieg is good. Much improved recently. Keep it up.

Ken: It is great that you came. You got what it takes. Making the jump from online to off is hard to do on the spot. Too bad you can't enter the majors in the area, you would do well.

Syxx: Its great that you came also. Now you know where your at and what you need to do if you want to qualify for nationals.

CJ7: Where did you go?

Voodoo & lysha: Good to see you guys, come out to more tournaments and eat with us!

Orange & Babbyreen: It was fun to have you guys. Hope to see you again soon.

Lokim: Once i get a bamboo rod, you are in trouble.

Cya next saturday, hopefully.
Only get 4 for SF4 or just posting the top 4?

I miss being able to come to these as often as I did. ;_;
Well. You all seem to be having fun, with your tournaments and gatherings and whatnot.

*Cries in Minocqua*

At least I have Xbox Live for now!



*Cries harder*
We are having fun. You could be having fun too. *looks up Minocqua on Google Maps* Holy shit. You might as well be in Canada.