[Mar 29, 2013] FINAL ROUND XVI (Atlanta, GA)

So like, originally I was planning on going to FR, but I had decided that I would go to both FR and SCR. My money didn't work out like I planned. I only need two things: enough money for registration, and a room to crash at. Anyone offering any cheap (extremely cheap or even free) rooming prices?
So like, originally I was planning on going to FR, but I had decided that I would go to both FR and SCR. My money didn't work out like I planned. I only need two things: enough money for registration, and a room to crash at. Anyone offering any cheap (extremely cheap or even free) rooming prices?

Well, it turns out my count was wrong and that one of the people going isn't staying in our hotel room. As said, I'm going to ask G1 to switch rooms and you're welcome to stay with us and split the cost.
Oh. I have a room. Just prereg'd and booked my flight, I'll be staying from Thursday-Sunday (thus 3 nights). People can totes crash on my floor, just give me some money since this is costing me a LOT of money.

Oh, and if I wake up with you in my bed and you weren't there when I went to sleep, I reserve the right to kick you in whatever of your body parts is closest to my feet. Sadly there is precedent for this. (God dammit IRM)

EDIT: I won't be able to bring all my setup stuff on the plane with me...anyone who wants to crash and can bring a setup gets discounted room prices. Or maybe just the first person who has one...I don't know, someone bring me a setup, lol
Oh. I have a room. Just prereg'd and booked my flight, I'll be staying from Thursday-Sunday (thus 3 nights). People can totes crash on my floor, just give me some money since this is costing me a LOT of money.

Oh, and if I wake up with you in my bed and you weren't there when I went to sleep, I reserve the right to kick you in whatever of your body parts is closest to my feet. Sadly there is precedent for this. (God dammit IRM)

EDIT: I won't be able to bring all my setup stuff on the plane with me...anyone who wants to crash and can bring a setup gets discounted room prices. Or maybe just the first person who has one...I don't know, someone bring me a setup, lol

Ill be bringing my set up. Still dont have a room yet, but I usually cant stay with everyone cause there are at least 2 or 3 people that snore and that = 0 sleep for me haha id be glad to bring it up and get some games in though.

Ill be bringing my set up. Still dont have a room yet, but I usually cant stay with everyone cause there are at least 2 or 3 people that snore and that = 0 sleep for me haha id be glad to bring it up and get some games in though.

bring earplugs
I would like to WELCOME TEAM NINJA to the FINAL ROUND family as our latest sponsor. I would like to personally thank Tom Lee for spearheading this effort for the DOA5 community as TEAM NINJA will be donating $5000 towards the top 8 qualifiers at FR16! There's more exciting news coming for the hypest tournament in the MILKY WAY!!!! there's only 3 days until online registration is closed! Goto www.finalround.org and register for your badge and games today! Also there's only 12 hours until the FR16 group rate is closed. Don't spend extra money when you don't have too.
bring earplugs

LOL they dont work. Gamers have probably some of the loudest snores ive ever heard.

I usually end up finding a house to crash at or just getting a room somewhere.

Ill have my car so itll be fine. Im bringing ASUS, PS3, MK9, SCV, and 3 Sticks.

Ill have two sticks for sell as well. both madcatz, Xbox is TE edition PS3 is SCV edition.
If you haven't online registered for the HYPEST event in the FGC (FINAL ROUND 16) then you only have until 12 midnight PST or 3am EST to do so. I'm extending it for the west coast people i've received emails from that they could register when they got off work but it wouldn't be before 12 midnight est. go to http://www.finalround.org/register.cfm and


You also have only 2 hours 17 minutes to book your hotel room under the FINAL ROUND group rate. If you wait you will be paying $150 per night instead of 113 per night. Goto http://www.finalround.org/location.cfm and get your room before the rate is done!

There's been a flood of players registering today and we appreciate everyone that is coming to FR16
I apologize people, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't come up with any funds for the trip and can't seem to find anyone going from this area. Rest assured I will continue to keep trying but for those who may have been depending on me for a room I'm gonna have to give up the suite. Chicago is bringing a whole country apparently so they will have the privilege of enjoying all that space as soon as I can get ahold of them that is.
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