[MATCH-UP] Mitsurugi

How do I fight Mitsurugi?
His approaching TCs suck, so you can run agA and SCH A for all they're worth. 22A is nice also. Don't miss punishes, even stuff like K on 33B. Keep his guard gauge worse than yours so you can control the pace of the match. Learn when and where you can wakeup WR B without getting hit by CH 33K/33B/66A+B. Don't get stuck trying to chase him down.
His approaching TCs suck, so you can run agA and SCH A for all they're worth. 22A is nice also. Don't miss punishes, even stuff like K on 33B. Keep his guard gauge worse than yours so you can control the pace of the match. Learn when and where you can wakeup WR B without getting hit by CH 33K/33B/66A+B. Don't get stuck trying to chase him down.
Thanks, mate n.n
His approaching TCs suck, so you can run agA and SCH A for all they're worth. 22A is nice also. Don't miss punishes, even stuff like K on 33B. Keep his guard gauge worse than yours so you can control the pace of the match. Learn when and where you can wakeup WR B without getting hit by CH 33K/33B/66A+B. Don't get stuck trying to chase him down.
to add onto this, keeping him zoned out of 2KB range is also nice, which is another place where agA and also b6 come in handy.

poke him alot, and try to bait him into throwing out something aggressive to kill your backstep so that you can get a meaty whiff punish.

be very wary of 4B if you have to, and use 3B/WR A to catch him out of it if the situation calls for it. of course, JGing, GIing and stepping it are also viable options - but either way he's getting discouraged for using it because you're hitting him for it.

and if you DO get stuck trying to chase him down, you're gonna be in a bad position as you try to deal with 6B and 6B2, as well as his usual mixup tools. if you find yourself absolutely without a choice to be in such a position, it is always best to try to bait him into whiffing so that - while you may not get a whiff punish, you can at least get in. another option is to try to be careful with your positioning, and press your superior range against him as you advance in slowly.

and be wary of your own whiffing.
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