MO~K W! Combo'ing (+challenge)


I will show you...
Who can come up with the most damaging practical/guaranteed combo off MO~K W!

Throws are a nice option but still... what do you guys see in this?


My contribution is on top of your Related Videos list. Lol.
Upped ages ago too XD Nothing beats breaking a wall, and throwing your opponent out of it at the same time :)
I agree with the breaking the wall and kickin' the fool out of the ring comment lol

...but what is the best damage we can gain from MO~K W! - both reliable and situational?

MO~K W! Throw is nothing new, of course. I was just toying with Kiliks wall game and saw a lack of MO~K W! combos in all threads here. I noticed I'm playing Kilik rather solid lately; however, on wall hits I've been lacking.

I've been pulling off some 75%+ damage combos that use multiple wall hits but it's not been reliable... :\

MO~K W! is a practical opener and, of course, safety isn't even a discussion considering we all know it leaves you neutral.

This is really an awesome W! move because of it's frames - it's amazing recovery. You have time to execute nearly anything (and I seem to get it a lost post-MO GI).