My CAS Gallery- over 50 characters and growing

The mask-off zombie face just above is very well executed.
I wonder which stickers and colors you used (mengu face, dragon tatoo, something else i have not unlocked ?)

Your sketches are not too shabby either ;o)
I used the "muddy" facepaint in a bright red, and the skull sticker over it in a dark red.

So those are your sketches? Pretty solid. The creations you made from them, however, are BRILLIANT! Especally Maska (honestly the sketch more than the CAS, but that's not to say I don't enjoy the CAS) (^_^)
I really like seeing the new sketches. Cool stuff.. I especially like the Project Letum update.
Thanks guys, you're too kind! I haven't drawn a thing in like 3-5 years (the newer Maska was made I think 3 years ago...), but they are indeed mine ^^ Most of the OCs I've made have some kind of art to go with them, if you guys really want, I can update some of them with more drawings.
Most of the OCs I've made have some kind of art to go with them, if you guys really want, I can update some of them with more drawings.
It is kinda cool to see the original concept compared to how it was executed! I like alot of you designs but if I were you I'd go a little easier on the Terror mask haha! The fact that you cant add stickers or change colors makes them look samish with it on. Ya'll feel me homie?
It is kinda cool to see the original concept compared to how it was executed! I like alot of you designs but if I were you I'd go a little easier on the Terror mask haha! The fact that you cant add stickers or change colors makes them look samish with it on. Ya'll feel me homie?
I totally feel ya! I was really sad that it can't be tampered with, or else I would be adding lots more detail to them... But for the time being, I still feel it's better than a Jason mask when it comes to sinister face coverings :P
I did get audible "wtf" reactions last time I used Letum in a player room, that's always fun. I used her to try and show someone how to use zippers for muscle texture on their Kingdom Hearts Riku.

I've got maybe 3 Terror Masks left in me (one Cyber Astaroth edit, and I really want to use them for my other 2 Horsemen to help tie them together, but there's a good chance I won't) and then I swear I'm done. Unless I steal Vilarcane's Predator idea >_>

Knuckle Head:
Knuckle Head, the mascot/logo of Five Finger Death Punch.

I tried to make his hand tattoo close to that of the singer Ivan Moody. I know it's the wrong hand, but it felt fitting for the right hand to give the DEATH PUNCH.
When I first took the pics, I forgot about the "5" on the skull. Took it off the jacket later and put it on the face, as shown in the avatar

Axl Rose:
Inspired by Mumol's creation of Vile Vallo. I didn't base it off any single image or outfit of Axl's, but kind of a general feel, with an emphasis on the tattoos. I didn't feel any of the shirts fit or were cut quite right for him.

Did you ever have the urge to rage quit online? Make Axl and do it with pride!
Letum is very impressive, I don't think I've yet seen a design that is just as sexy as it is fucked-up creepy at the same time.

Axl Rose...Hmm...nah. Your screenshots should be him with Dampierre's style walking off the edge of a ring in time out. And being under Algol's chair. And in Ivy's bondage. And Voldo on his back. And Nightmare crushing him(WR A or GS kA+B+K). Those screenshots just don't emanate patheticness nearly enough to qualify as Axl Rose. So until you can come up with screenshots that are appropriate, I'm left with no alternative but to say I have no alternative. Tsk tsk tsk.
There isn't much to say except good job. You're one of the few diamonds in the rough in this CAS forums. Aside from the obvious Gatsu, Matty82, Vilarcane, Fliptop, Murasame, chobek, ThePascuzzi and a few others, you're one of the few I'd refer to as a CAS maker that must have the thead checked out.
Letum is very impressive, I don't think I've yet seen a design that is just as sexy as it is fucked-up creepy at the same time.
Thanks! Happy to know I conveyed the proper feeling :D

Axl Rose...Hmm...nah. Your screenshots should be him with Dampierre's style walking off the edge of a ring in time out. And being under Algol's chair. And in Ivy's bondage. And Voldo on his back. And Nightmare crushing him(WR A or GS kA+B+K). Those screenshots just don't emanate patheticness nearly enough to qualify as Axl Rose. So until you can come up with screenshots that are appropriate, I'm left with no alternative but to say I have no alternative. Tsk tsk tsk.
Awwww... but I like 80's Axl. I actually got out of a speeding ticket once because the cop said I looked like him (which is something I get a lot, actually). I know he's like the Grand Duke of Douchebaggery now, but c'mon :P
I may start playing him with the intention of rage quitting against people I don't like.

There isn't much to say except good job. You're one of the few diamonds in the rough in this CAS forums. Aside from the obvious Gatsu, Matty82, Vilarcane, Fliptop, Murasame, chobek, ThePascuzzi and a few others, you're one of the few I'd refer to as a CAS maker that must have the thead checked out.
I am honored!

Cyber Astaroth:
Not as ambitious as it probably could have been, but I still like him. Inspired by Battle Angel Alita, a cyberpunk manga where, in the future, people can place their brains inside other cyborg bodies. Many of the bad guys have giant, hulking bodies, much like Astaroth.


Balor: +art
I can't decide if I like him better with the NM helmet or the face mask. I'm leaning towards face mask, but I just love the NM helm's hair, it's so perfect...



Man, Cyber Astaroth looks fu---g awesome!!

also Axl Rose look cool, i like it and the pipe in cervantes is TA SHIT MAN it amazed me!!
Oddly enough, the pipe wasn't intentional. I was trying to add a comical mustache onto Cervantes, but after rotating the horns around, it looked like TWO pipes. And it felt like too awesome a discovery to pass up, so I felt obligated to run with it (though two pipes was a bit too much, so I merged them into one).

Man, Cyber Astaroth looks fu---g awesome!!

also Axl Rose look cool, i like it and the pipe in cervantes is TA SHIT MAN it amazed me!!

Thanks! :D
Large update inbound...but for now:

Dapper Cervantes:
"Le Bello my good man, may I offer you a kebob? Perhaps a smoke?"

Le Bello would LOVE to smoke a kebab with that. Such a dapper dapper fellow.

GENIUS work on the smoke. And the pipe. And the monocle. And the trousers. And the everything. Pure, golden, genius.
Le Bello would LOVE to smoke a kebab with that. Such a dapper dapper fellow.

GENIUS work on the smoke. And the pipe. And the monocle. And the trousers. And the everything. Pure, golden, genius.
I am glad you approve! I made him after a long night battling with quick battle A-rank Le Bello.
He was harder than Harada Tekken and A1 Mitsurugi.
Computer Dampierre's have an edge over every single human player.

The key to Damp being knowing his stance transitions, when they're happening, and how best to exploit them in such little time. Considering they could pop up at near any time, it's usually the player with the faster reactions that wins.

The computer, of course, reacts much fast then any human can. So it's always able to get the most out of Damp. Which is a shame really.

It's nice to know what inspires people though. Perhaps this is something I'll ask for in the next contest... To further help my latest cause.
I understand completely. I really felt the heat any time he would drop to the floor-- in .05 seconds he would grab my feet and pound my face! On reaction, I started ducking to try and block it (as a NM/Sieg player, you can't grab ducked players with a grab that works on standing ones...right?). Not like that would help, of course, as he could throw himself into my body from the floor, and it would have the same effect as grabbing me. Eventually I got fast enough to grab him from the floor, which brought him back up to his feet in an amusing manner.

I was playing Sieg, and learned that 3B was the only real tool in my arsenal fast enough and with enough range to stop him. I have also started learning the beauty of flap jack throws-- two important parts of Sieg that I had only sparsly implemented until now. But the dredded Sieg whiffs abounded, much to my dismay, and I was punished every time for them. In the end, the battle made me seriously think picking up Dampierre and learning him and his mustache.
I understand completely. I really felt the heat any time he would drop to the floor-- in .05 seconds he would grab my feet and pound my face! On reaction, I started ducking to try and block it (as a NM/Sieg player, you can't grab ducked players with a grab that works on standing ones...right?). Not like that would help, of course, as he could throw himself into my body from the floor, and it would have the same effect as grabbing me. Eventually I got fast enough to grab him from the floor, which brought him back up to his feet in an amusing manner.

I was playing Sieg, and learned that 3B was the only real tool in my arsenal fast enough and with enough range to stop him. I have also started learning the beauty of flap jack throws-- two important parts of Sieg that I had only sparsly implemented until now. But the dredded Sieg whiffs abounded, much to my dismay, and I was punished every time for them. In the end, the battle made me seriously think picking up Dampierre and learning him and his mustache.

I can't say I have much experience with Sieg/Mare, but I don't think you can. You'd have to ask Soul that one.

For future reference, if you can quick step as he starts his FP stance, you can basically avoid the worst things. But generally just keep him at range and he'll struggle.

To play as Dampierre, you must learn to abuse whiffs like a real pro. I'm a mediocre Damp at best, tending to avoid his harder-to-use moves (namely B!E - This aerial can-can thing) and relying on safer combos, of which he has a surprising amount.

This is why Sieg is such a hit-and-miss match up for him - If the Sieg whiffs, you can get in close and really punish. With your unpredictability, mind-games are a viable way forward and can create false pressure. However if the Sieg doesn't whiff, you can't get close.

His R.O game is surprisingly good, with a simple R.O Grab that looks hilarious. Perfect for ending an opponent.

But I suggest playing around with him. He's a LOT of fun to use, though you need to work hard if you want to win anything.
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