Natsu Videos Thread

just wanted to say that if its the last bit of health and you have them in a 3KKK stun combo near the wall, go for the 1A to finish off instead of the 44KKK. the 44KKK is not guaranteed and i'd feel like shit if they made a comeback on me for letting them live by not using guaranteed 1A.

Great piece of advice I have lost some rounds because I go for 44K when they have low health instead of 1A. Also Deku your video just seemed like I was watching myself in training mode. Your opponents seemed to not know the Natsu match up at all.
I thought Hover B guaranteed rising K, which he whiffed in that video

In this vid you see CH rising K right after the Hover B.

If it's not different properties between hit and counter hit for Hover B, the whiffed rising K probably had something to do with the axis

Jan 31st Pre-Patch vid?
These were fun, if mostly in a cosplay vs cosplay way -- hardly my best performance. I need to improve my matchup knowledge/reflexes vs Yoshi, as I made some serious mistakes.

These were fun, if mostly in a cosplay vs cosplay way -- hardly my best performance. I need to improve my matchup knowledge/reflexes vs Yoshi, as I made some serious mistakes.

Not to come off as rude but your playing is pretty nooby. Why? It's easy to fix don't worry, it's not as big of a deal as it sounds.
Way too much 66K, although it may work on your current opponents if you were to fight someone better, that wouldn't work. Same thing with HOV B, dude, so much HOV B it hurts. HOV is a thing that must be used sparingly in order to work. You like, what the Natsu corner calls it, THE COMBO OF DEATH I noticed, and the best way to start that up outside of using HOV B, is to use (CH) WR K. This works well by using 2A or 2B then following up with a WR K. This is, by some people, called CH fishing.
You use 4A a lot, although I don't see a reason to scold you for it, because it works and it's not easy to block. Just trying mixing it up with 6A+B4 for an easy way to get into PO outside of the ol' 214.
You used her 2A+B at strange times. Instead of using the air grab use (Slight delay) A+B~1A. It's about the same damage and you get wake-up advantage. Not going for the air grab also gives you a number of more options, including ways to get your CE into your attacks.
Use A+B and 66B more. These are her overall most useful moves IMO.
You didn't grab! ONCE! C'mon! Instead of waiting for your turn to hit, grab him! Go for a 66B+G OR when your back is against an edge, surprise 'em with a BE A+G. It has amazing RO rang. It also rings out over half-walls. Like the ones on your second match.
Agnostic: Like I said, it wasn't my best -- and I'm still at a level where I'm not using half of what I've drilled in any given match, much less game. I do have A+B~1A as a followup to 4A+B and 2A+B -- it actually does 4 10 less damage than PO 8B+G, but can be done later and is easier (haven't really got a good idea of how/if it improves the wakeup situation, but my wakeup game isn't the best). It's a lot more complicated with 4A+B, as you get 110 84 damage out of the airthrow, but it isn't safe, while 4A+B~A A+B 1A does something like 84 74 damage and is safer -- but I haven't really adjusted them into my game yet. Also, my experience is that depending on the spacing, it's easy to accidentally get backturned rather than setting up for 1A when doing the A+B followup to a bomb -- so if you really want the extra damage and are confident of the execution, it might be better to do the PO airthrow (I was feeling totally out of it here, so I was throwing the stalker airthrow, which does -less- damage than A+B~1A).

Hell, these games didn't even have a lot of 4B+K backturned setups, something I use both well and too much (they're -great- against normally safe horizontal strings, though, and pretty safe if used on reaction).

Similarly, I do have more setups to the Combo of Death (which I've only had a level where I can use it in matches for about a week and a half, so I'm deliberately overusing it a bit) than just HOV B (um -- there are a -lot- of ways to combo fish into it; anything that leaves you in crouch will do it with wrK). I do tend to poke with 4A; it's a good fast low poke, so it's good for finishing/PO.

FWIW, I use 66B a -lot-, just not as much in these matches (66K I've mostly been overusing after watching Hawkeye make great use of it in the NYC MLG event); don't have a good handle on when to use 66B4 setups, though. A+B I do underuse (not sure when it's better than 66k, actually; both are pretty punsihable, mid, and but 66K also tech crouches). 66K seems to punish backstep a lot, which may be why I overuse it, but maybe I should be using something else in that situation?

Re grabs--I'll certainly use them. But he ducked a few grabs in our first match (not a OP match and not incredible, so I didn't bother to extract it) so I was focusing on what had worked on him. Plus, this is natsu. She has tiny T-Rex arms; I tend not to risk a grab except at hug range or in a mixup out of aa4 (same applies to 2A+B6, but I've never pulled that off as a setup in a match, so...).

Totally guilty as charged re overuse of hover out of PO setups; I suck up a -lot- of damage that way and I need to mix it up more with B+K, a:6, a6 (not sure how likely I am to get CHs on a6, but practice seems to indicate that CH POa6, and -not- a:6, can get you into a combo of death out of some setups, like a straight 6A+B), 466B+G and good old B. And occasionally K and BE, of course. I think I picked up a tendency to overuse hover prior to the updates when I was trying to build up enough facility with moves to learn the old, harder combo of death, and never detrained the habit. Although it -is- useful against people who use horizontals to try to hit you out of PO, I need to adapt more when they don't (although the double-whiffs of PO vs his airials were funny).

Thanks for the comments!

(edited to fix some numeric errors)
has happened to me once as well. not something consistent enough to worry about, most of the time they are going for a ride
Any tips against Astaroth?

Stop getting counterhit so much! Be patient and keep that guard button pressed till his attack is over lol. Blockpunish/sidestep bullrush, even if it's just AA (A:6 if close to wall/edge)

Natsu's 3B is pretty unsafe btw, I wouldn't just toss it out there. I also caught you trying to do while rising attacks.... not a good idea vs someone that's already spamming shit in your face, just block. You can't and shouldn't do anything at frame disadvantage... block an attack and it's (usually) your turn again.

Also, start mashing A or B to cancel his throws if you do get hit by one. That low throw when you're stunned can be cancelled! This guy was spamming B throws except for one 1 time.

Other than that, I can't say much cause it was too onesided =/
Like Gatexor said, stop getting counterhit-ed. Play safely against Astaroth and you'll be fine.

My advice is to turtle as much as possible, while playing defensively. Keep distancing Astaroth because he can keep you out during close range. His strengths lies in in close combat. He'll throw out 4, grabs, and other GB attacks. At close combat, I tend to use 2A or 1K, so you can TC and interrupt all his overwhelming moves at you. At frame disadvantage, stop getting aggressive - learn to keep at bay. If you're not keeping up with his bullrush, 22_88A is your friend here.

At some situation, whiffing VS Astaroth is deadly, make sure all your attacks don't whiff.
When you use 44K,K after poison dart, it connects. But since poison dart doesn't combo anymore, and you'r stuck in limbo with 3K,K,K , you can tech roll it.
to the asta match video. pretty much what everyone else has said, and going to add you need to know your punishment and take every little bit you can get. his 6B+K body splash you tried to 3B on block twice, its only -12. get your AA or A:6.

more A+B in this match as well, he cant block punish and it helps deal with backstep and throws.
watching ufgt stream now.....

mystic bill why u no jump 2A after mitsu 66K he did it like EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!! ggs anyways always fun to see a natsu up in the ranks.