[New York City, NY] Afraid of a Little Fire????

Looks like I'll be crashing for both days then, it'll be good to have everyone in one small room again. I'll just make sure to take Serge's air mattress. lol
Beyoncé, I can be your Jay-Z.
we be the same, I'm just a darker rapper
I'm the true African, he's a swagger jacker
crepes and homemade apple pie tonight ! Possibly French cognac for those who pitch in.

I'm really sorry pap I won't be able to show man. Something happened to my grandfather and hes in the hospital so most likely I'll be there the whole day. I hope your last session is the best man and you have a safe trip back to France.
hey guys. remember that foot pain that i had yesterday?
Well, this morning my ankle was swollen up, a LOT. I can barely walk. Going to a doctor tomorrow to see if its serious. I webMD'd my symptoms, and I am REALLY worried that it might be a clot, so sorry guys, I'm out for today.
BTW stiffs - anyone good at mariokart 64?


Return of the Wizard: A Video Game Challenge

3rd Ward's Video Game Challenge will pit you and your friends against each other in high stakes classic video game competition projected onto 10 by 10 foot screens with live DJ's. Relive your glory days -- minus the grape soda and nagging parents -- plus ice cold beers and cash prizes. Each month will feature a new set of games and a new classic platform. From Excite Bike and Zelda, to Mario Kart and NBA Jam. Nintendo thumb is cool again.

This month: Mario Kart on Nintendo 64.

3rd Ward
195 Morgan, Brooklyn
7p-midnight; $free to attend, $5 to compete
Papy, my copy of sc4 should still be at your place. I left it along with my controller and cable, which I got back.