Official Natsu 1.03 changes discussion

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[09] Warrior
New patch release for SCV.

Patch notes in this link:

Confirmed changes:

:A+B: (Scroll of Darkness): Now cannot hit people in the air.
:6::A+B: (assasin's Secret): No longer stuns opponent on counter hit or in combo.
During Possession :A::6: (just) (Phantom Scroll): Decreased damage (10->1)

Natsu has also a new CE, 214214 A+B+K (a new CE for every character).


My thoughts on the changes:

Damn, I am hoping for some improvements, but combos in this patch have decreased since 6A+B no longer stuns in combos. And Poison Dart doesn't still have the ground stun. Scroll of Darkness isn't that useful in combos so it isn't much of a threat. Phantom Scroll, yeah right Namco, Natsu's combo potential is starting to decrease.

Personally, I wouldn't think of this as a major nerf (for me), since I think Namco is forcing us to explore her gimmicks and mixups.

Feel free to discuss anything about the new patch changes.
seriously man????? THAT WAS AN APRIL FOOLS THREAD. those changes are ridiculous and untrue. if you read any of the other threads in here youd see we are talking about the patch in the 1.02 patch thread. i looked over some important stuff last night and it doesnt seem like anything changed for the better or for the worse, which is good.

lock thread immediately
LOL, April fooled.

As far as we know, there are no changes to Natsu in 1.03. Hawkeye believes the 6A+B4 PO A:6 whiffing issues were fixed, but it's not verified. Once there are verified changes, we'll talk about having a new thread.
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