Online Tutoring (PSN)


[11] Champion
I thought maybe it would be a good idea to have a mentoring program, mostly for people who are transitioning from other games or even those who have never played a fighting game, with the primary intent to get people familiar with the basics of SoulCalibur and on their way to learning advanced strategies.

So, if you want to be tutored, post the following information (please note that this thread is for PSN ONLY):

Main Character
Time/Days you are available
Region (can't teach in a 3 bar connection)
Your level of expertise/things you want to work on.

Please try to have a mircrophone/headset, it makes things a lot easier. Otherwise specify what your communication method will be.

I will personally be taking 1 new player for the time being, and tutoring sessions will probably be under 30 minutes each. There will be very little hand holding, but I will do my best to get you on your feet.
Weekends 8-10pm Eastern
Central Florida
My current level: Solid Maxi player of old getting back into SC after 8 years (have not played SC3 or SC4 at all, whatsoever).
Things I'd like to work on: New mechanics of the series that I have missed and wish to understand and utilize.

PM me with any questions your have for me, or if there is a scheduling problem that we can work out. I do have a mic and wired connection.

Thank you.