Original Characters (PS5 Edition)

Sometimes you can just see the time that went into getting everything just right. This guy just really pops. I remember when you first joined this forum and you seemed to feel a little ambivalent about the fact that a few of us observed that your style had a psuedo-comic book/silver age animation quality to it (although I think everyone meant it in a positive sense). Now that you've fused your original character design style with this crazy attention to detail. and innovation on creating a sense of depth even when you've run out of objects, your stuff reminds me more of certain types of modern computer-assisted animation: you could just about see this guy walking into a RWBY fight without anyone blinking an eye. Cool stuff, man!

I also really like this one, though I can't help but wonder what a simpler two-tone black and gold might look like!

Edit: Luna's nice too: that breastplate is slick. But Dorothea wears it better. ;)
Sometimes you can just see the time that went into getting everything just right. This guy just really pops. I remember when you first joined this forum and you seemed to feel a little ambivalent about the fact that a few of us observed that your style had a psuedo-comic book/silver age animation quality to it (although I think everyone meant it in a positive sense). Now that you've fused your original character design style with this crazy attention to detail. and innovation on creating a sense of depth even when you've run out of objects, your stuff reminds me more of certain types of modern computer-assisted animation: you could just about see this guy walking into a RWBY fight without anyone blinking an eye. Cool stuff, man!

I also really like this one, though I can't help but wonder what a simpler two-tone black and gold might look like!

Edit: Luna's nice too: that breastplate is slick. But Dorothea wears it better. ;)
Hey @Rusted Blade thank you! 😊 sorry for the late reply, i was exhausted from work.

You know, Soren is probably one of favorite designs on here. so, i was really excited to bring him back with a somewhat update look. i'm glad you like his design :)

Dorothea and Luna are my old school designs that i was about to scrap -- but i decided to try my best to update them. i'm happy with how they turned out... for now lol

thanks again man :)
Stefan - Forgotten Prince







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