
Oh wow that's cool. And it looks extremely quick to create something. So the brush either pulls stuff out or pushes it in, huh? Kinda like the counteraction of dodge and burn in Photoshop? Do you have PC or Apple? Is this software for either?
yeah man, you build form, or push it in by holding the alt button. very simple. :)
zbrush is for both mac and pc.

studies from Lyendecker:
Tried out a, for me, new process. Used a screenshot pic to paint on top of.
Fun to do, but a bland enviro concept, and pretty boring shapes. I have to do more studies!
A few more from me.
On the first I xperimented with a photo base and lasso tool, the second is the last one from the b/w environment thumbnails and the third is a quick character sketch that took around 90 minutes.

Please check out for some step-by-steps and quicker thumbnails for environments etc. :)


