Pre Release SC6 Kilik Gameplay Discussion


So I mainly know SC4 Kilik and Xiba. I will be listing Kilik sc4 notation for moves that are still in SC6 from his movelist and will gif any new moves or old attacks with new strings or obvious different properties.

Moves that are still in from SC4 Kilik using that games notation.
1A - appears to be special low like Xiba's 2A
Jump A
66AA - single 66A doesnt seem to knockdown on hit
3BB - neither hit launchers on NH however if second hit CH does a Lethal hit launch

It also appears to have a built in 4A as a second hit aswell

4B - also has GB version and UB version.
46B - shown to lethal hit, perhaps the condition is immediately after GI.

This looks like a string maybe a 3KK
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_vs_Sophitia_Gameplay (1).gif

Jump K - appears to send opponent behind him when hitting a airboune opponent.

A+B - aB still connects on hit seems to be a easier link as some of the vids of button mashing kilik have landed it.
Monument (236) K
Backparry (214) A, B, K
The A causes a Lethal hit on successful aGI.
Asura dance is back in the parry and a JF input.

This move looks like a sc2 Kilik move -
Soulcalibur_VI_TGS2018 (1).gif

This move looks like Kilik's 236A but not in a stance, seems to be a safe horizontal mid.

Appears in SC he has a extension to the move.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_Nightmare_Xianghua_and_Groh_gameplay (3).gif

This looks like a pretty fast kick with some mad hitbox lol
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_Nightmare_Xianghua_and_Groh_gameplay (1).gif

This is a new string looks like all mid.

Was quite curious of this mid that can be seen after this BB but it could just be the first part of the above string.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_Nightmare_Xianghua_and_Groh_gameplay (2).gif

We see that its fast enough to combo after a WR B and leave them standing so at the most i16 assuming the wrB is the exact same as the one in sc4.
Soulcalibur_6_Nightmare_vs_Kilik_Gameplay_4K_60fps (3).gif

String from one of his stances -
SoulCalibur_VI_Gameplay_New_Characters_Gr_h_Xianghua_Nightmare_and_Kilik_PS4_Xbox_One_PC (1).gif

In all the videos I watched I havent seen the standard AAB string from Kilik and I'm sure I remember a tweet saying that Kilik's old 6AAA is now his AAA. So the closest thing have seen is what looks like his aB(fastest input) from SC4. I doubt highly that is still the input for it as even the button mashing videos had him doing it on occasion. Maybe its his new 6A, now in sc4 the move was i14 and we see in the reveal trailer that it combos after A+B still and it becomes a launcher or has what looks like a 4A at the end.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_vs_Sophitia_Gameplay (3).gif


This looks like his new 3B which is really exicting as gives him a easy to perform whiff puinish. People have mentioned looks pretty much identical to Seung Mina 3B from sc4 and its i18 on sc4 which i would say would be a great speed for it even for a block punish on moves like Sophitia stab or Cervantes aB assuming they are still -18. It also has lethal hit properties on CH.

Soulcalibur_6_Nightmare_vs_Kilik_Gameplay_4K_60fps (2).gif

His CE hits grounded causing a stun.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_vs_Sophitia_Gameplay (2).gif

I believe his SC CE grab will be like Asta and Ivy CEs from sc5 which would open up some strong 50/50s. Having his CE and 3B(because doubt its safe but who knows lol) as risky but high reward mix up. Here is what looks to be the grab range -
Soulcalibur_6_Nightmare_vs_Kilik_Gameplay_4K_60fps (1).gif

And here we have Asura Dance and it even has a JF version as well. It comes from a stance this time which makes it not as broken as SC4 but im sure will still be a strong tool in his arsenal nonetheless.
Soulcalibur_VI_TGS2018 (3).gif

Here is what looks to be his Reversal Edge A on hit. Wondering if they could be any guaranteed combo after.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_vs_Sophitia_Gameplay (1).gif

Reversal Edge B on hit. Wondering what the optimal combo would be. I imagine you could CE for ground stun into a ender.
SoulCalibur_VI_Gameplay_New_Characters_Gr_h_Xianghua_Nightmare_and_Kilik_PS4_Xbox_One_PC (2).gif

This was the best Reversal Edge K i could get. Doesnt seem to threatening on hit maybe just gives alot of advantage on hit for another 50/50?
Soulcalibur_VI_TGS2018 (4).gif

We do also know that he can grab from his stances again they was a video of it somewhere lol

Seems like a strong character with his spacing tools, new 3B whiff punisher, lows like 2A, Asura and his Soul Charge CE.

Without hands on play atm his RE options dont seem as threatening as others.

We do get a look good at him overall if anyone finds anything else defo post. Discuss what you think :)

Kilik is back biyatches!


  • Soul_Calibur_VI_EVO_Japan.gif
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The 1st two hits of Kilik's SCIV aB is now 6A. The 3rd hit of 6AB is the old ender of his old AAB string. 6AA is a CH combo as well. Kilik's old 6AAA is now AAA. Kilik's 2A is now just like Xiba's. Kilik's 4A is his old 22_88A. Kilik's Monument A is just the SC4 version. The 2nd hit of Monument AB is Kilik's Monument B from SCII. The K ender of Monument is the 2nd half of Xiba's Remberance AK string. Kilik's Monument A causes a Lethal Hit after aGI every Horizontal so it's easier to combo into BK ~ AAA. Monument ABK is now great compared to the SCIII where you can't combo after doing the whole series. Kilik's BT B+K is 2nd half of Xiba's Remeberance AK and it can aGI. Kilik's 46B is now 4B causing a Lethal Hit comboing into ALL of 4A+BB. The last B of 4A+BB is Kilik's old 4B. Kilik's 3B is Seung Mi-na SC4 3B except it launches on NH. Kilik's 6B is old 3B. It now ends in A looking like Kilik's old 4A. 2BB is now Kilik's old BB. Kilik's new BBB is great for comboing after WS B. The last hit of Kilik's BBB is a Guard Break. Kilik's 66B no longer has an attack throw on CH. Kilik's 66B6 goes to Monument. Kilik's 4B+K has 3 levels: Normal, Guard Break, Unblockable via Legend Rush Thrust. Whiff punishing a move with Kilik's 22_88B causes a Lethal Hit. Kilik has 2 Supers out of all characters in SCVI so far. His Soul Charge transforms him into Malfested Kilik. Malfested Kilik's health drops, but stops when he takes damage. When Kilik is at the last 10 points of health Malfested Kilik's health doesn't drain anymore and meter starts to drain. After Malfested Kilik uses his CE he returns to normal. When Malfested Kilik wins he has a new win pose.
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The 1st two hits of Kilik's SCIV aB is now 6A. The 3rd hit of 6AB is the old ender of his old AAB string. 6AA is a CH combo as well. Kilik's old 6AAA is now AAA. Kilik's 2A is now just like Xiba's. Kilik's 4A is his old 22_88A. Kilik's Monument A is just the SC4 version. The 2nd hit of Monument AB is Kilik's Monument B from SCII. The K ender of Monument is the 2nd half of Xiba's Remberance AK string. Kilik's Monument A causes a Lethal Hit after aGI every Horizontal so it's easier to combo into BK ~ AAA. Monument ABK is now great compared to the SCIII where you can't combo after doing the whole series. Kilik's BT B+K is 2nd half of Xiba's Remeberance AK and it can aGI. Kilik's 46B is now 4B causing a Lethal Hit comboing into ALL of 4A+BB. The last B of 4A+BB is Kilik's old 4B. Kilik's 3B is Seung Mi-na SC4 3B except it launches on NH. Kilik's 6B is old 3B. It now ends in A looking like Kilik's old 4A. 2BB is now Kilik's old BB. Kilik's new BBB is great for comboing after WS B. The last hit of Kilik's BBB is a Guard Break. Kilik's 66B no longer has an attack throw on CH. Kilik's 66B6 goes to Monument. Kilik's 4B+K has 3 levels: Normal, Guard Break, Unblockable via Legend Rush Thrust. Whiff punishing a move with Kilik's 22_88B causes a Lethal Hit. Kilik has 2 Supers out of all characters in SCVI so far. His Soul Charge transforms him into Malfested Kilik. Malfested Kilik's health drops, but stops when he takes damage. When Kilik is at the last 10 points of health Malfested Kilik's health doesn't drain anymore and meter starts to drain. After Malfested Kilik uses his CE he returns to normal. When Malfested Kilik wins he has a new win pose.

Nice stuff :) Just Curious how do you know the sc6 notation already? Was you at EVO?

That's gonna take some getting used to with the different inputs, do you know if he still has facepoke? He seems to have his old 6B and 6B2 what about 6B8 lol
Nice stuff :) Just Curious how do you know the sc6 notation already? Was you at EVO?

No, I watch a lot of SCVI Kilik videos to see what I could find. I got the info from Flying Wonkey and read some sample moves I saw online.

That's gonna take some getting used to with the different inputs, do you know if he still has facepoke? He seems to have his old 6B and 6B2 what about 6B8 lol

I don't know about Kilik's old 6B series or the rest his Soul Charge Mode Enhancements except I think I saw his new 22_88A which is similar to his SC4 Monument A go into last 2 hits of AAA in Soul Charge Mode. Kilik's 4B in Soul Charge Mode turns into 2*8BBB and now it has a K ender to it.

Kilik's little section is translated here:
 ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄  ̄

Standard attacks:

  • B,B,B
  • 6B,B
  • 236A,B,K (You can hold back after the 236A to go into Monument stance)
Against Standing Guard:

  • 4A
Natural Combo:

  • 66B → Monument B+K,B,K
Air Combos:

  • 3B → 6B,A
  • while rising up B → 6B,B → 6K
Guaranteed after successful Reversal Edge:

  • In Soul Charge + 'Failed' Reversal Edge A → Critical Edge
  • In Soul Charge + Reversal Edge K → Critical Edge
Note: In Soul Charge mode, Kilik's Reversal Edge options are buffed. If you do a Horizontal in that state when your opponent goes for the Vertical option, Kilik will still win the exchange in this instance.

Soul Charge:

  • 4A,A,A,K - High damaging natural combo
  • 66B+K - High damaging natural combo that can't be interrupted on block
  • 66A+B - Beats Reversal Edge
Lethal Hits:

  • 22 or 88 B (Charged) - On opponent whiffing an attack.
  • 4B - After a successful Guard Impact."
@Frayhua ah I see how did I not see that lol So 4A is the old Kilik 2A, man I hope it goes past guts this time as it did 18 damage in sc4 but it can stay 18 damage if it means it's gonna be unsafe in return lol

@babalook thank you aswell, Now that makes alot of sense with his RE options as to why they didn't seem immediately strong just turns out they sound stronger during SC.

The RE A sounds pretty interesting actually beating it's usual weakness giving him a win win draw situation if opponent uses the attacking options and I suppose can try take advantage of them knowing that and punishing duck or GI on a read.
Been thinking about it how deadly up close malfested Kilik is with just that CE alone. I never really got any good with a character with a CE grab in SC5 but the fact it's gonna be a single button press with no delay making it very powerful. Having that 3B to hit anyone trying to duck it.

I suppose one thing to check is would CE grab still get GI/RE'd. Tbf I don't see why it wouldn't but worth the test.
It is considered "unblockable" in the battle message, so it should be impossible to GI and RE it
Ah yeah good point to bring up if it beats them aswell they gonna be forced to have to take a read with a TC, crouch or jump?

When hayate gets a update for his conference testing the SC CE grab vs them and jump must be one
Been thinking about it how deadly up close malfested Kilik is with just that CE alone. I never really got any good with a character with a CE grab in SC5 but the fact it's gonna be a single button press with no delay making it very powerful. Having that 3B to hit anyone trying to duck it.

I suppose one thing to check is would CE grab still get GI/RE'd. Tbf I don't see why it wouldn't but worth the test.

It does seem powerful. Though the risks for it are there. The thing about Ivy's and Astaroth's CE grab is that you wouldn't know it's coming unless you read your opponent. But Malfested Kilik's grab is only accessible through a telegraphed transformation. With his health constantly dropping, the likely used tactic would be staying as far away as possible since he's killing himself at a decent pace.
Frenchs players told me that you can react to CE and crouch, so I don't know if it will be used as mixup. The mid option of this Kilik's seems promising.

Moves that I'am happy to see again, if they keep this property :
- A+K
TC,TJ,Safe Homing Mid

- 2A+K
TC, Very Long range Homing Low

- WR B
TC+back evade mid stun

- 1K
safest interrupter, beats S.mid, but lose turn

- 4A+BB
confirmable mid launch

- 3A+B
homing low attack throw

- Monument (236) K
hope it's still +0 on block

- Backparry (214) A, B, K,
really liked the backstep and all the mindgames behind this, even if it's low reward

- Asura dance
If it's ReGiable after AutoGi, maybe MO A+B UB will become a mixup? (if it does better dmg)

- 4B
MO rush cancel ?

- jumpB
hope 22B will be techtrap right after

- 22B
hope you can still A+K or 6B+K at least

- 46B
hope it's still hyper fast CH

- 22AB
Hope it's still NCC

Moves that I'am not really pleased to see again :

- WR K
SC2 WR KB was better IMO

- 22K
hard to use only vs ground roll

- 2A+B
hope it will do more damage OTG

OTG A+K has more use

- 1B+K
very hard to use, kB is way better but less dmg

- 4A+K
never found a way to use it

- 4KB
SC1 & 2 version was better with auto-Gi and better range

- FC 1B
very hard to use, 44B is way better

- 66AA
hard to confirm, high risk, slow

- 22AAA
small reward, high risk

What are these ?
- 66kB -> is that 66K K B ?
- Jump K they finally found a use of this lol, it can RO back ?
- is that new 3B is safe on block?
- also that mid homing kick seems really good, especially for RO, if it's safe it will be very good.

Will propably do a breakdown video as soon as I can spend time on Time, because he will be my main. (Still hoping Hwang also but...Kilik seems good)
@Frayhua ah I see how did I not see that lol So 4A is the old Kilik 2A, man I hope it goes past guts this time as it did 18 damage in sc4 but it can stay 18 damage if it means it's gonna be unsafe in return lol

My bad, Kilik's 4A is his old 2A in SCVI.

SCVI Kilik Updates

Kilik's 1K, 4KB, 3kB, FC1B, FC3B, WS K, 6A+B, 1_3A+B Attack Throw, 4B+K, 22_88K(Didn't see B ender yet), 33_66_99KKB, 22_88AB, Monument K are the same.

Kilik's CH 3AB, 1A, & 6K are the same as Xiba's.

In SCVI, Kilik can only CH 22_88AA.

Kilik can only do CH 22_88AAA in Soul Charge Mode + Health Drain to Meter Drain
Health Drain to Meter Drain.gif

Kilik's 44B is now his old 4B.
Kilik 44B SCVI.gif

Kilik can 22(B) (Slight Charge) for the Guard Break Version to cause a Lethal Hit when opponent tries to GI or RE.
22_88(B) (Slight Charge) Lethal Hit.gif

22(B) (Max) is Unblockable to cause a Lethal Hit when opponent tries to GI or RE.
Kilik 22_88(B) (Max).gif

Kilik's 2(B+K) is now a Guard Break.

Kilik's 3KK causes a stun on CH & the 2nd Hit is his old 11_44_77K.
3KK NCC.gif

Kilik's new 11_44_77K is his SCIV:BD A+B+K, but it's faster and not a Guard Break anymore.
SOULCALIBUR_VI_Kilik_Nightmare_Xianghua_and_Groh_gameplay (1).gif

Kilik's SCIII A+B combos to 6AB which was Kilik's old SCII aA or SCIV aB. The ender is Kilik's B from 3rd Hit of his old AAB. That continues the combo to Kilik's old 6AAA which is now AAA.
Kilik's A+B ~ 6AB ~ AAA SCVI.gif

Kilik's old 66AA from SCIII is now 11_44_77AA.
44AA CH.gif

Kilik's new 33_66_99A is his SCIV Monument A without the stun.

In Soul Charge Mode 33_66_99A can combo into the last 2 Hits of AAA and it's a NC.
Soul Charge 66AAA NC.gif

Monument A only stuns on CH.
Monument A on Hit.gif

Monument A on CH.gif

Monument A causes a Lethal Hit when you aGI all Horizontals.
Kilik Monument aGI A(Lethal Hit).gif

Monument B from SCII is back & it stuns.
Kilik Monument B SCVI.gif

Monument B+KBK/B+K:B:K is Asura Dance. Monument B+K has no more aGI properties.
Kilik's Monument B+KBK SCVI.gif

Monument ABK in SCVI is a NC and can combo into AAA. It's much better than SCIII CH Monument ABK

Kilik Monument ABK SCIII.gif

Monument ABK SCVI.gif

Kilik's new BT B+K is the 2nd half of Xiba's Rememberance AK. It aGIs all Horizonals similar to Monument.
B+K aGI.gif

Back Parry A causes a Lethal Hit when you aGI Vertical Slashs.
214 A Lethal Hit.gif

66B6 & No Attack Throw Anymore
66B6 & No Attack Throw on CH.gif

Kilik WS B ~ 66B SCVI.gif
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