[PSN/XBL] New Player Development Matchmaking

I can get a decent connection over seas with the French at the right time of night, but I don't think I've ever had an amazing connection with Synraii. I guess we'll just have to see what we have when we play.
Hey, I've been practicing the game a lot, but I can't seem to cross the barrier to a better level of play. I'm trying to get good with Taki. I know the mechanics of the game and know about frames and stuff (I've technically been playing since SC1, but I just played casually and never tried to get good at the game before), but I'm not doing as well as I'd like to. I was hoping someone could help me out with that, give me some more advice on my play style and help me be a better player. I live in Minnesota, so am looking for someone close to my area to cut down on lag.
i have had sc4 sense the day it came out, but I am just trying to become a serious gamer......i looooooove sophitia, I mean I am sophitia. I also know I am late coming, being that sc5 will be out this month but IM am still and always looking for new and exciting people to play and learn from. I make for good matches and good conversation. if you want a challenge, or just want to meet new people for sc5.........drop me an invite and lets put our fingers to work. xbox GT: Yoshi san84
gettting the PS3 version first then 360 second (and more than likely Vita version after that) .... Some of you know me [Lucent97] and my roommate [Muggs] .... LET'S DO THIS! ... would love to play new and old players ... im sure someone already has anit-ezio LOL
Played Soul Calibur 1 and haven't played in years so I'm really rusty in SCV. I main natsu so hopefully someone who's a veteran with her can help me out lol
Been playing SC since the Dreamcast days. Casual I guess, considering I never really understood the hardcore aspects of the game till just the last couple years. I used to main Mitsu but I've taken a shine to APat this time . . . though I suck pretty hard, so Maybe I'll have better luck with someone else.

I'm in Edmonton and there's a small but hardcore scene here and I can't really compete unless I quit my job and just practice all day every day, or so it seems. I know notations, frames (in theory) and how to play properly . . . that doesn't mean I can play properly though. So if there's anyone with some patience in my area, I'd like to learn where I'm falling short. :)
Hey everyone I'm soullessfang and I currently live In NYC but I don't have time to play in the arcade but I would love to get good in this game because it looks really fun to play and I wouldn't mind being taught as well I played two for awhile but that is it. My gamertag for 360 is demonicZERO360 and I'm mostly on during the week and sometimes on Saturday I'm trying to learn natsu xiba and nightmare
Yo I'm Toranzo, live in Socal, and am new to SC and looking for some help and or games to help level me up to better understand the game and hit up some local tourny's. I have a ton of fighting game experience just not in the 3D fighter realm. Gamer tag (Xbl) is ExChrysaor add me, hit me up and lets get cracking. I'm still figuring out who I'm gonna main, but at the moment but really like Patrokolos. Cheers
Yo I'm Toranzo, live in Socal, and am new to SC and looking for some help and or games to help level me up to better understand the game /quote]
Yo man I live in the Socal area too. I'm pretty scrubby too if you don't mind leveling up together.


Location: Los Angeles, California

Main: Leixia

feel free to add. First 3d game trying to fully understand
Yo man I live in the Socal area too. I'm pretty scrubby too if you don't mind leveling up together.


Location: Los Angeles, California

Main: Leixia

feel free to add. First 3d game trying to fully understand
Yes sir sounds good to me man! I have added you. I'll be on around 8ish. Just message me whenever you want to get some matches in
Hey anyone have a PSN?

I main Xiba and im looking for casual players to play against ;).

Add me my PSN is ixEvolutionz
Hey guys,

After spending time with the game, I'm feeling more comfortable with SCV's system. If anyone needs help, add me. So far, I've got Cervantes down. Currently learning Viola, Alpha Pat, Ezio and Algol.

<<<<<<PSN/XBL IDs.

Yo man I live in the Socal area too. I'm pretty scrubby too if you don't mind leveling up together.


Location: Los Angeles, California

Main: Leixia

feel free to add. First 3d game trying to fully understand

Feel free to add me. I'm in the LA area too. Maybe we could do some offline matches. =)
Hey guys,

After spending time with the game, I'm feeling more comfortable with SCV's system. If anyone needs help, add me. So far, I've got Cervantes down. Currently learning Viola, Alpha Pat, Ezio and Algol.

<<<<<<PSN/XBL IDs.

Feel free to add me. I'm in the LA area too. Maybe we could do some offline matches. =)
Yo I'm in the Valley, do you mind if I add you to xbl so we can get some matches?
hi im from right outside of st louis missouri. im definatley willing too learn this game and any help would be awesome. ive got some good tips from some mods but im definatley still a super scrub. im learning tira and any help i get i will genuinely appreciate and will always be willing too help in return if i can. Gamertags Onionsunleashed
have a good day