Quakelive bitches.


[11] Champion

They fixed the fucking mouse bug that prevented me from playing. So now I am.

Sign up. Do your skill test. Post your results so I can make fun of you. Then play with me.

Quakelive runs a modified version of Quake 3. I haven't played much since I got kicked out of the beta, but there were a few physics changes that I'm assuming they fixed. Also, apparently there's been balance tweaks, but I'm not sure about them since solid info is hard to find.

There's no mod support, but it's still in a somewhat-beta-ish state, so we can only hope they get on that shit. Probably won't, but we can hope. If any of you donks are intrigued enough by the gameplay I suggest getting a real copy of Quake 3 or playing Warsow, either of which I will play with you.

Because I'm not an asshole, I offer lessons to anyone who wants to learn. Strafe jumping, rocket jumps, circle jumps, whatever you want to know, I will show you how.

My account is page0rz, post yours; I think there's some sort of friendslist or something, or whatever. I don't care. Just play.

(East coast only. Or central. I guess I can swing west coast, but I hate being an hpb.)
Haha I remember getting to the expert room or whatever (it required a wall/speed RJ to access I think). I nearly lost to Crash but then I decided to start timing the armor and MH and came back. I can't remember a stats result but I don't think there are any servers that show up with 2 negative arrows.

And now I can't play properly 'cause my desktop died! I can barely work on my Megaman Zero 2 run with this laptop. I think Quake Live will run but it will definitely feel uncomfortable somewhat. I bet everyone's playing Rocket Arena...
Man, this game is so weird now. They nerfed rg and lg to fuck, and made rl the best spam weapon possible. Clan arena is nothing but rl spam, and why not? You start with 200/100 and it takes 4 rails to kill someone but only 3 rockets, and you have 50 godamn rl ammo, so spam that shit up. Kind of annoying; I almost prefer rail whoring.

Skill test was easy. The movement section was child's play, and Crash was easy enough, even after she got bumped up to super-retarded mode and never missed a shot, ever. Just keep spamming the gl and rl until the time runs out.

The only real problem I have right now is that I'm barely making 125, so if I get hit by pg or lg then I'm going to die instantly. And it's hard to find a server where I ping less than 60. That's just too high for me!

Anyway, everyone should play. The game still has a lot of things to work on, but it's a beta, so I'll keep the faith.
dullyanna said:
I wish I had a comp that could run this, so that I could get back into PC shooters.

wow. my 9 year old compaq can still run the original quake 3. you must have a real POS if your rig can't handle it.
I'll tell you this: I can't run Q3 for shit, which is the only reason I'm not playing it right now, but I can still run Quakelive at 125 most of the time, or at least well enough to get my fix. You should give it a shot anyway.
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