Question cousin gave me about limited edition SC4.


[08] Mercenary
He bought the limited edition of SC4 and wants to download the extra CAS parts but does not know how. Can anyone explain it to me so I can relay it back to him? Please and thanks.
For PS3: Log in to your PSN> Account Managment> Transaction Managment (or something similar)> Input Code (or something similar)
Is there anyway to buy the additional stuff if you didn't buy the special edition? I bought the additional cas stuff off xbox live (which includes some really cool stuff), but I know there's still more stuff I don't have access to.
if you're in the US and Canada(?), you can only get the LE items if you got the code card that was in the LE version.

Anywhere else, the LE items are available slowly through the marketplace. it seems they are releasing them every 2-3 weeks. so far the maid and schoolgirl packs are out. the schoolboy/suit pack should be next.