Retrotator's Re-Creation Gallery

The new ones are fine but you need to look again to youre M.Bison (he needs more upper clothes) and Spider-Man (whats that thing on his head??)

but they look fine
Thanks for the feedback.

I might give M. Bison another try if you pick out a reference picture for how you want him to look.

The thing on Spider-Man's head is a moustache from an inside joke. I thought about making a more serious Spider-Man, but many people already made him and I have trouble with making the eyes of his mask.
Something like this......

I just updated my M. Bison and Donkey Kong creations.

and I have a question for the DK fans here! :)
Which move sets would you give each of these characters, if they were to all have different move sets?
Donkey Kong
King K. Rool
I should say Dampierre or devil Jin (Dampierre is kinda funny and Jin has no weapons)

Donkey Kong (Astaroth/Nightmare)
Diddy (Xiba/Maxi)
Dixie (Natsu/Leixia)
Lanky (Voldo)
Tiny (Natsu/Tira)
Chunky (Patroklos/A Pat)
Cranky (Edge Master)
King K. Rool (Cervantes)

but the choice is always youre own

And M.Bison looks way better now
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Cool idea to use Tira for Tiny Kong, and Edge Master as Cranky would be awesome!
Hopefully I can make Cranky! :)
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Nice creation of Yoshimitsu.
For some reason, his Tekken 3 costume is the most popular.
No wonder why Capcom featured his Tekken 3 costume for Street Fighter X Tekken.
I'm thinking about changing the way I post my creations.
At first, I planned to post all of my creations on the first post in this thread, but I'm not sure if the post edit feature lasts very long.
Do you have any suggestions?
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i try'd it aswell a time ago to post alot of chars in my topic but it said to many files in it sow i had to reduce the post but now i don't know or it can be done (i mostly post 4 or 5 pics in one post)
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