SC V- My 1st Collector's Edition


[08] Mercenary
Hello 8WR boards! I've been playing SC for a while now and SC5 is the first time I've gotten the game on release day. (and the first 'Collectors Edition' of any game!)

I've been using 8WR since last year but never posted much. I'm not much into message boards, but I love the game and will probably start posting more often.

My main characters in SC4 were Sophitia and Lizardman, but they're both gone or unrecognizable now. I guess Lizardman is the new God of War? (I miss the crawl stance!) Pyhrra is my new fav so far (though I can't stand her personality, mainly using a CaS with her style...)

I play on XBL as RabidConsumers. Hope to make a ton of new CaS and show them off!
'twas my first collectors edition as well! We should play sometime. Make viola give you a run for your money :P

Awesome! I've been jamming out to the soundtrack in the car for the past 2 days. And yeah, add me and I'm up to play anytime. The online systems seems much improved over SC4.
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