SC4 IN-depth Taki Study

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-New combo

PO 236B, WS K, 3bK PO, PORC, 1BA PO, PO B_K_A
PO 236B, WS K, 3bK PO, PORC, 1BA, k2_A+B

CH WS K, 3bK PO, PORC, 1BA, k2_A+B

44K, 3bK PO, PORC, 1BA -> as above, they can shake out of this combo.

-PO Step Cancel (POSC)
I know that everyone is a little miffed that Taki lost her PORC from the previous SC games, but in SC4 she still does have it and can be done as PO 664. If you do this, she will rush forward and then jump backwards. During this jump backwards, you can cancel any standing normal move or you can cancel guard

What’s interesting about this is that she can also do this from her PO step. This allows her to quickly cancel out of her PO step with the 4 input so that she can do standing normal moves instead of PO moves. This includes throws and lows like A+B, and moves like 6B, AB, etc. It will take a little to get used to the timing because after you input 4, she will jump backwards like with PORC, but as with PORC, you can cancel that jump back and so you need to learn this timing.

It’s also interesting to note that she has to step a certain distance before you can cancel it, the same can also be said about trying to do PO moves from PO step. She has to go a certain distance before the moves will come out.

This adds a totally new dimension to her game in that she can now step and cancel and punish with moves other than PO moves and thus can keep the pressure going as you use moves that can shift her back into PO. You can also go for stronger finishers like A+B, throw, and A6.

New Combos and setups

4A+K – remember that this version of stalker will place you back turned if you jump over them.

-BT A+B, A6, WR B
You can delay the WR slightly after the A6, if you do this, the WR B will hit them as they try to roll and do more damage than if you do it in a combo. I suggest delaying the B in this combo or else you’ll lose out on a lot of damage.

-BT A+B, 33B
Simple and effective

-BT 2K, 6K, 6B
The 6K will connect and then as they get up, they will be forced to block the 6B. This way you can stay up close and in their face after the combo. You will also do some soul damage.

-BT 2K, WS B, 6B
As above, but doesn’t do as much damage

-BT 2K, FC 1A+B, 2K
Free damage, but not much

-BT 2K, FC 1A+B, 6K
Free damage, slightly more than the one above, you can probably also force a 6B block here.

-BT 2K, 4A+B,B
The trick to this combo is that you have to do it quickly. They can’t tech up after the BT 2K and so they have to stand up and block crouching immediately or else they get launched. If they stay down, they get hit on the ground with the double bomb.

-BT 2K, 6A+B
If they start getting up crouching, the UB will catch them off guard and they won’t be able to jump the bomb in time. Finish with your favorite combo.

-4A+BB, WS AA, 6A+B
After the normal double bomb, if you do WS AA immediately when you can, they will floated up really far and won’t be able to AC away and will fall at your feet or behind you. If you start up 6A+B right after the WS AA, it will track them no matter what direction they fall towards you. If they hit G at any time, they go back up into the air.

-44K – the stun on this move is really odd. It is shakable, BUT only to a certain point. I’ve never been able to shake out fast enough to block Taki’s A after the stun. I can barely shake out of the stun in time to block B, and that’s only when I know that the move is coming. The move is rarely telegraphed and so it’s very hard to shake out of and i15 or even i14 moves.

-44K, AAB
-44K, AB 4A+B~A

-44K, BK (you get a lot of advantage after the K since BK is NCC)

-44K, A6, WR B (again, if you delay the WR, you can get a lot more damage)
-44K, A6, A+B (will tech catch in all directions for the launch)

-PO 236A (2 hits), 44K
-PO 236A (2 hits), 1A
-PO 236A (2 hits), 6A+B
-PO 236A (2 hits), 41236B – they can roll on the ground to get out of this

-PO 236A (1 hit), 3kB PO, PORC, 1BA – mixups
This combo needs to be done extremely quickly or else it will not hit. The combo will miss at odd angles.

-PO 236B (while they are jumping), 41236B
Yes, this does combo with the slam down stun.

-66B:A, A+KK
-44B, A+KK
After moves like 66B:A and 44B, your opponent will most likely try to tech back or to the side. If they do that, Stalker K will track them as they tech and force them to block the STK K. This allows you to move back in to attack after a move that would normally push them far out. If they tech forward, they will go under you, but at the same time, if you don’t do stalker and they tech forward, they are in your face again for you to attack again.

Vid of some of this in action.

New Taki vid up
Interesting and advanced Taki tech traps using FC 1A+B

Vid can be seen here:

What’s interesting is that when I was testing this, I discovered that FC 1A+B is very situational when it comes to its ability to set up for a tech trap. No longer is it the great move it was in SC3, but it does have the ability to get Taki more damage.

As a discussion through the vid, I will post this here and on the vid thread.

-First sequence is showing you that after 33B, if they try to tech backwards, 6K will hit them. If they tech to the side, they will avoid the damage… don’t forget the A cancel after 6K. However, most people tend to try and tech back away from Taki and so 6k after 33B can garner you some free damage.

-Second sequence – 6A+B into WR BKB. Nice strong combo from the UB bomb. Note that you end up back turned and they can roll away from any potential mixup. I threw in a few back side stalkers to show that you can still cover some distance and still be back turned, even if they try to roll away after the combo.

-Third sequence – I want everyone to pay attention to the use of 4A+B,B. If you practice it, you can actually hit confirm the second hit. They should rarely get a chance to jump and punish that second hit. If you make them block, or get hit by just the first hit, you still have options because of the threat of the second hit. You have the opportunity to use WS K, FC A+K,K, 6B, WS A to keep the pressure going even if the first hit is blocked. You might even catch people CH with WS K as they try for the jump attack after the first bomb is blocked. Remember… hit confirm the second hit.

-Fourth sequence – now for some more advanced tech traps and some fun with FC 1A+B. CH 22K into FC 1A+B is not exactly my choice of moves. I like the WR BKB tech trap better. However, if you do this, it will catch left and right tech but not backwards (which most people do anyways).

-Fifth sequence – now we get into some actually useful areas. CH WS K is great. To get the tech trap to work well, you need to run in and do FC 1A+B after the CH WS K. 4A+B,B will catch back and right tech and the first hit will connect on left tech. Incidentally, if you don’t run in and do FC 1A+B, it will catch left and right tech, but not backwards tech. My advice is to just run in and do the FC 1A+B and do the 4A+B,B. If you just do A+B it will catch both left and right techs, but not backwards. The same properties apply even after PO 236B stun into WS K. WS K can be done after 44K as well, but it’s very easy to shake out of (unlike A6)

As a side note, some of the odd angle hits for 4A+B,B can make the A6 WR B combo difficult due to range. Just remember that the air throw is only 3-5 points less damage and may even have better wakes than the other combo and will be guaranteed after the odd angled hits.

-Sixth sequence – Incidentally FC A+K,K has different properties when that second K hits. You don’t have to move forward for the FC 1A+B. The FC 1A+B will put them at the perfect distance such that 4A+B,B will tech catch any direction. FC A+K,K is VERY hard to get after 44K, and requires strict timing and for them not to shake at all.

-Seventh sequence – CH 22_88A, BT A+B does combo and leads to a nice combo with delay WR B giving a lot of damage. However, after the BT A+B, you can do FC 1A+B for a tech trap. After the FC 1A+B, 4A+B,B will catch back tech, and will single hit left and right tech. A_B is not so fortunate in that it can be blocked or avoided completely in this setup.

-Eighth sequence – now a little diversion. After a single hit PO 236A, you can get the 3bK PO, PORC, 1BA combo into your favorite ender. The problem is that the angle can cause tremendous difficulty with landing this combo. I suggest sticking with A6 WR B for good damage. Delaying WR B will give you more damage as well.

-Ninth sequence – this will be the longest sequence. Both 44K and PO236A (single hit) lead to A6 as a stun hit. From there you have the opportunity to tech catch them instead of the guaranteed WR B hit. After the A6, A+B will catch all tech except to the right. If you throw in the FC 1A+B after the A6, then A+B will catch all tech except backwards. After the FC 1A+B, 4A+B.B will catch both back and right tech and will single hit left tech. The same applies after PO 236A single hit and so PO 236A is not exceptionally deadly after either single or double hit.

-Tenth sequence – this is just some silliness showing how the tech traps can pile up quickly.

I want everyone to remember that these are tech traps. They can be escaped if the opponent does nothing but stay on the ground. The bombs will hit grounded but the damage will be much less. In almost all these situations, there is another combo you could be doing which will give more guaranteed damage and a standing mixup after a stun. Sometimes those will be better. However, these tech traps should be used as a mixup because even if you catch them tech rolling even once, you get a ton of damage from it. Mix it up well.
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