SCH k(BE) Cancel Discussion


A Soul in the Purgatory
This thread is for the discussion pertaining towards the SCH k(BE) Cancel and how best to utilize it in matches.

The command for SCH's Brave Edge is SCH kA+B+K. However, exactly when you input the A+B+K portion changes when and how the move can come out, and can lead to interesting mix-ups.

The first example shown in this video is a normal SCH k(BE).

The second example shown in this video is an example of the SCH K Cancel. This cancel is performed by press SCH K, and then pressing A+B+K plus 6, 2, 4, 8, or no direction at all during the recovery animation for SCH K. This will produce a Brave Edge flash and leave you in the stance that you input with A+B+K. For example, pressing no direction will put you in Base Hold. Pressing 6A+B+K will put you in Reverse Side Hold, 4A+B+K in Side Hold, and 2 or 8 in Chief Hold.

The third example shown in the video is an example of the Stance Transition Cancel. This cancel is performed by doing a move that puts you into SCH - 3(B), 11(B), 22k(A) - buffering a SCH kA+B+K while you are still in the recovery frames of the transitioning move, and then pressing transitioning to any desired stance with B+K plus the required direction input. This will produce a Brave Edge flash and transition you to whichever stance you input. The timing differs depending on which move is used to transition into Chief Hold, thus I encourage you to go into Training Mode to learn what timing is needed - use the video as a guide to understand roughly when your inputs are required.

After using either of those two methods, you have successfully completed the cancel and can reap the benefits of it.

Facts About SCH k(BE) Cancel

You spend 0.5 meter the minute the Brave Edge flash occurs. This is because you are effectively cancelling SCH k(BE) after having paid the meter for it. However, the

Attempting SCH K will result in an automatic SCH k(BE) with no Brave Edge flash. Since you have already paid the meter for it, the game "remembers" the input and will turn your next SCH K into SCH k(BE), with no more meter required on your part. This effectively removes SCH K and SCH KK from your arsenal after using the glitch.

You maintain the automatic SCH k(BE) as long as you stay in any stance. One can roulette between stances indefinitely, and as long as one does not exit stance, you can return to SCH and still use the meterless, flashless SCH k(BE).

You lose the automatic SCH k(BE) if you exit stance. This can be either by using a move from stance that does not have a stance transition (SRSH A, SBH B), cancelling stance with G, or by being hit by your opponent.

You cannot use SBH k(BE). This is the only move that is disabled from stance by using this glitch, and you must exit stance to be able to use it again. This is of little consequence, as the situations that would arise in the course of using this glitch have an extremely low chance of ever requiring SBH k(BE) as the only solution to them, or even being a solution at all.

Utilizing the Cancel in Competitive Play

The tell-tale yellow flash of Brave Edge moves is a dead give away to your intentions, and is the reason why delay-able and hit-confirmable Brave Edge moves like Mitsurugi 3b(BE) or Ezio 66B(BE) are so powerful - the flash cannot be used as a sign since it comes out too late for you to reasonably react to it, or can be used at the user's discretion after they are sure their first attack as hit. This cancel, however, works on the opposite principle - you're using the Brave Edge flash and your opponent's knowledge of what that entails along with their knowledge that SCH k(BE) is the only possible course of action he could take in this scenario to subvert their expectations and mix them up.

Using the SCH K Cancel method and knowledge of your opponent's habits, one can force, for example, a Just Guard, Guard Impact, or Auto-GI attempt and punish them accordingly. In general, it will be the easiest to punish opponents who have a tendency to Guard Impact or Auto-GI, as these methods tend to leave one open to reprisal. Those who attempt to Just Guard are harder to predict the actions of, as they haven't actually committed to a defensive option that will get them punished at this point. The best you can hope for is to enter another stance and mix them up - Reverse Side Hold may be the best option for dealing with Just Guard-happy opponents.

Using the Stance Transition Cancel plays on your opponent's habits similarly, and also compensates for SCH K Cancel's weakness. With the latter, a knowledgeable opponent will realize you are committing to a stance transition, and will most likely try to cover as many transitions as possible with one move. However, the Stance Transition Cancel gives you the option of either buffering the Brave Edge and stance transitioning normally, or not inputting the stance transition after the buffered Brave Edge and just letting it come out normally. This creates a fairly different mind game that has more depth to it than the one created by SCH K Cancel - there are more options to cover, with a wrong guess punished hard regardless of which option they guessed wrong about.

It is inevitable that people will catch on to the cancels, and develop ways to get around them with the bare minimum amount of effort on their part. Such is the fate of tactics that rely heavily on the ignorance of your opponent and not their own inherent strength - you can no more subvert that truth than you can drink all the water in the ocean. However, to assume that every opponent you meet will be completely learned of your character and their techniques, and that they have practiced all the counters down to muscle memory, gives your opponent far too much credit, regardless of who they are.
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