[Seattle, WA] Ragin' in the Rain

I can give you a ride Blaccy.

Could someone bring a PS3 copy of SCV this time, so 13th Warrior can use his pad?
last time i remember there being a ps3 setup and 13th warrior still used controller. i'll bring a ps3 copy again, though

confirmed that we're going, that's +3 including jdaco, and one more unconfirmed
Talked to 13th warrior and ShredApart, they said they won't be able to make it. Looks like it could be one of those days.
Talked to 13th warrior and ShredApart, they said they won't be able to make it. Looks like it could be one of those days.
Blah, been super busy, but today's the day! If anyone can bring a monitor, console, and/or discs, it would really help us out today. Especially the monitor part ^^;;

It actually looks like it'll be a notable tournament! Shujinkydink from Canada is claiming that players "might as well give [him] your money at the door." I forgot about some others like The Show and Quickdrraw from Portland, OR are making it as well. I'm definitely going to be too busy to compete today as we're running 9 games in a short amount of time, but I think it'll be good!

I would like to apologize for how infrequent my posts have been. I've been very busy with other projects in our region. With how most events are currently going, it's hard to find room, but I'm trying to find a way of making this work specifically in a location closer to the southern scene. For now, SCV is always welcome at GameClucks! I hope to see you guys today!
Well, just to say cause no one else has mentioned, but great games everyone that went yesterday! It was a lot of fun, though I never got that mirror match in like I had wanted. I learned a lot more as well, so I've gotta train. If anything, must learn Algol to beat him! Too much pain on a stick!
krynxe regrets not getting his mirror match with you, blaccy. next time.

it was a pleasure to meet folks i have not seen before. absolute pleasure to see lindstrom play. i hope i learned a little more than i think i did. in other news i had the worst router meltdown tonight so hopefully i can get that in a better state soon, but it looks like i will be unable to play online at all for a while.

loz mentioned a get-together at gamebreakerz on saturday. i would be down to go if we can get a few others to come out.
Well, just to say cause no one else has mentioned, but great games everyone that went yesterday! It was a lot of fun, though I never got that mirror match in like I had wanted. I learned a lot more as well, so I've gotta train. If anything, must learn Algol to beat him! Too much pain on a stick!
Good games indeed sir. I added you on XBL, maybe we can get some more games in. Also good job to Lindstrom for making me look like ass once again
loz mentioned a get-together at gamebreakerz on saturday. i would be down to go if we can get a few others to come out.
Here's the Facebook event for it. It would be Saturday, February 23rd. We'd have to get Shandor's permission to run a side event, but I think we could get that. He just needs to know early enough.
Damn sounds like missed out. Oh well maybe next time I won't have to work that day. I'm going to Winter Brawl though. Hopefully I don't get my ass handed to me in Philly. Got my pride as a resident of Washington on the line.
you guys like baked goods? thinking about baking something for you wonderful people for our next get-together.
brownies/blondies, chocolate chip muffins, honey lemon pound cake, or cinnamon sugar donut muffins sound good?
you guys like baked goods? thinking about baking something for you wonderful people for our next get-together.
brownies/blondies, chocolate chip muffins, honey lemon pound cake, or cinnamon sugar donut muffins sound good?
That sounds great. Does anyone know when the next meet is?