Seeking some old SCII-SCIV videos...


[10] Knight
Does anyone have videos of the "SC 3 Nationals" or know if it was even recorded? Apparently, the final was Omega vs. Thuggish Pond.

Also, apparently there was a 2009 "SC4 Nationals" - anyone got vids from that..? I only found selected matches from Evo2k9 (not the same tournament).

How about the SCII finals of Evo2K4? Apparently, it was controversial:

Finally, did anyone come across any other Japanese SCII/SCIII matches featuring this player FUG?
And what was the source for the above?
If I recall...I believe the SC3 "Nationals" Finals(there were actually qualifiers leading up to it) took place in someone's home? In Chicago I think? If Im remembering correctly, going off memory of old SC forum post here.

The SC4 "Nationals" were streamed(i remember watching them), but I don't think were ever uploaded to youtube? As it was treated as a side event at a multi game tournament. To the point that, the prior qualifiers held were useless as day of event, it was treated like any other tournament and anyone could simply enter, on the spot.

The old EVO2k4 thing...
^ SRK offered the old DVDs here, for quite some time. But it looks like those links are and have been dead for a while. You could try DMing original poster on there.
I did some some youtube digging and found some SC4 Nationals vids on Oofmatic's channel, they shaky cam but they there. There more but they aren't labeled in their titles, so check the descriptions.
Here's the Grand Finals.

Thanks man! By some crazy sheer luck I managed to find the Evo2k4 DVDs online just now:

That just leaves SC3 and Omega... I remember Omega was the champion from Dominican Republic and the first great Zasalamel player. He first used the name OmegaDR and then changed to OmegaMitsurugi when he changed characters. There was a lot of hype, shock and upset back in the day, and lot's of players wanted to challenge this outsider. However, very few videos seemed to have survived from those days, though I believe they were on Youtube at one point. The "SC3 Nationals" was the big one from what I recall that really established his reputation.
Damnnnn Rekano! I think you were the first person I met when I traveled for the first time ever lol. Think it was Ohio for that small SC2 tournament.
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