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  • Hi there Thugish. Not sure when you'll see this, but I just had a question. You were my favorite Amy player in SCIV days and I used to look to your matches for inspiration and stuff. But why after 2B+K do you do 66A+B? Wouldn't 6A+B do more damage, and if they tech, it does even more damage? Thanks in advance.
    It's not gonna combo unless you're perfectly aligned with them, so I just used that.

    Almost forgot what 6a+b is!
    Ah, okay, I see. Thank you!

    Hopefully Amy will be back in SCVI so we can annoy people with her again.
    I just converted our advertisements to responsive design ads... please tell me if the website works better for you on your mobile now.
    Okay, I have just made the subforums grid more responsive... better now?
    Yea it's not stretched out anymore. Where's the option to switch from mobile styles though?
    If you go to the bottom left of the website, click the link for "Core - Light", you can select "Core - Light (Fixed Width)".
    What is this nonsense I'm hearing of you not going to NEC???
    I asked to get work off, but I realized its finals week, gotta get dem straight A's! I still haven't lost my SC skills. Although I passed the dominance over to LP in this game lol.
    But...but...but...you are losing your God status then. This saddens me to no end. Screw real life!. You must solidify your legacy. Also have LP tell it, you are at best mid skill level and he's been beating you since he 1st moved back so you passed on nothing. Lol
    Nope, it's only been in this game. Ask em yourself
    FUCK............................................................................................ YOU! d(^_^)b
    Question. How did you come up with your name because it reminds of a song?? Just curious.
    good job at summer jam :)

    hope you enjoyed fighting one of my online pals (Lolo)

    babalook is still the toughest one though, i hope you can meet him offline someday :P
    Hey good games yesterday, I should be at most of the gatherings from now on. Maybe you can teach me the way of not sucking.
    It's official I will be at the gathering with 98% certainty. Hope i dont dissapoint too strongly.
    You have a really good defense and great offensive game. I'm totally a fan. I want to see what gives with Setsuka in your hands. ^^ anyway good player! sorry for my bad english
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