Seong Mi-na Soul Arena Directory/Updates

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[12] Conqueror
Yo, I'm Khent. I'm the Moderator Supreme Ruler of the Seong Mi-na Soul Arena for SCII HD Online. It's my job to make sure this forum is well-organized and easy to navigate for our new players and veterans alike. And since I have tons of competitive experience with our favorite halberd-wielding hoochie mama, I can answer any and all questions related to her as well as give insight on how to properly shove that halberd right up your opponent's you-know-what!

As it stands right now, here's the stickied/important threads:

Frame Data -
Videos -
General Strategy -

Most of the stickied threads will have open discussion, but all the up to date information will be in the first post of each individual thread.

I'm pretty easy going most of the time about what is posted. As long as you don't act like dicks and make me do extra work (such as deleting posts) we'll get along just fine.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me anytime! :sc4min1:
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UPDATES 11/21/2013

- Updated the combo thread. Will do some more work tomorrow.
- And added Ring outs the Misc. Thread
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