Siegfried String Defense Guide

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:A::A: - :h::h:

:A::A::B: - :h::h::m:
Nightmare should never be able to get as far as the B input, but if he does, he's just committed to a slower, linear, non-tracking move. Punish with whatever you feel like.​
:A::A::B::4: - :h::h::m:
Nightmare should never be able to even get as far as the B input, but if he does, he's just committed to a slow, linear, non-tracking move. Punish with whatever you feel like.​
:A::2::A: - :h::l:
:A::2::A::A: - :h::l::l:
:Ah: ~ Night Side Stance - :h:
:3::A::A: - :m::m:
:3::A::2::A: - :m::l:
:1::A::6: ~ Grim Stride - :l:
:1::Ah::6: ~ Grim Stride - :l:
:B::B: - :m::m:
:6::Bh: ~ Night Side Stance - :h:
:3::Bh: ~ Night Side Stance - :m:
WR :Bh: ~ Night Side Stance - :m:
:4::B::B: - :m::m:
:4::B::Bh: ~ Night Side Stance - :m::m:
:4::K::K: - :m::h:
:4::K::A+B+K: - :m::h::m:
:6h:*:3h:*:9h::A::6: ~ Grim Stride - :h:
:2h:*:8h::A::A: - :m::m:
:2h:*:8h::A::a-small::6: ~ Grim Stride - :m:
:3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: - :m::m:
:3h:*:9h::B::6: ~ Grim Stride - :m:
:4h:*:1h:*:7h::Bh: ~ Night Side Stance - :m:
:6h:*:3h:*:9h::K::6: ~ Grim Stride - :m:
GS :B::6: ~ Grim Stride - :m:
GS :kA+B+K: - :m::h:

NSS :Ah: ~ Night Side Stance - :m:



:A::A: - :h::h:

Just Guard makes the string K punishable


:B::B: - :m::m:

Just Guard makes the string K punishable.


:6::B::B: - :m::h: - Delayable

:6::B::B::B: - :m::h::m: - Delayable (All hits)

Any tech crouch will go under the second hit, with :3::Bh: netting the most damage off of a counter hit combo. The second hit is also steppable and :2:*:8::B+K: steppable, but to net the SCH :B: followup you'll need to press :6: once. If stepped using Quick Step, step to your right - the second hit has a large hitbox and hits to Patroklos' right. When properly stepped, he will be either sideturned or backturned to you. Note that the last two hits jail if he does not delay them - the best time to act is between the first and second hit.


:1::bA+B+K: - :m::h::m:

He is committed to the string once he starts it. The second hit can be tech crouched under by :3::Bh: perfectly, and it can also be auto-GI'd by :6h::A:. Because of the Brave Edge flash showing that he's committed to the finishing the string, the move probably won't see much use outside of combos. When it is used, be prepared to counter it.


:3::K::K: / :4h::K::K: - :m::h: - Delayable

These two strings are virtually similar in terms of appearance and effect. The second hit cannot be tech crouched unless he delays it, so it's always a safer bet to crouch manually and use WR B to punish.


WR :K::A: - :m::m:

Your only option is to either Guard Impact or Just Guard. Just Guarding guarantees a 3B punish, though you need to be quick with your punishment.


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::aA+B+K: - :m::m:

Quick Step to your left is the best option against the string, though Just Guard and Guard Impact are also options.


:2h:*:8h::A::A: - :h::h: - Delayable

The non-delayable version can only be ducked, and the single hit version is safe. It's best to duck and wait and see if he completes the string. Since you're in FC and the only option he can really do is guard afterwards, the best way to get damage from him might be to try and use FC B+G after ducking the first hit, since he can't accidentally break that one, and it keeps you in FC.


:6h::B+K: - :m::m:

Normally, this move is only used in combos. However, it has a lot of whiffing issues near walls or on misaligned opponents, so there is merit in including it. The second hit will always whiff if the first hit is blocked and you do nothing. For guaranteed punishment, either 6B or your Critical Edge will do the job.


JS :A::B: - :m::m:

A Quick Step to either side works and allows a wide variety of punishes. You can also 4B+K back into SSH, and if he finishes the strings, SSH BBB is a guaranteed punish.


JS :bA+B+K: - :m::m:

This is a particularly odd move to try and avoid. To avoid the second hit, Step Quick Step to your right - however, you need to time it perfectly, and the camera seems to randomly switch sides, which can mess up your punishment completely. The safest bet is to go for a throw attempt, since that can't be messed up with accidentally mirrored directional inputs.



:A::A: - :h::h:

:A::K: - :h::m:


:1::A::A: - :l::m:


:4::A::A: - :h::l:

:4::A::A::A: - :h::l::m:

:4::A::A::aA+B+K: - :h::l::m::l:


:4::A::B: - :h::m:


:B::B: - :m::m:

:B::K: - :m::h:


:6::B::K: - :h::l:


:2::B::B: * FC :1::B::B: - :m::m:


:3::K::K: - :m::m:


:3::A+B: - :m::m:


:B+K::B: - :m::m:


:1h:*:7h::A::A: - :l::m:

:1h:*:7h::A::Ah: - :l::m:


:6h::bA+B+K: - :m::m:


:2h:*:8h::B::A: - :m::m:

:2h:*:8h::B::A::K: - :m::m::m:


:4h:*:1h:*:7h::K::A: - :m::m::l:

:4h:*:1h:*:7h::K::A::B: - :m::m::l::m:

:4h:*:1h:*:7h::K::B: - :m::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A: - :m::h:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A::B: - :m::h::m:


AS :A::A: - :m::l:

AS :A::aA+B+K: - :m::l::m:


:2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: - :m::m::m:


:A::A: - :h::h:


:4::A::A:*:4::A::B: - :h::h:*:h::m:

:4::Ah::A:*:4::Ah::B: - :h::h:*:h::m:




:B::B: - :m::m:


:6::B::B: - :h::m:

:6::bA+B+K: - :h::m:


:2::B::B:*FC :1::B::B:- :m::m:

:2::B::A+B+K:*FC :1::B::A+B+K: - :m::m:


:B+K::B: - :m::m:


:1h:*:7h::A::A: - :l::m: - Delayable

:1h:*:7h::A::Ah: - :l::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A::B: - :m::h::m:



:A::A: - :h::h:

:A::B: - :h::l:


:6::A::B: - :h::h:


:6::A::B: ~ Preparation - :h::h:


:B::B: - :m::m:

:B::B::B: - :m::m::m:


:6::B::B: - :h::h:

:6::B::B::B: - :h::h::m:

:6::B::bA+B+K: - :h::h::m::m::m::m::m::m:


:3::Bh: ~ Preparation - :m:


:4::Bh: ~ Preparation - :h:


:A+B: - :m::m:

:A+B::A: - :m::m::l:


:8::A+B: - :h::m:


:4h::A::B: - :m::m:


:4h::A::Bh: ~ Preparation - :m::m:


:1h:*:7h::B::B: - :l::l:


:3h:*:9h::K::B: - :m::h:

:3h:*:9h::kA+B+K: - :m::h:


Prep :kA+B+K: - :m::h:



:A::A::B: - :h::h::l:

:A::A::Bh: - :h::h::l:


:A: ~ Side Hold - :h:


:1::A::A: - :l::l:


WR :A::A: - :m::l:


WR :Ah: ~ Side Hold - :m:


:B::B::A: - :m::m::l:

:B::B::Ah: - :m::m::l:

:B::B::K: - :m::m::h:


:B::B::A::4: - :m::m:


BT :B::B: - :m::l:


:3::K::K::B: - :m::l::m:


:4::K::K: - :m::h:


:A+B: ~ Side Hold - :m::m::m:

:A+B::A: - :m::m::l: - :m::m::l:






:4h::B::Bh: - Chief Hold


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::kA+B+K: - :m::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::k-small::Ah::+::Bh::+::Kh: ~ Chief Hold - :m::m:


:2h:*:8h::K::A::A::B: - :h::h::h::m:


:2h:*:8h::K::A::Ah: ~ Side Hold - :h::h::h:


:2h:*:8h::K::A::2::A::A: - :h::h::l::l:


:2h:*:8h::K::a-small::2::A::A: - :h::l::l:


:2h:*:8h::K::Ah: ~ Side Hold - :h::h:


:2h:*:8h::kA::A::B: - :h::h::m:


:2h:*:8h::kA::Ah: ~ Side Hold - :h::h:


:2h:*:8h::kA::2::A::A: - :h::l::l:


:2h:*:8h::k-small::a-small::2::A::A: - :l::l:


:2h:*:8h::k-small::Ah: ~ Chief Hold - :h:


:2h:*:8h::K::K: - :h::m:


SCH :A: - :h::m:


SCH :K::K: - :m::h:

SCH :kA+B+K: - :m::m:


SSH :A::A:


SSH :Ah: ~ Reverse Side Hold


SSH :B::B::B: - :m::m::m:


SSH :B::B::Bh: ~ Chief Hold - :m::m::m:


:A::A: - :h::h:


JS :6::A: - :h::l:


GS :3::A::A: - :m::m::h:

GS :3::A::aA+B+K: - :m::m::h::h::h:


JS :2::A::B: - :l::m:

JS :2::A::B::A+B: ~ Gestopft Madness - :l::m::h:

JS :2::A::B::A+Bh: ~ Gestopft Madness - :l::m::h::h::h:


JS :B::B: - :m::m:


GS :B::B: - :m::m:


GS :4::B:::B: - :m::m:

GS :4::B:::B:::B: - :m::m::m:


WR :B::K: ~ Updraft - :m::sm::m::m:


:A+Bh: / BT :A+Bh: - :h::h::h:




JS BT :B+K::B: - :m::m:

JS BT :B+K::B::A+B: - :m::m::h:


JS :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A::A: - :m::m:


JS :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::A: - :h::m:

JS :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::2::A: - :h::l:


JS :6h::bA+B+K: - :m::m:


GS :6h::B: - :m::m::m:

GS :6h::bA+B+K: - :m::m::m::m:

GS :6::6h::B: - :m::m::m::m::m:

GS :6::6h::bA+B+K: - :m::m::m::m::m::m:


:2h:*:8h::B: - :m::m:



:A::A: - :h::h:

ORB :A::A::B: ~ Orb is Set - :h::h:


SET :A::A::B: ~ Holding Orb - :h::h::h:


:6::A::A: - :h::l:

:6::A::B: ~ Orb is Set - :h::h:


ORB :4::A: ~ Orb is Set - :h::sm:


:B::B: - :m::m:

ORB :B::B::B: ~ Orb is Set - :m::m:

SET :B::B::B: ~ Holding Orb - :m::m::m:


ORB :2::B: - :m::sm:


ORB :7:*:8:*:9::B: ~ Orb is Set - :m::sm:


ORB :7:*:8:*:9::K: ~ Orb is Set - :m::sm:


:A+B::A: - :m::m:

SET :A+B::A::B: - :m::m::h:


SET :A+B::A+B+K: - :m::m::sl:


:6::A+B: ~ Orb is Set - :h::h:

:6::A+Bh: ~ Orb is Set - :h::h:


SET :4::A+B: ~ Orb is Set - :sm::sm:


:8::A+B: ~ Orb is Set - :m::sm:


ORB :6::B+K: ~ Orb is Set - :sm::sm:


:6h::A::A: - :h::h:

:6h::A::A::B: - :h::h::h:


ORB :3h:*:9h::A: - :h::m::sm:

SET :3h:*:9h::A: - :h::m:

SET :3h:*:9h::A::B: ~ Holding Orb - :h::m::sm:


ORB :2h:*:8h::A::B: ~ Orb is Set - :m::h:

SET :2h:*:8h::A::B: ~ Holding Orb - :m::h::h:


ORB :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::B: - :m::m::sm:

SET :4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::B: - :m::m:

SET :4h:*:1h:*:7h::aA+B+K: - :m::m::sm::sm::sm:


SET :2h:*:8h::bA+B+K: - :m::sm::sm:


:4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: - :m::m:


:6h::kA+B+K: - :m::m::sm:

ORB :2h:*:8h::K::B: ~ Orb is Set - :m:

SET :2h:*:8h::K::B: ~ Holding Orb - :m::h:


ORB :6h:*:3h:*:9::A+B: - :m::sm:

ORB :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A+B::B: - :m::sm::m::sm:

SET :6h:*:3h:*:9h::A+B::B: - :m::m:


ORB :2h:*:8h::A+B: - :h::m:



:A::A: - :h::h:


:aB::B::B: - :l::l::l:



:6::A::B::A: - :h::m::m:

:6::A::B::Ah: - :h::m::m:


WR :A::A: - :h::m:


BS :6::A::B: - :h::m:

BS :6::A::B::B: - :h::m::m::m::m:


:B::B: - :m::m:


:6::bA+B+K: - :h::m:




:2::B::B: - :m::m:


:4::B::A: - :m::h:

:4::B::A::A: - :m::h::h:


WR :B::B: - :m::m:


BS :6::B::B: - :m::m:

BS :6::B::6::B: - :m::m::m::m:


BS :7:*:8:*:9::B::K: - :l::m:


BS :7:*:8:*:9::K::A: - :m::h:


:6::A+Bh: - :m::m::m:


BS :A+B: - :sm::m:


:B+Kh: - :m::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: - :h::m:


BS 8WR :B::K: - :m::m:


:6h::A+B::K: - :m::h:


MC :A: - :m::m:


MC :A+B::2: - :sm::l:


CR :A::A: - :h::m:


CR :B::B: - :m::m:


DR :Ah: - :l::l::l:


DR :bA+B+K: - :m::m::m:


DR :B+K: - :m::m::m:



:A::A: - :h::h:

:A::A::K: - :h::h::m:
:6::A::K: - :h::h::m:
:6::A::kA+B+K: - :h::h::m::m:
:3::A::B: - :m::h:
:3::A::Bh: ~ Remembrance - :m:
:B::B: - :m::m:
:B::Bh: ~ Remembrance - :m:
:6::B::K: - :m::m: - Delayable​
:6::B::kA+B+K: - :m::m::m: - Delayable (Second Hit)​
:3::B::K::K: - :m::h::h:
:4::K::B: - :h::l:
:A+B::B::K: - :m::m::m::m:
:A+B::B::kA+B+K: - :m::m::m::m::m:
FC :A+B: - :m::m::m:
:6::B+K: - :m::m::m::m::m:
BT :B+K: - :m::m::m:
:3h:*:9h::A::A: - :l::l:
:3h:*:9h::A::aA+B+K: - :l::l::l::l:
:2h:*:8h::A::B: - :m::m:
:2h:*:8h::A::Bh: - :m:
:2h:*:8h::A::A::A: - :m::l::l: - (Kilik and Edgemaster Only)​
:4h:*:1h:*:7h::A::A: - :m::l:
:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B::B::B: - :m::m::m:
:6h::K::B: - :h::m::m::m:
:6h::K::Bh: - :h::m:
:3h:*:9h::K::B: - :m::m::m:
:4h:*:1h:*:7h::kA+B+K: - :m::m:
REM :A::K: - :h::m:


:A::A: - :h::h:


:6::Ah: - :h::h:

:6::Ah::6: - :h::h:


:3::A::B: - :m::m:

:3::A::bA+B+K: - :m::m::m:


:1::A::A::A::A::A: - :m::m::m::m::m:

:1::A:::A:::A:::A:::A: - :m::m::m::m::m:


:4::A::A::A::A::A: - :h::h::h::h::h:

:4::A:::A:::A:::A:::A: - :h::h::h::h::h:


:B::B: - :m::m:


:6::K::K: - :h::m:


:4::K::B: - :m::m:

:4::K::Bh: - :m::m: - Delayable


FC :1::K::K::K::K::K: - :l::l::l::l::l:

FC :1::K:::K:::K:::K:::K: - :l::l::l::l::l:


:2::A+B::B: - :m::m:


:6::B+K::B: - :m::h:

:6::B+K::B::B: - :m::h::h:

:6::B+K::B::B::B: - :m::h::h::m:


:9::B+K::K: - :m::m:


:9::B+K::Kh: ~ Manji Dragonfly - :m:


:2::A+K::A::A::A::A: - :m::m::m::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::aA+B+K: - :m::m:


:3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+B::K: - :m::m::h::m:

:3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh: - :m::m::h::m:

:3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh::G: - :m::m::h::m:


:3h:*:9h::B::B+K::A+Bh::B+K: ~ Manji Dragonfly - :m::m::h:


:3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+B::K: - :m::m::h::m:

:3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh: - :m::m::h::m:

:3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh::G: - :m::m::h::m:


:3h:*:9h::B::B+Kh::A+Bh::B+K: ~ Manji Dragonfly - :m::m::h:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+B::K: - :m::h::m:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh: - :m::h::m:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh::G: - :m::h::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+K::A+Bh::B+K: ~ Manji Dragonfly - :m::h:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+B::K: - :m::h::m:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh: - :m::h::m:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh::G: - :m::h::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::B+Kh::A+Bh::B+K: ~ Manji Dragonfly - :m::h:


:6h::A+Kh::A+K: - :m::m:


:2::3::6::2::3::6::A+B+K: - :l::l:



:A::A: - :h::h:

:Ah: ~ EIN - :h::h:


:3::A::A: - :m::h:

:3::aA+B+K: - :m::m:


:4::Ah: ~ EIN - :h::m:

:4::Ah: ~ EIN - :h::m:


:B::B: - :m::m:

:Bh: ~ EIN - :m::m:


:1::Bh: - :m::h:

:1::Bh: ~ EIN - :m::h:

:1::Bh::K: - :m::h::m:

:1::Bh::K: - :m::m::m:


:4::B::A+B+K: - :m::m:


:1::kA+B+K: - :m::m:


:4::K::B: - :h::m:


:8::A+B: - :m::m:


:B+K::A+B+K: ~ EIN - :sm:

:B+Kh::A+B+K: ~ EIN - :sm:


:6::B+K: - :h::m:

:6::B+K::A: - :h::h::m:

:6::B+K::B: - :h::m::m:


:6::B+Kh: ~ EIN - :h::m:

:6::B+Kh::A: - :h::h::m:


:6h:*:3h:*:9h::aA+B+K: - :h::m:

:6h:*:3h:*:9h::Ah::A+B+K: ~ EIN - :h::m:


:6h::B::A: - :m::h:


:3h:*:9h::bA+B+K: - :m::m::m::h:


:2h:*:8h::B::B: - :m::m:


:4h:*:1h:*:7h::B: - :m::h:

:4h:*:1h:*:7h::Bh: ~ EIN - :h::m:


:6h::A+B: - :m::m:

:6h::A+Bh: ~ EIN - :m::m:

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