~ Sleeping Dogs ~


[13] Hero
its GTA's gameplay with similar Batman Arkham series combat fighting and Burnout's arcade style racing/driving.
Hi-jacking another car while in a speeding car? check.
Environmental take-downs? check.
Awesome story line? check.

Plus they got GSP (Georges St. Pierre) to add some MMA advice to its fighting mechanics.

What more could you ask for?

Out Aug. 14th

HYPE ~!~!

PreOrder now.
WOOOO August 16 is my birthday so I am definately getting this.

Also I loved True Crime 1 and 2 was meh. Too bad they changed the name to Sleeping Dogs.
To me it looks like Jon Woo's Stranglehold. Dont get me wrong, I LOVED that game. Would yall say it compares to that? Ima GameFly that shit anyway.