Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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New characters are always welcome, just not at the expense of iconic fan favorites. I'd much rather have new fighting styles than replacements or lazy clones.

True, I don't mine Xianghua returning. I just don't want her to be godlike. I just want X to be really fun & versatility, like Leixia is when I can do whatever I want. Making moves that usually matter no longer matter is really fun just as long as it's not super dominating. My Leixia tech is just that.
Idk why everyone hates the idea of new characters so much tbh - continuing with the same characters since the start has kinda gotten boring for me :// If the new characters were developed better, instead of being lame stereotypes and rushed caricatures, I think the storyline we already have could be fleshed out more and the franchise would be more successful. Plus I hate Sophitia's character, don't sue me.
Problem comes when the replacements are way worse than the originals.
I remember them saying something about that a few months after Lost Swords flopped. I don't know, could be wrong. Anyways, something else occurred to me.
I highly doubt that fans are prioritizing who they want back based on whose style was missing from SCV because I see a complete lack of interest in seeing Zasalamel return from people in this thread, despite the fact that he was also removed from the game without a replacement. More people want to see Sophitia and Taki comeback despite them having replacements. Lets be honest, a lot fans only care about seeing their waifus return. Most people wouldn't give a fuck about Talim if she wasn't their jailbait, Philippina waifu.
I've always seen a high interest for Zassy's return as he was not only an interesting character, he was immortal. And I loved seeing Omega using Zas back in SCIV. The guy didn't really click with any other style for SCV. :( The lack of styles which was then kind mocked by having 3 mimics, was hugely disappointing to many people as well.
I never got why some people want Sophitia back to be honest. As for Taki, I can understand since it's almost similar to the Xianghua and Leixia case. But while Leixia is a carbon copy with less bewbs, Natsu lacks Taki's maturity physically and mentally.
*If Zwei gets replaced, I'd be sad cuz he's my husbando. Kappa
except they weren't

I'm sure most people agree with you... oh wait.

Gameplay can be improved, characters however, are precious. Also, if nobody liked Talim she wouldn't have topped the poll.

yes gameplay was improved...for the replacements...yh no, the only people to like Talim are pretty much equivalent to those that get hard/wet over Justin Bieber
Yeah, "useless". That's why they said it was for the future of Soulcalibur...

yes the "future"..."hey guys here a facebook your fav characters and shit!!!" *dead silence for a year and half after* that's a good m8 Kappa b
Talim wouldn't be viable if she returned and almost all her moves won't even matter. Xianghua's/Leixia's 4A+B & 44B+K are amazing. In SCVI, 22_88B+K will finally become an amazing aGI like 4A+B & 44B+K already are.
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