[12] Conqueror
So I thought it would be a pretty cool idea to have a thread where fans can post their costume designs / concept art of our faves, especially with SCVI coming up. Feel free to reply to this thread with your own!
First up from me, Sophitia's headstrong sibling, Cassandra. Nothing too groundbreaking here, most of it is salvaged from her SCIII outfits.
The most notable change is the colour palette. I swapped the blue, which I associate more with Sophie, to something more unique to Cassandra. Her Nemea Shield is pink, so I went for pink. It's a nice juxtaposition to her tomboyish personality.
You'll notice that she doesn't have a sword, and that her shield is on the wrong arm. That was intentional.
I always thought Cassandra was more hands on, so I put her shield on her dominant arm, and gave her a knuckleduster on her left hand. Her moves would mostly stay the same, with the shield acting as the 'sword' with the slashing movements, and her knuckleduster being used like her old shield for bludgeoning. (gotta love a girl that takes no bs and can just punch someone in the face). She'd be mostly close range, but can throw her shield from a distance like her Meteor Shower throw.
Her knuckleduster is more like a gauntlet, like this, but I didn't do it much justice lol. Armour isn't my strong point haha.
I'm working on SCVI Mina, which hopefully I'll upload soon~
First up from me, Sophitia's headstrong sibling, Cassandra. Nothing too groundbreaking here, most of it is salvaged from her SCIII outfits.

The most notable change is the colour palette. I swapped the blue, which I associate more with Sophie, to something more unique to Cassandra. Her Nemea Shield is pink, so I went for pink. It's a nice juxtaposition to her tomboyish personality.
You'll notice that she doesn't have a sword, and that her shield is on the wrong arm. That was intentional.
I always thought Cassandra was more hands on, so I put her shield on her dominant arm, and gave her a knuckleduster on her left hand. Her moves would mostly stay the same, with the shield acting as the 'sword' with the slashing movements, and her knuckleduster being used like her old shield for bludgeoning. (gotta love a girl that takes no bs and can just punch someone in the face). She'd be mostly close range, but can throw her shield from a distance like her Meteor Shower throw.
Her knuckleduster is more like a gauntlet, like this, but I didn't do it much justice lol. Armour isn't my strong point haha.
I'm working on SCVI Mina, which hopefully I'll upload soon~
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