Soul Calibur II New Stages


[10] Knight
Updated on Ver. 1.0 on Nov 30th, 2017:
Internal name of ISO file has been changed. Now Dolphin Netplay reads it like a different game.


Download Link for Soul Calibur II New Stages Ver. 1.0:
Now you can random pick with more playable stages in Extra VS mode.

Stages are added:
Egyptian Crypt Blue With a Stone Gate (Polygons, 1 entry)
Egyptian Crypt with Cat Statues (Triangle, 2 entries)
Egyptian Crypt with Crane and Fish Statues (Large Square, 4 entries)
Labyrinth (Large Square, Blue Grand, 1 entry)

Stages are removed:
Lakeside Coliseum (Cage)
Money Pit - Top Tier (small)
Money Pit - Top Tier (Cage)
Labyrinth (Small Square)

Cheat Codes for Dolphin:
Disable Stage Hazards (1P & 2P) in Fire, Ice and Sand stages
003EE573 00000000
003EE571 00000000

If you don't want weapon selection, you can use these codes only and add them in one file:
All stages unlocked , All characters unlocked, Extra VS mode unlocked
02402160 00030303
004021B3 00000003
044021B4 03030303
0040219F 00000003

Let me know what you think about this version. Enjoy!
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Seems pretty cool, I've had a mildly insane idea. Would it be possible to also use those maps in the PS2 version? (By replacing them in the game's iso or something?)
Yes, you can replace them in PS2 version, however, for the Ice Stages, you need a cheat code to disable the hazards in this stage. I don't know if there is a cheat code tools for PS2.
The problem for this stage slot is because the hazards will be kept even this stage got replaced by the others.
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Yes, you can replace them in PS2 version, however, for the Ice Stages, you need a cheat code to disable the hazards in this stage. I don't know if there is a cheat code tools for PS2.
The problem for this stage slot is because the hazards will be kept even this stage got replaced by the others.
I see, thanks, I might try that at some point. Talking about the hazards, is it possible to change the stage's name/ID and use it to replace a different stage without hazards?
No, any different stages are added into this slot will have a slippery hazard. Even you add a different stage in Sand stage slot, the sinking sand effect will be removed but the sound of walking on sand is still there. So you need a cheat code to remove the hazard effect.
Hey guys, I found few cheat codes for the CPU Level control that you can select CPU in VS Mode. Now you can fight against to characters like Assassin in VS Mode with CPU.

The codes for 2P side:

2P Side (1-Controller, 3-CPU, 4-MirrorControl, 5-Normal):
0036E5B3 00000003

2P CPU LV (0-Easy, 4, 8, A, C, D-Extremely Hard):
003B8237 0000000A

2P Cursor Position in Char. Selection (1F-Assassin):
0036E5F1 0000001F

2P Character Selected Always (3-Selected 2-Normal):
00383447 00000003

If you want a CPU in 1P side, you can use the 1P side codes:

1P Side (1-Controller, 3-CPU, 4-MirrorControl, 5-Normal):
0034D513 00000003

1P CPU LV (0-Easy, 4, 8, A, C, D-ExtremelyHard)"
003B5D17 0000000A

1P Cursor Position in Char. Selection (1-Mitsurugi):
0034D551 00000001

1P Character Selected Always (3-Selected 2-Normal):
003623A7 00000003

The value of the cursor position in char. Selection:
1-Mitsurugi 2-Mina 3-Taki 4-Maxi 5-Voldo 6-Sophitia B-Ivy C-Kilik D-Xianghua F-Yoshimitsu
11-Nightmare 12-Astaroth 14-Cervantes 15-Raphael 16-Talim 17-Cass 18-Charade 19-Necrid
1A-Yunsung 1B-Link 1E-Lizardman 1F-Assassin 20-Berserker

Also, you can use only one code of CPU LV for arcade mode. The CPU will keep at the same level for all stages.

More useful cheat codes:

Stage Selection (On-1 Off-0)
003EDCFF 00000000

Unlock Everything:
00402160 00011303

Time: (60)
003EDCF7 0000003C

Rounds: (3)
003EDCEB 00000003

Screen Ratio: (16:9)
002D3A9C 00000001

Extra Arcade:
0040219E 00000003

Extra Practice:
004021A8 00000003
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Updated on Ver 1.0 on Nov 30th, 2017:
Internal name of ISO file has been changed. Now Dolphin Netplay reads it like a different game.
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Random question (and unrelated I'm sure)
On SCIIHDO, how are Lizardman, Berzerker and Assassin unlocked?
Random question (and unrelated I'm sure)
On SCIIHDO, how are Lizardman, Berzerker and Assassin unlocked?
Its the same method as in the original, Berzerker and Assassin in their respective labyrinth stages. And for Lizardman when you fully complete all stages in Weapon Master mode.
Still, for Berzerker and Assassin... which game mode DO you have to face them in their labyrinth stages? (I only played Arcade mode on the original).
For HDO, I so far completed the Weapon Master mode (the first wave.) I noticed that there is an Extra Weapon Master mode with new challenges. Was that what you referred to about unlocking Lizardman?
Yeah, forgot to be more specific, yes, in Weapon Master mode. Berzerker is unlocked after clearing "Subchapter 1, Extra Mission: Stone Temple 2", Assassin is unlocked after clearing Subchapter 3, Hero's Trail 2. And yes, after clearing all normal stages, and the last chapter in W.M, extra stages appear.

Clear those too, but once you go up to EdgeMaster rank, you have to clear Chapter 4: Merope Monastery again, and then the last set of stages appear. Then you'll get Lizardman.
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