Rusted Blade
[14] Master
Hey folks!
I've decided to compile all of my designs into one thread: eventually it will be comprehensive of anything I have shared previously at 8WR, plus a very small handful of other designs that are more recently completed. A significant number of the designs have seen updates since first shared here, the image selection has been improved across the board, and I'm going to try to improve upon the presentation a bit as well. Because I am mixing all of my varities of work into one bag here, I'm using a simple colour coding system to indicate which type of CaS you are looking at--the colour of the border around the character's headline photo indicates this as follows:
I've decided to compile all of my designs into one thread: eventually it will be comprehensive of anything I have shared previously at 8WR, plus a very small handful of other designs that are more recently completed. A significant number of the designs have seen updates since first shared here, the image selection has been improved across the board, and I'm going to try to improve upon the presentation a bit as well. Because I am mixing all of my varities of work into one bag here, I'm using a simple colour coding system to indicate which type of CaS you are looking at--the colour of the border around the character's headline photo indicates this as follows:
White border = An original character of my own idiosyncratic design
Gold border = An original outfit/design approach to an official SCVI character
Silver border = An XP (a recreation of a previous official 1P, 2P, 3P, or 4P from a previous Soulcalibur game)
Bronze border = A hybrid/'cosplay' design (a Soulcalibur VI main roster character as base, but emulating another character from non-SC media)
Red border = A reference to/recreation of a character that is from media other than Soulcalibur, or else a historical/cultural reference point
To streamline this process, I am going to keep comments on the designs to a minimum, at least initially: if you want extra information on individual builds, you can find details on the concept and thematics of various builds, as well as nuts and bolts discussion of how particular effects were achieved in the previous threads (here, here, and here). That said, I still welcome questions and I hope everyone will feel free to inquire or comment as the collection is compiled, which could take some time.
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