The Soul Calibur history of combo systems, can anyone help explain to a beginner?


[05] Battler
Hey guys what's up? I'm tmd02 and Im relatively new to the Soul Calibur scene, I've been a "casual" fan of sorts for some time, playing SCII, SCIV and just recently SCV. I do play other fighters like Virtua Fighter, but I play Tekken like there's no tomorrow, I played that game far too long lol. To give you a bit of background as to what type of player I am of 3D fighters, I make combo videos on a regular basis with Tekken and Virtua Fighter on Yr, and now at some point I want to play SC.

Now that i've introduced myself, I wanted to ask anyone about how and what the differences are between combo systems of each of the SCs, from the first Soul Blade to SC5. Because I've searched for as many clips as I can on YT, and apart from SC5 I can't find much at all.

First off, I know in SC2 you can only get one hit after a launch before air control kicks in, but the practice mode doesn th ave much range to escape. And In SC3 and beyond you can use walls to extend combos as if they are a standing opponent again? And I see a few hits in the air before air control?

What I'm trying to ask for is if anyone can help me and discuss what changes and properties of each SC combo system, I will greatly appreciate it! If you want me to give examples of things i'm confused about just ask

Thank you for reading, tmd02
The combo system has been mostly the same, but over the years they've made more moves that disable air control (moving in the air). You can also ukemi out of certain combos just like in Tekken, but there are tech traps as well that will punish them.

One of the bigger differences is that in SCV, Namco took out shakeable stuns. Anything that will connect during a stun is a true combo in this game.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Welcome to the forum
Thank you for the response Party Wolf!

Just to cover some of the points you gave me, so there are types of hits that cancel the ability to air control, when were these implemented? I think from my experience so far SCII has none of these (which is a shame) and what type of effect do they have to show it's guaranteed?

I have no clue what shakeable stuns are, but I'm going to take a guess it's like Virtua Fighter being able to escape a stun with the arcade joystick to recover? Check this video out I found from SCIII (A very awesome one):

If you look at the wall stuns, are those shakeable? What kind of stun in this vid is a shakeable one?

One other thing I can think of is this Heihachi combo video I found of SCII:
There looks like a lot of escapable things in herem but in the heihachi section of 8wayrun it seems no one mentions it?

I'm sorry for the gigantic amount of questions, I just ordered SCIII and going to dust of my Dreamcast for the other games, I'm just really hyped! Please take your time to answer if you can, no need to rush.

Thanks again!
Yes it is like the VF joystick thing. In SC2 you can ukemi off of the wall no matter what so there are no true wall combos, just wall splats. You'd just have to test in training if a stun can be shaken in time to block ____.
in SCV there are certain moves which have stun and others which have juggle properties under the correct circumstances.
With shakeable stuns removed, it then becomes a case of how many frames the stun lasts so that you may continue with a quick enough move to extend the combo or creating a force-block situation/capitalising on your given advantage.


Patroklos 22B ~ 3KK ~ JS K

Ezio 11A ~ 1BBB ~ 3B

Nightmare CH GS A ~ 6(B) ~ NSS K ~ 2A+B

Voldo 666B ~ 66B ~ 66B BE

Mitsu 11B[A] ~ MST B B+K ~ 1A

Pyrrha Omega 4(A)A ~ 2B BE:4

Raphael SE B ~ 3(B) ~ PREP BB BE

Juggle combos have become more prevalent in V, however only select moves allow you to correctly juggle under the right circumstances

examples are:

Patroklos: 66B ~ 66B+K ~ JS B BE

Viola: SET 3B ~ AAB ~ ORB 2A+B ~ SET 2B+K BE ~ SET AAB ~ 66B ~ 66A+B

Algol 44B ~ 66A+B ~ iFC 8B BE ~ 3B BE ~ QI B BE ~ iFC 8B BE ~ 44B

Nightmare GS B6 ~ GS B6 ~ GS K BE

ZWEI 3B ~ 1K BE ~ CE ~ B+K ~ 2A+B

Pyrrha 4B ~ 66B BE ~ 22BAK

Aeon 33B ~ BT B+K ~ 8B+K ~ 44BAA

Hilde 22B ~ C2B~ G ~ C3A

Tira GS 3B ~ 4A ~ 4K ~ 666B BE
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