The Summer Collection


[13] Hero
For me, art and literature are inseparable old friends. So this thread is going to be an integration of the two things I love the most - art and writing ;) Be warned: the thread is very character-centric and you will likely encounter bio-data and story snippets. If that's not really your thing, click open the spoiler tags and skim until you find pretty pictures (assuming they are pretty XD); it shouldn't be too hard.

Anyway, as I probably mentioned, most of the characters I create are a part of a serialized story I write for the amusement of the people who know me. A story that started around SC4 and I'd be a pretty crappy writer if I didn't even give you the means of knowing the whole story so here we go!


Her name is Catherine Leonidas. Her village was attacked on the day of her wedding so she ran away and is now bent on finding her lost fiance whose name she will reveal to no one for some odd reason. Her fiance had always shown an interest in the cursed sword so she decides to try and find it and by extension, him as well. Soon after she sets off, she rescues a rather overconfident knight by the name of Leo from a group of bandits and the two, realizing they were after the same goal, decide to travel together. She is fairly young but circumstances forced her to grow up much sooner. As a result, she can be pretty childish but she is a serious warrior in battle. She has no idea what to make of Leo's romantic advances and maintains a teasing relationship with him, constantly referencing the day she saved his life.


He's Leofric Eldred (Just Leo to his friends) He is a knight who set off to find Soul Edge under the orders of his king to bring glory to the kingdom. Soon after leaving, he was set upon by bandits and escaped by the skin of his teeth when Catherine intervened. To this day, he swears he softened them up for her! He becomes Catherine's travelling companion and pretty much falls in love. He's vainglorious and doesn't take defeat very well (especially at the hands of a woman) Ultimately, his goal is to find Soul Edge and Catherine's fiance (whose name he doesn't know, she won't tell him), conk the guy over the head and waltz off with the glory, the sword and the girl.


He is Luther Eldred. As the name suggests, he is Leo's elder brother. But unlike his brother, he is a ruthless, unpredictable person with a nasty temper. He was banished for attempting to overthrow the king in a military coup which was suppressed largely by his own brother. He was furious and bitter over the incident and decided he would return stronger than ever with Soul Edge in his grasp. Over time however, he lost all leads on the cursed sword and was forced to settle down in a village where he was betrothed to a woman named Catherine. When his village was destroyed, his violent, power hungry emotions returned and he set off once more to seek out Soul Edge and ultimately destroy the kingdom that wronged him. He is a man who has committed countless sins and his name is loathed and feared. Despite this, Catherine will not give up, believing that there is some good left in him. Leo is too ashamed to ever speak of him and assumes he is dead. Little does he know that they are about to meet again in the worst way possible!

These next set of people have a story that is an offshoot of Leo, Catherine and Luther's. It takes place in a refugee city where a resistance is started to oppose the bloodthirsty Luther.


Name : Vivian LeCroix
Age : 24
Personality : Confident, determined

Vivian is the little sister of the leader of the rebels. She is a pretty young woman but constantly faded into the background of her brother's success, courage and not to mention, dashing good looks. She was expected to be a good girl and stay off the battlefield! But one day her glorious bro flounced into battle and got himself blown to bits in sheer carelessness. She attended his subsequent funeral and was expected yet again to, well, weep but shocked everyone in the room by picking up her brother's sword and announcing that the resistance had a new commander.
Vivian is a headstrong, confident person who has vowed to lead them to victory despite not being taken seriously by most of the rebels. She has however, managed to capture the imaginations of the other women and inspires many to join the resistance. As for the naysayers? Well Vivian is about to show her male - dominated society what a woman is capable of!


Name : Christine Miller
Age : 21
Personality : Tomboyish, rash

Christine is a typical tomboy. She came to the refugee city after she was orphaned and joined the resistance to do something with her life. She orders everyone to call her 'Chris' lest they be on the receiving end of a painful beating. She also refuses to let her hair grow past her neck. Christine is a talented archer but her swords(wo)manship leaves much to be desired. At first glance, she seems to be an abrasive, rash, condescending person but few know the real reason for her behavior. She is the sole remaining guardian of her two little siblings, a twelve year old boy named Caleb and a girl of ten named Melody and as such, is determined to look after them and guarantee them a future, even at the cost of her own.


Name : Ryouta Takahashi
Age : 25
Personality : Compassionate, naive

Ryouta is a valuable member of the resistance for his medical genius. He fights like a toddler but he's a pretty nice guy with a heart of gold. Unfortunately, he is also extremely gullible. Ryouta once saved Christine, dragging her injured body in from the battlefield and ever since he realized it was a girl under that helmet(alt. costume), he's been hopelessly in love! But it seems she has no time for him, obsessed with protecting her siblings.
Eventually, Christine found his fumbling advances a waste of her time and proceeded to put him down in the most hurtful, humiliating way she possibly could. Broken-hearted, Ryouta found solace in the company of a fellow resistance member: a sugary-sweet yet airheaded young woman by the name of Mi-Sun Yi. A friendship which soon blossomed into a beautiful romance, giving love meaning to Ryouta once more!


Name : Duvall White
Age : 25
Personality : Sly, calculating

Duvall kind of of landed up in the refugee city out of nowhere. He doesn't say much about himself other than his name, and most wonder if that's even the truth. He's a brilliant tactician though, and has proved himself more than capable many times. He seems pretty smooth, observing events carefully before making his move and he is often the only one to side with Vivian when the question of her abilities as a leader arises. But Duvall has a dark secret. He happens to be a human trafficker of the worst kind and has grown fairly rich at the expense of others. The refugee city has become his playground and he conducts his business neat and efficiently. He is unchallenged because he's managed to win Vivian's trust and unbeknownst to him, her heart as well! Perhaps foolishly, he now has his sights set on Caleb and Melody and Vivian will soon have to make the decision of her life.
Good God, my writing back then... ^^;
Tl;dr? I don't blame you but I'm going to continue talking as if you know all of the above XD



Evangelos Eldred
Evan to his friends (lolwhatfriends?)
Evangelos is the son of Catherine and Leo. As a result, it would seem he inherited the best of his parents' cosmetic traits: from his mother's raven, sonnet-worthy locks of hair to his father's piercing golden eyes, yes, he's adorable. What he failed to inherit was everything else.
Being the son of Leo, who went on to rule the refugee capitol (now the kingdom of Heldenshire), Evan is a prince. So sue him for acting like one! He is also a musical genius, proficient in playing the piano, harp and violin. On the other hand, he is nothing but a failure in his father's eyes. After all, what kind of 'man' straddles a big, girly instrument instead of picking up a sword?
"Stupid father..." Evangelos muttered to himself as he carefully scaled his way down the castle wall. "'Girly' he says... 'skirt' he says... I'll show him! I'll be the best knight in the whole world! I-I'll slay a dragon! I'll kiss a princess! I'll kiss a dragon and slay a princess at the same time! Oh wait..." His chattering teeth cut off his rant as the gales drove their icy fingers down his spine. Still he pressed on, his numb fingers scraping along on the stone in silence. A look down revealed to him the oily moat that was a recent addition to the castle *coughprisoncough* he lived in. "Ha!" Evan smirked. "If he thinks that will stop me, he has another thing coming!" It was only when he dipped a foot into the murk that he happened a closer look. "Why are there so many logs in here? Couldn't his majesty, the king be bothered to hire more servants?" He sniffed imperiously. The logs drifted curiously closer as he lowered himself into the foul ooze, his nose already wrinkled in distaste. Evan glanced over his shoulder. His blood ran as cold as German winter... Why were the logs staring at him?

Allante Eldred
(aka the hottest guy in the world)
Oh, Allante. Bards have sung his praise before and they certainly shall again. But as the protege of evil dictator Luther Eldred, he doesn't seem very evil to, well, anyone. Possibly because, as Luther tells him, he and his twin sister were stolen from their crib and raised to be both Luther's heirs and mercenaries. It doesn't bother him too much though as, in his words, "If my parents let some wacko like you kidnap us, they must have been even worse, am I right?" Aside from being a beach blonde and a skilled fighter, he is also undeniable proof that the universe hates women! Because even though his milkshake brings all the girls to the yard, he's looking for a... ahem, different kind of sweetheart...
"Son, I want to tell you a little something about life." Allante froze in his tracks, turning cautiously to see his father standing behind him with his arms crossed, a faraway look in his eyes.
"Right now?"
"Yes, it's something every boy must know when he comes of age." Luther nodded. Allante groaned inwardly. This sounded like 'the talk'. He'd been dreading 'the talk'. But, trapped as he was, he followed his father to the throne where the old dictator sat down and began to speak, "Allante, one day, you are going to fall in love with a beautiful woman." Allante almost gagged, hoping the sour expression hadn't traveled to his face. "And she, in turn, will fall in love with you. It will be the most magical moment in your young life and it will feel as though, with her by your side, even the Gods would stand powerless before you. She will even bear you a beautiful son..." Luther's expression quickly transformed; from that of an ardent dreamer to something completely different. "Following which she will hunt you like a dog, kick you in the groin, shatter your dreams and make off with your brother!" He snarled. Allante squirmed uncomfortably, realizing his father was, yet again, on one of his obscure, retrospective rants. He chanced opening his mouth,
"I don't have a bro-"
"Silence!" Luther closed his eyes and heaved a deep breath, seeming to regain his stony composure. "Anyway. As I was saying: don't trust a woman with your heart. She will leave it in pieces." Allante sensed that the lecture was over and laughed nervously, half in gratitude and half because he didn't want to start his father off again.
"Good thing I'm into men, huh father?" Luther's eyes shot open in horror, like tearing apart a bandage. Allante paled, considering that that was, perhaps, not the best way to break the ice...


Amaryllis Eldred
(aka the flattest girl in the world)
Apparently, even being the twin sister of the most desirable stud this side of Germany couldn't save poor Amaryllis. Any commentary on the... err, flatness of her appearance may be summed up by her brother's nickname for her: "The Paper Princess". What she lacks in appeal, however, she more than makes up for with staggeringly firm leadership and sheer determination. But under her thick skin is a surprisingly feminine side that loves a good giggle over a cute boy, or a new pair of shoes as much as any girl her age but is insecure about it, as if she doesn't have 'the right' to be the girl she is. She is not only unlike her brother, Allante, in appearance but she is also straight as an arrow. Which is undeniable proof that the universe hates men!
"What did you call me?" Evan quavered under Amaryllis' stone cold glare.
"D-Did I say something wrong? I-I was only asking for directions, sir!"
"Try again before I part your head from your shoulders."
"I'm sorry, sir! Lord? Master? King?" It was not helping. Evan jumped as he heard the unmistakable sound of metal sliding from its sheath. And then a sharp, glinting sword tip was directed at his heart.
"You better start running, skirt-boy. Start runnning reeeeeaaal fast."

Moral of the story? If you are either a guy or a girl, the universe hates you ;)​
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I will... put more here tomorrow ^^; Anyway, in the meantime, I'd love to hear your criticism/feedback. Hoping this forum can work the same kind of magic on me as it does on everyone else XD So what did you think? Were the creations up to scratch? Or do I have a long way to go? Love the story bits or hate 'em? As a writer and artist, I have thick skin so don't be afraid to fire away! I've also drawn some of these peeps... might use this thread as an art gallery too, if no one minds ^^
I am on xbox so cant write a novel but i thoroughly enjoyed the writing and the CAS.
And i wanna see the drawings yesss.

Your SC4 CAS strangely appeal to me more but there is nothing i can fault in 5's either...ill wait to see more as i like what i see and the stories tie-in are fun ... :)
The creations are average but the good news is I can identify them since they all have charisma. Just some tweaks and your creations will captivate others.

I also look forward to using the characters that aren't in Catherine, Leo, or Lither's story in my comics. I promise, Ryouta Takahashi, Suzume Takahashi, and Mi-sun Yi will be reunited as a happy family. In due time I'll make it work, but it may be a bit before it happens.
Whoah, thanks, you guys! :D I mean, I'm really happy you liked them!
Koko, I'm definitely going to keep trying to get better, hopefully with some help from the rest of you ^^ And I'm really looking forward to seeing Ryouta, Mi-sun and Suzume being reunited! You can use anything in this thread without asking, honestly. I'd be honored, actually. Just love those misfortune comics XD
Norik, good t'see you, man! :D A fellow literature aficionado is always welcome ;)
And a present for the always-awesome Vil:
Now does anyone have any suggestions on recreating these two in CaS? XD
The expressions on their face the way she lifts her skirt...the intertwined legs of lovers...the opposition of dark and whimsical...
the technique aint too shabby it !
Thank you Vil! I try XD
I did promise more, so... retro hour with one newcomer and two re-envisioned from SC4!

Colette Dupont
The Resistance's Resistance
Colette is a confused woman. A talented, strong and determined one, perhaps, but a terribly confused one all the same. Leo's done wrong by her when he decided to sit back and become a toothless ruler. Luther and his new uprising isn't much better; bloodthirsty hound that he is. So what's a girl to do when she can't take either side? Why, you make your own, of course! The now legendary Vivian LeCroix is Colette's hero and, taking a page from her idol, she starts up her own resistance against both factions. Hence the mockingly termed 'Resistance's Resistance' was born. But it seems poor Colette is the only one in the resistance actually there to fight for the cause! Her group has become more of a battleground for spies, assassins and the settling of petty personal differences. As a direct result, the resistance has been broken up and reformed multiple times; the most recent of which landing her and the last of her honest followers on the slave market. Luckily, Evangelos buys Colette's freedom in the nick of time. But instead of counting her blessings and seriously reconsidering her life, she gets right back on her proverbial horse!
"Unhand me, swines! I am Colette Dupont; you have no idea what you're up against!" The blonde woman - a slave as evidenced by her rough-spun tunic and manacles - cried from her position on the ground. Her threats, however, soon wound up as empty as Evan's pockets when the men eventually regained control of her bindings, forcing her into an armlock.
"Are you going to settle down, woman?!" One of her assailants yelled.
"Never!" She spat in his face. "Liberty or death!" Her cries muted all at once when he flipped the dagger from his pocket.
"Easiest decision I've made all week." He chuckled.
"Wait!" All the activity in the harbor square ceased as all eyes turned to fall on Evangelos.
"I... I'll buy her liberty." He said, unclasping the gold necklace from his neck to dangle it before the Snatchers.
The transaction was settled in record time; it seemed they wanted nothing more than to get rid of her. Evangelos sighed as he unlocked her shackles - he had no money or valuables to buy passage home thanks to this loudmouth woman.
"Are you alright?" He asked anyway. He almost fell forward in surprise when she clapped him on the back.
"Are you kidding? Good work, citizen! And welcome to the Resistance!"

Catherine Eldred
Sammich Queen
Formerly Catherine Leonidas, ever since Catherine chose Leo over Luther, she's had everything she once set out to find: love, a home and a beautiful family. She's retired from adventuring and is now content to look after Evan, fix sandwiches, bake pie and, oh right, rule Heldenshire at her husband's side. But her son still has her flummoxed and she and Leo have had many a late-night debate on the origins of the 'faulty genes'! Catherine is the more accepting of the two, trying to support her son's passions but... he doesn't make it very easy for her either. Bridging the gap between the two hotheaded boys in her life (well at least he got that from his father, right?) is exhausting but, being the supportive wife and loving mother she is, she'll just keep making sandwiches and tea until something gives.


Leofric Eldred
That's Kaiser Leofric Eldred the First to you!
"If that boy even touches another instrument, so help me God, I will lock him in the market square stockade for a week!" Suffice to say, Evangelos... frustrates Leo. No wonder he hasn't had any more kids! Aggravating father-son relationship aside, Leo is also guilty of having gone soft in the times of peace. Ruling Heldenshire is left almost entirely up to the D'Or Council of advisors and he has become a puppet king or, the 'toothless lion', as he is so often called behind his back. So when it turns out that Luther is, in fact, not dead and Evan finally succeeds in running away at the same time, the lives of Leo and his loved ones are thrown right bang-smack into the fray. But is he really still the hero he used to be? Or is the world's (and Evan's!) last hope just a toothless lion after all?
"Evan, honey, just because she turned you down doesn't make you hideous. And no, your father doesn't hate you either. Would you please open this door?" Catherine had her ear against the door to Evan's room when Leo showed up, swinging his crown on his finger.
"He okay?" He asked nonchalantly. Catherine glared at him.
"He's been locked in his room for an hour. What do you think?" Leo only sighed in response, plonking the crown back on his head as he put his own ear to the door,
"Cheer up, boy, it's not you. She's engaged to another man." The sniffing from within lessened.
"Really?" Came the muffled voice.
"Really." Then a nasty grin curled Leo's lips.
"And how about this: I'll even take you to buy a nice gown and some makeup and maybe we'll find a prince for you someday too, Evie!"
"Dear!" Catherine punched her laughing husband in the shoulder but the damage was done as the noise from within morphed into a banshee-like shriek before dying down completely. "Wonderful." She groaned. "I think he's climbed out the window again."
"Doesn't matter," Leo shrugged. "He won't get past the moat. And you said we didn't need one."
"We still don't. He's been practicing; he can almost doggy paddle now."
"Ah, see, that's why I had them put dog-eating alligators in the moat."
"Kidding! I was kidding!" Leo laughed as he turned to walk away again. And then muttered, "Well they aren't dog-eating, anyway."
While your CaS are all fantasy novel tropes, they're quirky, well crafted, and thematically consistent.

Evangelos: The stripes on the waist-cloth and the winged shoes are pretty cool. The pattern on the shirt is soft and elegant but on the plain side, so I'd add stickers or armor to cover some more surface area. Try giving him cool gloves that go over the shirt sleeve like ZWEI's DLC. You can also add pocket stickers to the shoulders and pair them to some fancy shoulder guards (you can check out my Cammy for an example). Another possibility is adding an inverted pocket sticker/naval emblem around the abdominal region. You could also craft waist armor by throwing a pair of the "feathers of strength" item on the waist. I'd also consider giving him some armored boots.

Allante: After reading that bio, I see that he's flaming in more than one sense of the word lol. The flame ornaments seem a bit too elongated. Try shortening them a bit so they can sort of encircle the belt. You could also add another pair of flame ornaments around the shoulders to sort of frame his neck and face. I'd also take off the pattern on the pants (possibly substitute with a pocket sticker for texture) and replace the boots with more armor (like the Justice Greaves).

Amaryllis: This CaS has a LOT of potential. I liked her so much I had to recreate her to make a proper review. The archery breastplate goes well with the belt/quiver, light armor. Strong archer theme. Matching bandages on arms and on legs is good. The quiver could be placed a little closer to the torso though. Try this:
Horizontal: -7
Vertical: -3
Back: -44
Width: 50
Length: 9
Depth: 20
Rotate V: 13
Rotate H: 26
Angle: -40
The colors could also use some simplification/rearrangement. I'd match the forest green on the pants to the shirt. Then I'd lower the saturation for the gold on the breastplate's lion emblem and match it to the metal plates on the waist equipment and also to the arm bangles. Since you've already got the plaid on the pants, I'd match the archery breastplate to it.

Colette: Very bright and attractive design. The gold, green, and red play in excellent harmony. Cool how you extended the gloves with lion emblem stickers. The small patterns on the undershirt and pants are elegant.

Catherine: An appropriately homely, unarmored design for a mother who's seen it all. The lion tattoo helps add a little personality. That being said, I'd probably turn it down that yellow a notch or two.

Leofric Eldred: Those bat wings look pretty damn cool. Those bump-mapped stickers on the undershirt and pants are also really well-placed. He doesn't look the part of a "toothless lion" to me.

I enjoyed your writing very much. Good sense of humor. I really hope to see more of Evan and Colette in the future.
Again, i have to agree with Brucege on almost everything, except that i love Colette a bit more than Amaryllis, because she would be a perfect match for my robin hood Sieg :)
The general feeling is that everything is to the point, with good technical skills and a very typical feminine touch i grew to love watching Rachel's or Murasame's stuff...
What needs some work is the color scheme (a bit too bright to my liking and the harmony and interaction of colors). Colors are what make or ruin a CAS, so i would definitely work that aspect according to Brucege's advice because your CAS would go from way above average too really good...

After all the support you gave me, i am really glad you made the jump...

Advice in PS : if you want to get the art discussion going, you have to reply to brucege (you know what i think of likes) because writing what he did took him a lot of time scrutinizing your work, reworking your CAS in his test chamber, then posting in a structured and almost scientific way what he did...people think thowing a paragraph like this takes the time it takes to type it, believe me, it is some a bit more time consuming (i know from writing design notes and other tidbits myself)

Keep it coming Kirax !
W-Wow, thank you so much for that detailed review, brucege! I really appreciate it and am super flattered that you not only read through all of that but also recreated one of my own just to review her ^^; I don't want to be disrespectful with a generic 'thnx 4 d feedback' so I'll compare design notes! :D
Evangelos advice
Agreed in that, the upper half of his design is a little plain. Unfortunately, I think he may be out of sticker slots (dammit, Namco!) but I'll see what I can do to spruce that up, maybe with some equips or by sacrificing other stickers. I hear you on the gloves; definitely something I will do. Although, I've shied away from armor on Evan's design in keeping with the whole 'spoiled musical prince' theme. He might get an armor set later though and I'll keep all of this in mind! :)
Allante advice
Allante's design has seen almost zero development since his conception around the launch of SC5. Yeah, he needs an update XD Mmhm, the flame ornaments, gotcha, I can do that. Great idea! I'm sure he has sticker slots free so the pocket thing is possible. And I've been trying to reduce my dependence on cuff boots, lol, (but aren't they so pretty? XD) so I'll try and replace them! Though I will likely go the whole leather/light armor/mercenary type equipment. I don't want to abstract him too much from his twin sister ;)
Amaryllis: This CaS has a LOT of potential. I liked her so much I had to recreate her to make a proper review. The archery breastplate goes well with the belt/quiver, light armor. Strong archer theme. Matching bandages on arms and on legs is good. The quiver could be placed a little closer to the torso though. Try this:
Horizontal: -7
Vertical: -3
Back: -44
Width: 50
Length: 9
Depth: 20
Rotate V: 13
Rotate H: 26
Angle: -40
The colors could also use some simplification/rearrangement. I'd match the forest green on the pants to the shirt. Then I'd lower the saturation for the gold on the breastplate's lion emblem and match it to the metal plates on the waist equipment and also to the arm bangles. Since you've already got the plaid on the pants, I'd match the archery breastplate to it.
I'm really glad you like her; she's one of my favorites too :) And even though I tout her as the 'plain jane', she's one of the prettiest young ladies on my roster XD Thanks for the quiver coordinates, I needed those O.o; All the color rearrangements are agreeable and I will play around with those a bit :) Might also darken the shade of green on her a few tones since she's an archer/hunter design. Don't want bright orange ninja syndrome, do we? XD
Colette: Very bright and attractive design. The gold, green, and red play in excellent harmony. Cool how you extended the gloves with lion emblem stickers. The small patterns on the undershirt and pants are elegant.
Thank you kindly! ^^ And I'm glad Vil appreciates her too ;) Although that quiver was a pain. It always is for me, somehow ^^;
Catherine: An appropriately homely, unarmored design for a mother who's seen it all. The lion tattoo helps add a little personality. That being said, I'd probably turn it down that yellow a notch or two.
Will do! Thanks!
Leofric Eldred: Those bat wings look pretty damn cool. Those bump-mapped stickers on the undershirt and pants are also really well-placed. He doesn't look the part of a "toothless lion" to me.
Leo's design is one that I'm very, if not the most, proud of ^^ I'm glad you like the bat wings because those were agonizingly hard to get right XD The one thing I regret is that it doesn't fit the brief of complacent ruler, like you said, but the costume was too cool to just do away with ^^;

And thank you all for the nice comments on my writing. As an aspiring writer (that must be obvious by now), any good feedback on my writing makes my day XD
Again, i have to agree with Brucege on almost everything, except that i love Colette a bit more than Amaryllis, because she would be a perfect match for my robin hood Sieg :)
The general feeling is that everything is to the point, with good technical skills and a very typical feminine touch i grew to love watching Rachel's or Murasame's stuff...
What needs some work is the color scheme (a bit too bright to my liking and the harmony and interaction of colors).
Thanks Vil, I'm happy you liked Colette XD And may I have a link to your robin hood Sieg? I might have missed it. And I wouldn't miss robin hood + Sieggy for the world! :D
Well I do like my colors but I will tone them down and see what happens, if you think that will help ^^
Advice in PS : if you want to get the art discussion going, you have to reply to brucege (you know what i think of likes) because writing what he did took him a lot of time scrutinizing your work, reworking your CAS in his test chamber, then posting in a structured and almost scientific way what he did...people think thowing a paragraph like this takes the time it takes to type it, believe me, it is some a bit more time consuming (i know from writing design notes and other tidbits myself)
Oh, absolutely, Vil! In fact, when you posted this, I was in the middle of my lengthy response to brucege's great advice XD I respect you guys a lot because CaS isn't easy or 'scrubby' as people would have you believe. Good CaS takes a good design aesthetic, a good eye for color and coherent concepts. Trust me, I will never let likes substitute for my gratitude and appreciation ^_^
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Except you gotta edit the beginning of your post (names you see)
Fudge, I dunno how that happened! XD Somewhere along the line when we were calling Pas the judge, I think XD Sorry brucege, fixed it and you know we love you XD
Gosh, what a great Sieg edit ^^ What's up with the mini quiver, though? Darts, maybe?
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So while I'm working on the others, next set! One veteran and two newcomers :D

Ryouta Takahashi
The 'Whiny Knight'
When the allied forces under Vivian parted ways after the fall of Luther, the sweethearts of the Resistance, Mi-sun Yi and her whiny knight Ryouta, were free to live out the future they'd all fought so hard for. With their marriage and the birth of their daughter, Suzume, things were finally looking up! But what goes up must come down and gravity had terrible plans for the family when Mi-sun simply... vanished. Ever since, the years have seen his teammates and colleagues go soft but Ryouta's heart of gold is now safely hidden in the steely exterior of a man who has seen the best and worst of life, forced to raise his slightly air-headed daughter alone and just keep the day-to-day running. He is fiercely protective of his daughter and as a result, the decision to let Suzume, his little 'chouchou' (butterfly), go discover the world on her own was a hard one but he realized that if you love someone, you must let them go. Now Ryouta is determined to make sure she comes home to the family they used to be and so, with his sharpened combat skills and a medical talent unmatched in the country, Ryouta sets out to bring Mi-sun home at last.
Ryouta heard more than saw the squealing blur of motion that barreled through the clinic's front door.
"Suzume?" But all that replied was the flutter of black hair whispering through the crack of her door as it slammed shut behind her. 'Oh boy,' Ryouta thought with a sigh, kneading his forehead. 'What did she do this time?' He didn't have to wait long for an answer when the front entrance was thrown open again. The burly figure framing the doorway blocked out most of the light - a traveling vagabond, perhaps - and he might have looked more threatening if he weren't dripping with what appeared to be pancake syrup. Ryouta traced the path of a sticky glob down the man's arm and tried holding back laughter. Poor Suzume; she could be as ditzy as her mother sometimes.
"I trust you are here for a consultation?" he said instead. "Prima facie, I would strongly advise a bath."
"Don't act smart with me, doc!" The bruiser snarled, almost taking the door off its hinges when he slammed a fist against it. Ryouta stood, stretching out languidly before picking his cane from against the wall. "Where's the girl?!" The intruder demanded. His bravado mellowed considerably when Ryouta allowed him a peek at the hidden metallic blade within the cane.
"I see." Ryouta smiled congenially. "Then you're here to have your ass handed to you."

Logan Frosthardt
'Dem Guns!
Around the return of Luther, strange people with strange abilities have been popping up all over the place. Logan is not one of these people, instead, a hardworking young man with a promising future in agriculture and trade. But his adoptive elder sister, Alice, is. So when Luther's men started rounding up these people to enlist them in his army, Logan took drastic measures to keep her safe; abandoning their parents (who hadn't the faintest idea what Alice was, talk about spotty parenting) and fleeing the estate they had grown up in. Manual labor on the farm has blessed him with a strong physique and, though he has never had formal training, his self-confidence and the way he carries himself would make you willing to believe otherwise! Now, Logan doesn't give a rat's ass about the war but since Leo's response to anything out of the ordinary was "Kill it! Kill it with fiiiiarre!!!" Logan and Alice were forced joined Colette's Resistance where they would be sheltered (honestly, she'll sign anyone these days) from both sides that are baying for blood.


Alice Frosthardt
NOT Malfested. Probably.
Contrary to popular belief, no, Alice's ability is not the stunning good looks she uses to knock men dead! Rather, it's her ability to read minds. Alice can't always control where her mind wanders, or rather, whose mind she wanders into and as a result of not spending enough time in her own head, she is a bit of a scatter-brained person. In fact, much to Logan's aggravation, the only thing she can seem to concentrate on is her girlish flirting and leading on of anything that moves. It's a little cruel on her part, when she knows all they're going to wind up with at the end of the night is a face full of Logan's fist! Much of her brother's time is occupied in shaking sticks at her strings of admirers and when townspeople aren't clamoring to date her, they're gathering torches and pitchforks to 'burn the witch'. So he has his work cut out for him!
"Relax, Logan, it's our day off, remember?" Alice sounded muffled, her face almost buried in the display of scarves and trinkets on the gypsy's cart, her foot popped in the air as if she were going to fall in any minute.
"Except they know that too..." Logan had his eyes fixed on the dust road; stormy eyes that had already frightened off most of the smarter ones.
"Oh come on, they're not so bad if you stopped beating them up, you know?" Logan's vigil was interrupted by the fuzzy pink cloth she wrapped around his neck from behind. "Aww, look, it's so you!" She giggled.
"Seriously, Alice?" He brushed her off quickly. "But come on, you're a mind reader. You must be able to see all the disgusting things they think about you!"
"I dunno, Lolo, it's kind of drowned out by your incredibly detailed schemes to hunt down and murder each one of them..." She said sarcastically, dropping her payment into the merchant's hand. Logan flushed slightly.
"Get out of my head!" He snapped. "Oh look, there's another one over there. You know what, I'm tired of this; he wants a piece of me, he's got it." Before Alice could stop him, Logan was storming past the colorful market stalls, cracking his knuckles as he went. "Hey! Hey you!" The blonde man straightened up, looking around before pointing at himself questioningly. "Yeah, you!" Logan snarled at the latest of Alice's harassers.
"Oooooh, hi, cutie..." Logan heard his sister purr behind him and rolled his eyes.
"Hi." The handsome blonde replied blankly (oh so now he feigns indifference!).
"Don't 'hi' her, you creep! What's the matter with you? All of you!"
"I don't-"
"Shut it, blondie!" Logan jabbed a finger into his chest. "I mean, what the hell did you think you were lookin' at anyway?" The blonde averted his eyes, a faint flush crossing his face. He mumbled something. "Speak up!"
"I said," The man drew himself up. "You." And that... didn't register. Logan stepped back.
"C-Come again?" He sputtered out, baffled.
"No." Alice quailed but she could already read what was in this guy's head! "NO! No, no, Logan, I want this one!" Logan glanced at her in horror then back to the man in front of him.
"Hi. Can I 'hi' you, then?" The blonde stuck his hand out for a shake. "Allante. Allante Eldred" He winked. "We should get a drink sometime!"
I would just like to add that Mi-sun Yi and Suzume Takahashi belong to KokoYoshi! I will probably ask his permission to design my own costumes for those two so, let's see if he's okay with that first! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed what you've seen so far ^^ As always, criticism and comments are welcome ;)
I like the presentation, with the zoomable pics.
The background stories made me giggle a few times, and out of the 3 CAS.
My favourite is probably the second one, because i like the idea of the 3 ring bracelet and the feel (even though the color scheme is still a bit too rich and saturated for my taste)

Alice is kinda cute too...
Using the stickers on skin or garments, you'd have to make them blend a bit more (meaning get them closer to the receiving surface's color if you get me). For a more realistic, natural look, but i think on the skirt you tried to used the butterlfy sticker to mimic an added layer of clothing, which is clever.

The makeup on Alice is subtle and brings out her facial features, making it less anime and more woman, the rest of the outfit works well too, with a few tricks of the trade like separate color boots and clover and spades, nice touch, reminding me of what i did on my Harley Quinn back then.

Keep it up (new stuff and all :)
I would just like to add that Mi-sun Yi and Suzume Takahashi belong to KokoYoshi! I will probably ask his permission to design my own costumes for those two so, let's see if he's okay with that first! In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed what you've seen so far ^^ As always, criticism and comments are welcome ;)

I'm touched you remembered what Mi-sun called Ryouta and like the nickname Ryouta gives to to his daughter Suzume. I'll have to give you the formula for their build on their body. I know you'll dress them up beautifully. If you get stuck , just look at the fashion of YunSeong, Hwang, Xianghua, Kilik, and Seong Mi-na to help. Or you can dress them differently.

Coincidentally, I was thinking of having Ryouta look for his wife. Now it'll be official when I have time to put this in action. Just not now since I'm still brainstorming.

As for the review, the colors do appeal me. Some tweaks are needed here and there but I'm too lazy/flabbergasted of your CAS and such.
I like the presentation, with the zoomable pics.
The background stories made me giggle a few times, and out of the 3 CAS.
My favourite is probably the second one, because i like the idea of the 3 ring bracelet and the feel (even though the color scheme is still a bit too rich and saturated for my taste)

Alice is kinda cute too...
Using the stickers on skin or garments, you'd have to make them blend a bit more (meaning get them closer to the receiving surface's color if you get me). For a more realistic, natural look, but i think on the skirt you tried to used the butterlfy sticker to mimic an added layer of clothing, which is clever.

The makeup on Alice is subtle and brings out her facial features, making it less anime and more woman, the rest of the outfit works well too, with a few tricks of the trade like separate color boots and clover and spades, nice touch, reminding me of what i did on my Harley Quinn back then.

Keep it up (new stuff and all :)
A wonderful review as always, Vil, thank you very much ;) I wanted to give Logan a bit of a 'street fighter' feel so I'm happy with the way he came out! As for Alice, I feel like her design could use a little livening up but I like the minimalism, somewhat the way I like Catherine's. Incidentally, Harley Quinn was my inspiration for her look! XD Haha, great minds thinking alike and all that (jk) XD I really need to stay my hand on the colors, I guess. I'm just really drawn to bright colors. Like a moth flying into a flame. But I might crash and burn so I'll be prudent XD
I'm touched you remembered what Mi-sun called Ryouta and like the nickname Ryouta gives to to his daughter Suzume. I'll have to give you the formula for their build on their body. I know you'll dress them up beautifully. If you get stuck , just look at the fashion of YunSeong, Hwang, Xianghua, Kilik, and Seong Mi-na to help. Or you can dress them differently.

Coincidentally, I was thinking of having Ryouta look for his wife. Now it'll be official when I have time to put this in action. Just not now since I'm still brainstorming.

As for the review, the colors do appeal me. Some tweaks are needed here and there but I'm too lazy/flabbergasted of your CAS and such.
Don't mention it, Koko ;) You're a good storyteller, I appreciate that and eagerly await the next installment! XD Take your time, the SC5 camera must be a total bitch to deal with ^^;
Thanks for letting me dress up your characters! I'll do my best and just hope you all like what I come up with ^^ So you can post the builds here or PM me, whatever you're comfortable with. Thanks for the comment! :)