Top 10 Yoda moves


1-6B,Seriosuly the more I use this the more I realize how awesome it is. Fast, Safe, huge Range, decent SG damage,RO set-ups,Goes over lows, great whiff punisher. i could just go on about how great this move is for Yoda.

2-A+K, still helps him get away from lows and such. Extremely linear and unsafe so only use when you see the low coming.

3-A+G_B+G,this is going to be the most consistent way to get 40+damage. Neither grab is much better since they won't RO, and it's only so they have to guess to break out.

4-AA, Great move to use when they side step, and extremely fast for him. Can be forced canceled.

5-236K, makes Yoda extremely low to the ground, faster than his actually run, KB follow-up does the most SG damage of any of his moves

6-44AB, his only launcher set-up the 44A gives him a small backwards dodging attack, and the B is a safe launcher that guard crushes and can set-up for a 70+ combo that can RO.

7-A+BB,combos on CH, puts them in BT and Yoda can Roman Cancel(stolen) into B+KB if he wants a knockdown.

8-6A+K,roll that lets you somewhat dodge some highs he'd get hit by, and knocks down as a low.

9-Force Parry-Great way to stop verticals that could otherwise run over Yoda, and gives him a free 46 damage combo.

10-66B is your main move to start force cancel combos. Goes over lows and for 1/3 of the bar he can get 50+ damage.
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

3BB is my main punisher along with AA
on the frame date speculation it says 22? seriously? 22? O.o it's like way faster than that.. well i thought it is lol anywhoo i agree with almost everyone you've said

p.s 236[K] is great for mixing up throws (:
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

9-Force Parry-Great way to stop verticals that could otherwise run over Yoda, and gives him a free 46 damage combo.

What combo is this? I've been trying to find something to link on the end of this move, but I haven't had any luck. Right now, it seems far too weak for the force needed to start this move.
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

What combo is this? I've been trying to find something to link on the end of this move, but I haven't had any luck. Right now, it seems far too weak for the force needed to start this move.

Get the impact when he freezes them, then hit A+B to throw them in the air.When they land do 6B they can't tech and it's 46. .
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

Is there some way of altering where the opponent lands after the counter? 6B doesn't seem to go far enough to hit whenever I try this.
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

There are four different animations for the force parry. One is just a plain GI without any counter attack. Pressing A+B once after a force parry gives you a simple knock back where Yoda just pushes the opponent away while saying "I have you". Pressing A+B twice gives you the force lift which is the combo to 6B that Ribu is talking about-- it lifts the opponent super high in the air and then drops them. Pressing A+B three times or more gives you a force lift that shakes the opponent in the air and then throws them forward-- not as damaging as the combo, but it ROs forward.
Top 10 Yoda moves-lol

Interesting. I didn't realize that there were different versions of this move. Makes that move a heck of a lot better. Thanks a lot.