Tournament level Edge Master's possible?


[08] Mercenary
I'm relatively new here, and I had a question for more "experienced" players, I've done a decent amount of Ranked matches, and shortly after I reached A5 I quickly decided that it was far greater a challenge to learn all main styles. Is it possible to be Tournament ready if Edge Master is your main?
Yes. Unlikely, but yes it is possible. Just pick a few characters you like and learn them. You'll do better with them than with Yulac.
I am currently training every character as well haha. I suggest instead of switching around constantly stay with a character for a week and a half or two weeks then move on. I have about 4/10's of the characters at a level that can beat an average to slightly above average. It is a good way to keep the game fun :)
I'm relatively new here, and I had a question for more "experienced" players, I've done a decent amount of Ranked matches, and shortly after I reached A5 I quickly decided that it was far greater a challenge to learn all main styles. Is it possible to be Tournament ready if Edge Master is your main?

To put it simply, mimics are great for casual matches. Hardcore matches, you wouldn't want to be crippled for not knowing enough of a certain character. A true edgemaster imho needs more than just bNb and fundamentals. One must get in depth and know what to do with each character.

However, if you're determined to main edgemaster, best of luck. He's banned sadly. Pick a main or two buddy.

Anyways, nice to meet you and hope to see you around.