Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3

i completely forgot to test my idea, I'll just post what I think may work. After the final hit on Phoenix I immediately use gamma crush to prevent her from knocking me back when she transforms into dark Phoenix, then I xfactor in the air and go for an air throw. I'm not sure how well that will work but it's worth a try.
Noob question(s). What's Felicia's strengths and weaknesses? And what would be her best teammates?

The reason why I'm asking is because, I might be getting back into this as semi-casual willing to learn some stuff to stand a better chance at some casual competition.
Noob question(s). What's Felicia's strengths and weaknesses? And what would be her best teammates?

The reason why I'm asking is because, I might be getting back into this as semi-casual willing to learn some stuff to stand a better chance at some casual competition.

Doom missiles with Felicia's kitty helper is filthy. 4 frame jab (standing and crouching) effective when hit confirming. X-factor Felicia is balls fast though, perhaps too fast.
Felicia's strength is pretty much her rushdown. She's very similar to Wolverine, in that once she gets in, it's an uphill battle getting her off you. Air Delta Kick covers a retardedly good angle for your approach. Thing is, anyone with a projectile can give her trouble. She can't win zoning wars from halfscreen or further unless she has good assists to back her up. Really good teammates for her are:

-Sentinel (Drones)*
-Doom (Missiles)*
-Strider (Vajra)*
-Anyone with a beam assist (Iron Man, Magneto, Doom)*
-Vergil (Rapid Slash)
-Dante (Jam Session is preferred, though all of them can help her)
-Hawkeye or Taskmaster (Horizontal arrows)
-Akuma (Tatsu)*
-Amaterasu (Cold Star)
No the tech is old and there are combo vids of this already. The tech also isn't that viable in tournament settings.