Unified Dens of Denizen (Alternate History)


[01] Neophyte
Nazi took over the Americas. Now the leftovers of the Americans. They want to retake Americas but these people were also Christians. Finally, they retook every Americas.

They rename the Florida State to "Disney State" & give the state to Disney company. They make a new Constitution and a new Nation.

Constitution of Unified of Denizen
We the Disciples of Jesus Christ. We the People of the Sovereign Republic of Unified Dens of Denizen, Grateful that God created man and woman equal, Do hereby ordain this Constitution to defend our God-given liberties and are unalienable rights and to further the progress of peace and goodwill throughout the Earth.

In this nation, marriage is only between man & female. They have to be 30 years old to be able to be married.

They also made a New Flag:

The Anthem of the UDD:

The Wounded Shepherd Anthem

Guide your old flock of Sheep.
Save us from the Lions, Bears, and Wolves.
Everliving Shepherd, save us from our sin.
The Great Shepherd, you are the Great I AM.
You are the only True God.
We believe in the Holy Trinity.

You are the Great Shepherd.
You died on the old rugged Cross.
Now you are the Great Wounded Shepherd.
You are the Ultimate Shepherd.
You are our Shepherd.
Who was born under a Great Star of Bethlehem?

My Alpha and Omega Shepherd.
You gave us love and peace.
You gave us life.
You gave us purpose.
We are your flock.
Wounded Shepherd,
Keep us on the narrow path
So we can live with you in Heaven.

Wounded Shepherd,
We want to thank you for everything you’ve done for us.
We wish we could do more for you.
We can’t repay you for the wounds that we caused.
Thank you, God, for sending the Angels to help us.
Thank you, God, the Father, For sending your only begotten son.
Thank you, Jesus Christ, the Wounded Shepherd, For dying on the Cross for our sins
And for sending the Holy Spirit to guide us.
Holy Spirit, Thank you for keeping us on the narrow path.

The Creed of the Army of UDD:

Our God is the Alpha Wolf of this Pack.
God bless your children.
We are Loyal, Persistent, Focused, Bold, Committed, Fearless, Prepared to be all for Christ.
One Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all.
We made a choice.
We stepped over the line.
We won’t give up.
We won’t shut up.
We won’t back off.
We won’t back up.
Our Focus is clear.
Our Mission is to save the World.
We are God’s emissaries.
One Nation Under Righteous Protection.
This Nation is in God’s hands.
We are the Warriors of the Cross.
We are the Knights of the Light.
Be Strong and Courageous.
Don’t be afraid or discouraged.
For the Lord, Your God is with you wherever you go.
Afraid means Defeated.
For God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear.
But he gave us
Love, Power and a Sound Mind.
Our God helps us to pick up our Crosses.
The devil has been Defeated
By the Blood of Jesus Christ.
With Jesus Christ by our side.
Victory is for Sure.
His will be our Will.

They rename the USA to Unified of Dens of Denizen. The land of the new land of the country.

New money name: Dazraps.

The world looks like this in this scenario:

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Why is the subcontinent socialism and why isnt more of southern africa christian (or perhaps communist)?