Vader Punisher guide


Alright so I've been wanting to do this guide for a while but laziness has gotten the better of me. I got myself into gear and actually started this guide for people who want to learn what moves Vader can punish. I am going to go through each character and put my findings in here. If anyone see's something that doesn't seem right tell me and I will double check.

aB -14.............................1b
6a -16.............................1b
6aab -18..........................4b, 3b+k
3aa -18........................... 4b, 3b+k
1a -18.............................4b, WRb, tip range only 4b connects
6bbb -16 ..........................1b
3b -16.............................1b
3bb -16............................FCa+b
623b -22..........................3b, 4b, 3b+k,1b
6k -14.............................1b
6kk -16............................FCa+b
1k -18.............................FCa+b
a+b -16...........................1b..........................................mid to close range only
66a -14........................... 1b..........................................close range only
11a -16........................... FCa+b FCa
66ba -19..........................4b, 3b+k
11k -16............................FCa+b, FCa

Amy Punisher
1A...................................WRB+K FCA+B 44B 4B
4A...................................1B K
6BBB.................................1B K
1B....................................FC2A FCA+B 4B 4B+K
2B+K.................................4B WRA+B FC2A
FCA+B...............................44B 4B 1B

I'll clean it up the notations so they look nicer another time but for now its going to stay looking funky

Edit: I just added some things for amy, I didn't finish it yet because I forgot how much of a pain it is to do this dam thing.
You can't punish anything with 1BA because it's not a natural combo. So for those you should only put 1B. Also, for such a guide, I think it's more helpful to put how negative the move that you're punishing on block is.

But honestly, I never felt a punishment guide for Vader was necessary. Punishing on block with him is pretty easy because he has so few options to work with. If a move on block is -14 to -17, punish with 1B, (or FC A/FC A+B if forced crouch). If it's -18 or more, punish with 4B, 3B+K etc. Pretty simple.

I think a more important punishment guide to make would be for post step whiff punishment, because there are certain moves that some characters have where if you step them with Vader and try to punish with 3B+K or even 4B, they will whiff. And in such cases it's better to punish with 4AA or something else instead. I don't remember exactly which moves cause these whiffing issues, but I'll try to take note of them next time I come across them, and make a list.
I understand what your saying OOF, but I know there are players who just want a quick reference of what moves they can punish. I'm doing this for convenience rather than need. Though If i notice that some moves whiff I will post what moves whiff, because there are times when 3b will whiff for no reason.
One thing I forgot to mention is that 44B is also a good move to punish on block with in some situations. Although it's a bit trickier to punish some things with it due to the double input, it's better than using 4B in some cases due to the greater damage that it deals. 4AA is another one.
Here are some things I have found (good and bad) when it comes to punishing specific things against certain characters:


CL A+B,A & CL A+B,A+K: On block the 3rd hit will whiff against Vader. Causing it to be almost -40 on block.

SW 1KBK: Same as above, 3rd hit will whiff against Vader causing the string to be almost -40 on block.


3BB (-19): Vader's 3B+K will whiff if you attempt to punish with it.

4KB (-14): The second hit will whiff on block if Vader blocks low against it, allowing Vader to punish with WR B+K.


3BB: Vader's 3B+K will whiff if you use it as a punisher after stepping the second B clockwise.


FLE A (-16): After blocking it, Vader's FC A will whiff so your only option to punish with will be FC A+B.

That's all I have for now. I'll post more as I come across them.