WCG Ultimate Gamer - Reality TV Show

Yes the internets are ablaze with people flaming the one they call "Ciji."

Make false claims in front of the whole world, and people will persecute. Look at what happend to Jesus.
That ending was so incredibly lame. If KDZ gets on the next season, he will demolish everyone.
well what i've found funny was that, ciji or whatever her name is, is a rockband player and then on the last show, she says im surprised no one picked me because i have won so many soul calibur tournaments i can count, but they dont mention at all during the season that she was a fighting game person.
She's just a pathological liar. GT's StarSlay3r but I've never seen her playing SC4 ever.

Did Swoozie just tell Robert to mash?
That match was *painful*.

Have the contestants always been as scrubby as they looked in the various games today?

I don't even consider myself a real gamer anymore and I feel like I would have made those guys look like chumps in all three of those games, not just the soul calibur.
maybe she does have 15 tourney wins. just we dont know about it :o

Well, anyone can have a few scrubby friends over and call it a "tournament."

The whole concept of the show is just insulting to the community.

You watch Ultimate Fighter, and an MMA fan can recognize that the contestants are legit and some of them really do go pro and win real competitions.

You watch Ultimate Gamer, and a real gamer is just going to raaaaaaaaaaaaage. I mean, Mark said on TV, that Soul Calibur was his game.
Mark is a shooter. I have no clue why he said he was good at SC. He was horrible at it. However, he's pretty legit at shooters (tribes series, UT series, halo1, etc.). Robert was legit. Jamal, Dante, and a few others are legit tournament level gamers.

Ciji was/is absolute trash at SC and was merely talking out of her ass.

Also, the early UFC and Vale Tudo events were pretty laughable. It took time for the legit and talented martial artists to emerge and start dominating.

In the end, it was merely a television show. Stop being so pretentious and enjoy the fact that gamers are getting airtime.
They were good at Gears, but this isn't a GoW forum.

Robert was most certainly not legit at Soul Calibur.

Maxi's standing K......totally imba!
Great so now the public perception of soulcalibur is that its a masher that anyone can win. Oh the irony of you guys defending this show. Any kind of effort that has been made to prove this game is legit to the casual fan base has really been made that much more difficult imo.

cha cha
Great so now the public perception of soulcalibur is that its a masher that anyone can win. Oh the irony of you guys defending this show. Any kind of effort that has been made to prove this game is legit to the casual fan base has really been made that much more difficult imo.

I would think the only people really watching this show have at least some knowledge of the games that are being played. I don't think it makes the game look like a masher, but the players themselves. I know what you are saying about making it look like mashers can win... but anyone who has really played any type of fighting game can see, "hey that guy should have blocked more," or "why is that same move coming out over and over?" I think the casual gamer who hasn't ever seen this game or played some form (sc1, 2, 3 etc.) of it would be more impressed by the amazing visuals, music, and awesome characters that we love so much, then if they happen to pick it up they will be able to appreciate the depth after looking through a movelist or two. At least it gets the game some national publicity. Which is never bad =). Just my 2 cents
I would think the only people really watching this show have at least some knowledge of the games that are being played.
This is the same show that took time to explain what life bars were, and what they represented while the players were playing VF5.
This is the same show that took time to explain what life bars were, and what they represented while the players were playing VF5.

Well you got me there... but who is going to watch this if they don't even know what a life bar is? I think this show is only appealing to gamers, otherwise, where would the interest be for someone who doesn't give 2 shits about playing a video game.
This show seems appealing to teenagers who love drama, reality tv addicts who don't care about the subject matter, and social outcasts looking for pro tips on how to make money being a reclusive gamer.

They don't want to show the hard work and dedication it takes to become a pro gamer in a single game, because people hate work, and they hate thinking.... so you get this as your marketable product. They want most people to think they can make it on a show like this being casual at games, the show didn't focus at all on the time and dedication it takes to become even good at one game, in fact they avoided it, which of course creates the false pretenses they want people to perceive. They just want someone who will act cool, create drama and appeal to a larger group of 'geeks' who would watch the show based on the person of that type being there. No skill involved.

cha cha
some of you stiffs seem to have no idea how television works.

Drama = ratings. If you don't like drama go watch the Canadian film festival. And besides, there are SOOOO many genres of games that it would be alienating to focus on just 1. Games are not sports. there's 4 major league sports, then every 4 years people care about the Olympics, and some stiffs like golf and tennis. There are soooo many varieties in games that its damn near impossible to establish stars in gaming (even in a genre). Are the top Halo players gonna be the top Gears of War players, the top Team Fortress 2 players, the top Counterstrike players all gonna be the same? No, and theyre also gonna be different from Tekken, SF4, SC4, Virtua fighter, Starcraft, Madden, Project Gotham...... fuck i lost track theres way too many games out there, and they are ALWAYS changing.

Just be thankful that certain gamers out there got their name up.
If you don't like it - go on the next season yourself and "represent".
Just dont be boring or else you won't get on.
Getting on tv isn't about gaming, it's about your desire for attention, nothing more. This show and shows like it do nothing for the gaming industry and you'd be hard pressed to find any proof to support otherwise. Are these gamers gonna go anywhere in televison after their stint on this retarded show? no.

It is true that drama= ratings, but you can apply that to any show with any asshats involved. How is this good for gamers? It lets people know people game? I think it's a fair assumption that even the most stupid of people are aware that gamers play games. Why should I care if some bloke from some game I don't give a shit about gets his name on tv for 15 seconds?

I don't, and I certainly can live and continue to game/promote games WITHOUT it.

But again, this is catering to people who like attention, because they can't get it elsewhere I guess? More power to them, but don't try to sugarcoat the situation as 'ITS GUUD 4 ALL UV US CANT U SEE?!', because it isn't, and the show will be run to earn ratings and make money off promotions and product placement, not "help" gamers in any area or genre.


cha cha
Make false claims in front of the whole world, and people will persecute. Look at what happend to Jesus.

What happened to me?!?!?! Did I miss something?!?!?!?!?

This show is geared to people who think they are gamers, not real gamers. The sad 35 yo wretch living in his parents house who claims "I are teh greatest gamer alive!!! Noone can defeet me!!"