What are your methods of training?


Shining Sea Dragon
One of my most recent methods of practice is going to training mode, picking the character I want to practice against, setting the practice dummy as my main (Pyrrha), and setting the dummy to attack after blocking. Through I could figure out which moves are either unsafe or interruptible mid-string.
Depends on what you're training.

If you're training JFs then just sit in training doing them, then go fight offline and do them and then finally go online and do them

If it's mix-ups then I go online and fight every skill range of player to see how they react to things.

If it's inventing stuff then I mainly just mess around and look at moves I don't look at and look at the frame data.

If it's tech trap then I go online to see if the tech trap is commonly known, if it isn't commonly know I try it on people to see if people normally tech, then I keep it a secret if it's uncommonly known and keep it as a "I really wanna beat this guy" card.

Hope this helped.