What character buffs/nerfs would YOU like to see?

I do agree with this and at times it has worked for me...however I do think it would be a bit more solid if it hit mid, if they block low ~ then I get the AT, if they block mid/high ~ I'm +1, if they jump ~ I get 66B/GS K BE combos.

Someone's being a bit greedy. :P
What about the A+B soul wave boost that would give NM additional properties on some of his moves?
A+B is your aGI. 2A+B Already gives meter. No reason to buff this.

Just make the boost exclusive to A+B,
Or give it a BE version that gives you access to its revenge version.
Or giving A+B, GS A+B, 2A+B BE'S that would give you the power-up

Seeing as SCV is going down the meter road we should have a cancel system, like Guilty Gear.
I'd like to add some sort of buff to Xibas UB attack. So usesless and so easy avoid. at least other characters vertical UB does the earthquake. It only does 65 damage while 3BK does 64.
Just read this. UB combos into 6B. Same wake up situation as hitting someone with 8b. His UB hits grounded to punish silly shit like Damp A+B on block when he falls (will stun them for 2A+B since they are OTG), Yoshimitsu Suicide on whiff, and Aeon SW K on whiff (last one is tricky).