What do you feel are the character stereotypes?


[10] Knight
Do you know the feeling when you seem to realize that people who play 1 character tend to act a certain way? What do you think the stereotypes for some characters are?

Astaroth: People who play this are grab happy and like to use unblockables a lot.

Nightmare: People who play Nightmare tend to act like jerks/have anger issues when they win (Stabbing you on the floor, really getting angry when you win, etc)

Maxi: People who play Maxi tend to be showoffs, arrogant, etc.

Viola: People who play Viola are goths???? (lol I dono random examples)
Maxi: People who play Maxi tend to be showoffs, arrogant, etc.

Whaaaaa???? We maxi players have been scratching at the bottom of the barrel for 12+ years now. We finally have a maxi that is worth a damn. Youre prolly gonna see a ton of arrogance from us.

Dont take it the wrong way, we are just happy we have a good maxi. Sounds you need to run the HRD gaunlet!! Step on up son.....lemme school you son!!

All joking aside, Sounds like you might be having trouble against these characters. If you like Ill be willing to throw down with you to see where your at and where you need to improve. Or hell, maybe youll rape my tight little butt. Either way....lets fight!!

Keev plays NM and is cool as fuck.
Docvizzo plays aPat and is sexy.
Furzy plays Yoshimitsu and has no hair.
Jag plays Maxi and Asta but does have hair.
Malek plays Ivy and lives in France.

How's that?
Whaaaaa???? We maxi players have been scratching at the bottom of the barrel for 12+ years now. We finally have a maxi that is worth a damn. Youre prolly gonna see a ton of arrogance from us.

Dont take it the wrong way, we are just happy we have a good maxi. Sounds you need to run the HRD gaunlet!! Step on up son.....lemme school you son!!

All joking aside, Sounds like you might be having trouble against these characters. If you like Ill be willing to throw down with you to see where your at and where you need to improve. Or hell, maybe youll rape my tight little butt. Either way....lets fight!!


Actually, I'm not really having trouble XD
Well there was that one time Maxi was spamming one move but it doesn't have anything to do with moves in general. The thread is mostly just how people you see online tend to act when using their signature character.

Hmm sure thing! If you have PS3, my PSN is the same as my username!
Kilik/Maxi players are all spammers.
While this seems to be the majority of the truth, my friend play's Maxi pretty well without spamming the shit with him.
Also that Ivy's hard to learn.
She used to be...
Devil Jin players like to get up in your business. How do I know? I play DJ. I like this thread, however I'm waiting for someone to get butthurt.
Patroklos players generally have a strong sense of JUSTICE!
LOL! So true! All Patrokolos players really get into it
One guy who was playing Alpha Patrokolos was even repeating his lines. He kept on yelling "I will carve... MY OWN FATE!"

Hmm I wonder how Voldo players act...
*Disclaimer* I herby specify that these opinions are indeed opinions/stereotypes and should not be taken as a personal insult on your chosen character or your playstyle. *Disclaimer*

Devil Jin - The players are Tekken rejects who have come across to SC5 hoping their skills in Tekken 5/6 would transfer and they would be able to rinse uppercuts and 10-hit combos FTW...then reality hits and they crawl back to Tekken.

Mitsurugi - The kind of player who always goes for Ryu/Ken in SF games, braindead muppets who long for a SHOOOOORYUKEN! moment to arise.

Siegfried - Players who think having long reach and lots of low attacks = easy win.

Xiba/Kilik - being able to 0800-dial-a-high-damage-combo without actually learning the character.

Maxi - See Xiba/Kilik

Natsu - 'I was crap with Taki but with Natsu I can use Taki Bomb > CE > Air grab for easy winz!'

Patroklos - Forced to use him in story mode, knows at least 3 moves which worked in story mode, go online and use those 3 moves.

Pyrrha - See Patroklos

Asta - Sweep, Sweep, Sweep, Knee, Shoulder Barge, Sweep, Sweep, Knee, Grab...

Ezio - 'i'm only here for my trophie achievements'

Theres more but those are just some general thoughts. :)
Do you know the feeling when you seem to realize that people who play 1 character tend to act a certain way? What do you think the stereotypes for some characters are?

Astaroth: People who play this are grab happy and like to use unblockables a lot.

Nightmare: People who play Nightmare tend to act like jerks/have anger issues when they win (Stabbing you on the floor, really getting angry when you win, etc)

Maxi: People who play Maxi tend to be showoffs, arrogant, etc.

Viola: People who play Viola are goths???? (lol I dono random examples)

Well, that makes sense, when you pick a character you pick him based on your tastes and personality. So it is not strange at all if you act as your character since is easy to empatize with him. I'm one of those Asty grappling and heavy hitter. Also stab people on floor when playing Nightmare XD
I think Soul Calibur has some pretty high character loyalty and finicky players. Usually, you can ask someone who they play and if you know them more than 5 minutes you can safely say, "Oh, I can see that...."

Overall, though, I don't think the other way around works.

Devil Jin players like to get up in your business. How do I know? I play DJ. I like this thread, however I'm waiting for someone to get butthurt.

Devil Jin players are lazy tier whores!
..... only kidding, of course... well, mostly. :)
I main Maxi and I do have to admit I am a bit show-offy haha. It's all fun and games until your opponent teabags. When they teabag, they don't know what they get themselves into.
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