when to jump? when to GI? how to do them efficiently?


[10] Knight
there are so many basic in game mechanics that I never figure out the right way to use. jumps and jump attacks are 2 of those. safe 2 hit lows like ast 1AA can be jump B'ed, but even thoguh I know this, I could never do it in a match.

same thing with GI's in SC5. can't ever remember to GI in this game, even if it's the final round with the game on the line, GI just never cross my mind even though I memorized the combo I need to do after GI. btw, can you GI back against an auto-GI move at all? like algol's shoryuken GI or something?
Empty jumps are not very useful. You can sometimes jump over downed opponents to get away from an edge or set up a BT situation, but it's rarely going to win you a game. You can jump backwards as a less risky alternative to backstep, but it's also a lot less evasive and rewarding.

Jump attacks on the other hand are really useful. There are a lot of situations where 2K/2A are go to moves and a trusty 9B or whatever is safer than backstep or ducking and gets you an easy little reward. It's often a good way to close out rounds.

And good luck with implementing GI into your game. It's great on paper, but difficult to make great use of in an actual match.