Why is it so fun to get hatemail?

its not fun to get hatemail....at least if you care about the community.
You should always try to explain opponent informations that leads him to think you did something wrong...or just ignore him.

The only thing you can get out of hatemail is making people angry.
Hatemail are only good against glitchers >_> all those people that are not good for the community (i.e. emulers and such....).
That unless they are deliberately trolling....

some of us have tried that only to have people throw it back in our faces several times, there's only so much one can take before he's had enough...so it's come to a point where I don't even bother trying...I SHALL THRIVE OFF YOUR HATE!!!

I went in a room where there was some good players and they kicked me out and sent me hate mail saying I suck and that alpha patroklos sucks and is easy to use. They kicked me out because i beat all their asses.

Can someone explain to me how do people think patsuka is easy to use? He is not

you got kicked cos you just ass Kappa

One thing that annoys me is that no matter how well you come back to their nonsensical, pre-pubescent rage, they will still think they're winning the "argument". Your wit is completely wasted on them.

But then again, I do take pleasure in knowing how increasingly more angry they must be getting with every unnecessarily flashy combo that connects :D

had this with GuyInaBlazer and GREEK_GLORIA the other day on my YT channel lol
main point is, as soon as you press X/A you accept the terms of potentially getting rekt, if you don't like it and start to make excuses/hatemail etc...then I'mma do it some more just to piss you off even further thus solidifying my position as superior to thou
some ppl are hilarious over the voice chat
" I like combos - I couldn't do any combos because that ******* ******* he trapped me in the corner "
