Zasalamel Controller Layout


[08] Mercenary
I've been playing around with Zasalamel and I want to know what you seasoned Zas users think of my controller layout.


Any suggestions or is this good enough?
On a ps3 controller, I had
L1: A+K
L2: B+G
R1: A+B
R2: B+K
| B
|A K
| G

Messing with a saturn controller now, and the movement of two shoulder buttons messes me up at the moment. Been playing with a PS3 controller forever, so the motions are ingrained in my mind. I keep trying to do B+K and I end up doing A+B.
Taking a look at his movelist, Zas has really simple inputs for pretty much all of it. It only seems to get slightly stricter when it comes to his just frames (and those are pretty easy), so just make sure you can slide Bk comfortably.

Other than that, maybe you should customize your layout to suit your mains, since Zas can work with any button layout really.
I use the stardard PS3 Controller... Layout - I use the default front 4 and L1=B+K and sometimes set up L2 for Criticals, incase...
B+K is used for a few moves that are use often, you really need that button combo on the easiest/fastest shift key to hit. As of the other combos keys there are, I don't really need as the way I hold my right hand is to have my 2 finger/hand on an angle is so the A(Square-Index finger) and B(Triangle-Middle Finger) and not the stardard way you would hold a controller, so A+B is a very easy press with my finger tips and also easy to get off the ibK with a quick slide down of my middle finger.

Zas doesn't need a specific controller layout as he doesn't have any complicated inputs-- except bK, which sucks anyway.
Yep, Zas is pretty basic on not needing to adding binds... I just like to add B+K just cause the way I hold the controller, it makes B+K just a bit too unreliable by just laying down flat my finger, which is little double jointed and goes back a quite a bit...
Well (COntroller button => Command in game)

<X> : B+K
<O> : K
<Square> : A
<Triangle> : B

R1 : G
R2 : A+B
L1 : A+K
L2 : A+B+K+G