Astaroth - Frame Data - SC4

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  • Character Notations​

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    Horizontal Attacks​

    Annihilation 21 16 -4 6 6 (?)
    :A: :h: :G: cancel
    Annihilation (Hold) 39 16 1 16 16 (?)
    :Ah: :h: :at:
    Annihilation 21 40 -4 6 6 40.5
    :A::A: :h::h:
    Annihilation (Hold) 21 40 2 KND KND (?)
    :A::Ah: (Partial) :h::h:
    Annihilation (Hold) 21 40 :u: 16 16 :u:
    :A::Ah: (Full) :h::h: :at:
    Destruction 21 36 -12 -2 -2 17
    :A::B: :h::m: NC / STN on CH 2nd hit only when close
    Grip Shot 12 10 -14 -4 2 (?)
    :6::A: :h:
    Grip Shot to Ax Volcano 12 30 -18 LNC LNC 16
    :6::A::B: :h::m: NCC/DL possible
    Minotaur Crush 20 18 -13 3 SHK (?)
    :3::A: :m:
    Hades Break 21 14 -18 -6 -2 (?)
    :2::A: :l:
    Discus 34 25 -13 KND KND 13
    :1::A: :l: Damage +10 at range
    Discus 56 35 -6 KND KND 13
    :1::Ah: :l: Damage +10 at range
    Double Discus 56 51 -20 KND KND 11
    :1::Ah::A: :l::l: NC
    Discus Breaker 56 108 12 LNC LNC 5.5
    :1::Ah::B: :l::m: :gc:
    Hades Control 20 24 -3 3 KND (?)
    :4::A: :h:
    Hades Control (Hold) 34 24 -3 16 16 13
    :4::Ah: :h: :at:
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 80 -14 KND KND 21
    :2::1::4::A: :m: :at:
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 (?) -22 -12 -12 (?)
    :2::1::4::A::A: :m::m: NC
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 (?) -22 -12 -12 (?)
    :2::1::4::A::A::A: :m::m::m: NC
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 (?) -16 -6 -6 (?)
    :2::1::4::A::A::A::A: :m::m::m::m: NC
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 (?) -16 -6 -6 (?)
    :2::1::4::A::A::A::A::A: :m::m::m::m::m: NC
    Poseidon Tide Rush 34 70 -15 -10 -10 (?)
    :2::1::4::A::A::A::A::A::A: :m::m::m::m::m::m: NC (leaves opponent BT'd on hit)
    Hades Break 21 14 -18 -6 -2 (?)
    FC :A: :l:
    Reverse Spiral Ax 27 30 2 KND KND 10
    WR :A: :h: Damage +20 at range
    Great Annihilation 47 34 -14 KND KND 13
    :9::A: :h:
    Great Annihilation 47 30 -14 KND KND 15
    :8::A: :h:
    Great Annihilation 47 26 -14 -2 -2 20
    :7::A: :h:
    Reverse Ax Split 24 18 -2 8 8 (?)
    BT :A: :h:
    Lower Hades Split 23 22 -6 4 4 (?)
    BT :2::A: :sl:

    Vertical Attacks​

    Hades Ax 20 20 -14 -3 -3 15
    :B: :m: :G: cancel
    Hades Ax 20 50 -8 4 4 8.5
    :B::B: :m::m: NCC
    Hades Ax (Hold) 20 60 12 LNC LNC 7
    :B::Bh: :m::m: :gc:
    Ax Side Cannon 21 20 -8 -3 STN 15
    :6::B: :m:
    Ax Volcano 25 32 -12 KND KND 10
    :3::B: :m:
    Ax Volcano (Hold) 61 42 :u: LNC LNC :u:
    :3::Bh: :m:
    Hades 24 20 -7 3 3 13
    :2::B: :m:
    Hades (Hold) 61 35 13 KND KND 10
    :2::Bh: :m: :gc:
    Ax Grave 24 24 -16 KND KND 11
    :1::B: :l:
    Bear Fang 16 20 -10 0 KND (?)
    :4::B: :m: TC[12-16] This TC doesnt go under much
    Bear Fang (Hold) (?) 30 -10 0 KND (?)
    :4::Bh: (Partial) :m:
    Bear Fang (Hold) 30 45 4 KND KND 15
    :4::Bh: (Full) :m:
    Dark Split 23 22 -12 -2 -2 10
    FC :B: :m:
    Hades Rising 20 30 -12 2 2 10
    WR :B: :m: TC[1-14]
    Greater Divide 30 32 -12 KND KND 10
    :9::B: :m: TJ[7-30]
    Reverse Dark Split 26 22 -6 4 4 (?)
    BT :B: :m:
    Lower Dark Split 25 24 -8 0 0 (?)
    BT :2::B: :m:

    Kick Attacks​

    Moloch's Vise 15 14 -8 2 2 (?)
    :K: :h: :G: cancel
    Valarion 27 34 0 KND KND 20
    :Kh: :h: :at:
    Hades Knee 17 18 -14 3 KND 20
    :6::K: :m: TC[5-9]
    Dark Tamer 18 18 -10 0 0 20
    :3::K: :m:
    Dark Tamer (Hold) 42 38 -10 0 0 9
    :3::Kh: :m:
    Dark Tamer 18 54 0 KND KND 10
    :3::K::A: :m::h: NCC/DL possible
    Dark Tamer (Hold) 18 44 -7 1 1 10
    :3::K::Ah: :m::m:
    Bull Low Kick 15 10 -14 -4 2 (?)
    :2::K: :l:
    Reverse Tamer 27 26 -16 2 KND 20
    :1::K: :l:
    Reverse Tamer 27 56 2 KND KND 10
    :1::K::A: :l::h: NCC / Damage +20 at Range
    Command Kicks 19 30 -15 -3 -3 (?)
    :4::K: :m::m: NC
    Command Kicks 19 60 -18 -6 -6 15.5
    :4::K::K: :m::m::m::m:
    Bull Kick 15 10 -14 -7 1 11.25
    FC :K: :l:
    Bullrush 18 28 -10 KND KND 14
    FC :3::K: :m: TC[5-18]
    Bullrush (Hold) 33 31 -8 KND KND (?)
    FC :3::Kh: :m: TC[5-33]
    Rising Cyclone 17 18 -16 0 STN (?)
    WR :K: :m:
    Rising Cyclone 17 48 -12 KND KND 17
    WR :K::A: :m::l: NCC / Damage +10 at range
    Great Kick 26 18 -9 3 3 20
    :9::K: :m: TJ[7-26]
    Reverse Bull Kick 17 16 -4 4 4 (?)
    BT :K: :h:
    Lower Sweep 19 16 -20 KND KND (?)
    BT :2::K: :l:

    Simultaneous Press​

    Titan Ax 29 25 -20 -17 -17 20
    :A::+::B: :m: Damage + 13 and KND at range. SC in 14 at range
    Titan Ax 29 25 -20 -17 -17 20
    :2::A::+::B: :m: Damage + 13 and KND at range. SC in 14 at range
    Offering 22 35 -5 KND :at: 9
    :3::A::+::B: :m: TC[12-22] / On CH opponent must wait 42 frames before being able to act
    Offering (Hold) 38 35 2 :at: :at: 9
    :3::Ah::+::Bh: :m: TC[23-38] / On hit and CH opponent must wait 42 frames before being able to act
    Breath of Hades 21 20 -20 STN STN 16
    :4::A::+::B: :m:
    Breath of Hades (Hold) 50 50 :u: KND KND :u:
    :4::Ah::+::Bh: :m: :at:
    Burial 23 35 - KND KND -
    Downed Opponent (Head or Feet) :2::A::+::K: -
    Guard Crusher 22 20 0 11 11 15
    :B::+::K: :m: +20 on Hit and CH, opponent FC on BT opponent / :at:
    Body Splash 21 28 -16 -2 KND 12
    :6::B::+::K: :h: :imp::h::m::A::B:[15-20] / TC[5-14] / TJ[15-21]
    Body Splash (Hold) 36 38 -7 KND KND 9
    :6::Bh::+::Kh: :h: :imp::h::m::A::B:[30-35] / TC[5-29] / TJ[30-38]
    Hades Crush 22 20 -32 -18 KND 20
    :2::B::+::K: :m: Opponent FC on hit
    Ax Lower Cannon 31 24 0 KND KND 13.3
    :4::B::+::K: :l::l::l:
    Ax Lower Cannon 31 24 0 LNC LNC 13.3
    :4::B::+::K::B: :l::l::l: :at:
    Flying Divide 44 45 0 KND KND 10
    :9::B::+::K: :m: TJ[14-44] / Opponent FC on Guard
    Flying Divide (Hold) 55 55 13 KND KND 8
    :9::Bh::+::Kh: :m: TJ / Opponent FC on Guard
    Demented Moon 88 110 :u: LNC LNC :u:
    :2::3::6::B::+::K: :m:
    Side Divide 13 27 0 10 STN 15
    BT :B::+::K: :m:

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Ares Spiral Rage 22 18 -17 -3 STN 20
    :6h::A: :m:
    Ares Spiral Rage 22 44 -18 LNC LNC 8
    :6h::A::B: :m::m: NCC
    Ax Blow 22 26 -13 3 3 20
    :3h:*:9h::A: :m:
    Poseiden Crest 20 16 -14 -4 -4 (?)
    :2h:*:8h::A: :m:
    Poseiden Crest 20 32 -14 2 2 (?)
    :2h:*:8h::A::A: :m::m: NC
    Discus 35 25 -13 KND KND 13
    :1h:*:7h::A: :l: Damage +10 at range
    Discus 57 35 -7 KND KND 13
    :1h:*:7h::Ah: :l: Damage +10 at range
    Double Discus 57 62 -20 KND KND 11
    :1h:*:7h::Ah::A: :l::l: NC / Damage +10 at range
    Discus Breaker 57 108 12 LNC LNC 5.5
    :1h:*:7h::Ah::B: :l::m: Damage +10 at range / Breaker:gc:
    Hades Divide 22 20 -16 3 KND 21
    :4h::A: :m: Damage +10 and KND at range
    Hades Divide (Hold) 47 20 -6 STN STN 21
    :4h::Ah: :m: Damage +10 at range. Gives 22 frames of STN.
    Ax Crash 17 35 -11 2 2 10
    :6h::B: :h: Damage +10 and KND on CH at range
    Ax Volcano 26 34 -12 KND KND 8
    :3h:*:9h::B: :m:
    Ax Volcano (Hold) 62 44 :u: LNC LNC :u:
    :3h:*:9h::Bh: :m:
    Hades Cannon 29~31 55 -8 KND KND 10
    :2h:*:8h::B: :m:
    Hades Cannon (Draw) 29~31 20 -20 LNC LNC 13
    :2h:*:8h::B::4: :m:
    Azazel Tackle 35 36 -15 KND KND 8
    :1h:*:7h::B: :m: Opponent FC on Guard
    Azazel Tackle 35 59 -14 KND KND 5.5
    :1h:*:7h::B::K: :m::m: NC
    Canyon Creation 28 40 -3 KND KND 8
    :4h::B: :m: FC / Opponent FC on Guard
    Canyon Creation (Hold) (?) 50 -1 KND KND 8
    :4h::Bh:(Partial) :m: FC / Opponent FC on Guard
    Canyon Creation (Hold) 57 70 :u: KND KND :u:
    :4h::Bh: (Full) :m: FC
    Bullrush 18 26 -10 KND KND 14
    :6h::K: :m: TC[5-18]
    Bullrush (Hold) 35 46 -3 KND KND (?)
    :6h::Kh: :m: TC[5-35] Launches when close
    Hades Rush 19 26 -10 KND KND 14
    :3h:*:9h::K: :m: TC[6-19]
    Hades Rush (Hold) 36 26 -10 LNC LNC (?)
    :3h:*:9h::Kh: :m: TC[6-36]
    Hades Stamp 42 28 -7 KND KND 12
    :2h:*:8h::K: :m: Opponent FC on Guard
    Hades Stamp (Hold) 48 36 -7 LNC LNC 12
    :2h:*:8h::Kh: :sm: Opponent FC on Guard. On whiff :l: causing STN for 29 frames.
    Lower Command Kick 32 30 -3 KND KND 12
    :4h:*:1h:*:7h::K: :m:
    Titan Swing 40 40 1 KND KND 10
    :2h:*:8h::A::+::B: :h: Damage +10 at range.
    Titan Swing (Hold) 40 60 :u: KND KND :u:
    :2h:*:8h::Ah::+::Bh: :h:
    RUN :K: :l:

    Throw Attacks​

    Maelstrom Divide 17 55 :t: KND KND :t:
    :A::+::G: :h: :A: Break
    Hades Destroyer 17 50 :t: KND KND :t:
    :B::+::G: :h: :B: Break
    Beat Down 17 68 :t: KND KND :t:
    Left :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :h: :A:*:B: Break
    On Silent Wings 17 62 :t: KND KND :t:
    Right :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :h: :A:*:B: Break
    Death Crush 17 70 :t: KND KND :t:
    Behind :A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :h:
    Plunging Crush 33 50 :t: KND KND :t:
    Crouching Opponent :3::A::+::G: :t: TJ[8-33] / :A: Break
    Flood of Lava 33 60 :t: KND KND :t:
    Crouching Opponent :3::B::+::G: :t: TJ[8-33] / :B: Break
    Bludgeoning Crush 13 50 :t: KND KND :t:
    Crouching Opponent :2::A::+::G: :t: TC[7~] :A: Break
    Drop of Lava 13 60 :t: KND KND :t:
    Crouching Opponent :2::B::+::G: :t: TC[7~] :B: Break
    Wicked Judgement 17 63 :t: KND KND :t:
    :6::3::2::1::4::A::+::G: :h: :A: Break
    Wicked Judgement (Just) 17 68 :t: KND KND :t:
    :6::3::2::1::4:::A::+::G: :h: JF / :A: Break
    Flight of the Wicked 17 32 :t: LNC LNC :t:
    :6::3::2::1::4::B::+::G: :h: :B: Break
    Flight of the Wicked (Just) 17 37 :t: LNC LNC :t:
    :6::3::2::1::4:::B::+::G: :h: JF / :B: Break
    Wrath of the Damned 17 38 :t: KND KND :t:
    Midair Opponent :A::+::G: :h:
    Titan Bomb 16 88 :t: KND KND :t:
    Midair Opponent :2::8::B::+::G: :h:
    Titan Bomb (Just) 16 94 :t: KND KND :t:
    Midair Opponent :2::8:::B::+::G: :t: JF
    Brutal Grasp 13 20 :t: 10 10 :t:
    Downed Opponent (Head) :1::A::+::G:*:B::+::G: :t: TC[7~] :A:*:B: Break
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