Setsuka - Frame Data - SC6

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  • Character Notations​

    • DH=Dawn Haze
    • RoH=Ring of Heaven
    • WoH=Wing of Heaven
    • TH=Twilight Haze
    • SKY=Shrouded Sky

    Horizontal Attacks​

    Spring Downpour 12 10 2 -6 -2 -2 1%
    :A: :H: :G: cancelable
    Spring Downpour 12 10,12 4 -6 +2 +2 3%
    :A::A: :H::H: NC
    Spring Downpour 12 10,12,24 8 -6 KND KND 5%
    :A::A::A: :H::H::H: W! / RO
    Mourning Thrust 18 28 5 -4 +12 +12 9%
    :aB: :M:
    Rising Red Moon 22 36 (27,9) 7 -22 LNC LNC 9%
    :a-small::gB: :M: TC[10-17] / :LH:(Triggers at low health, when whiff punishing an opponents' "light" attack)
    Rising Red Moon(Fastest Input) 22 40 (30,10) 8 -22 LNC LNC 9%
    :a-small:::gB: :M: TC[10-17]/ :LH:(Triggers at low health, when whiff punishing an opponents' "light" attack)
    Tousled Hair Slash 18 16 3 -12 +0 +0 1%
    :6::A: :H:
    Tousled Hair Slash 18 34 (16,18) 6 -8 +6 +6 3%
    :6::A::A: :H::M: NC
    Willow Slash 20 20 3 -6 +4 +4 1%
    :3::A: :M: RTC
    Grasscutter 12 12 1 -6 +6 +6 1%
    :2::A: :SL: TC[11~]/ RTC /
    Sakura Air Combo 20 8 1 -20 -12 -12 1%
    :1::A: :L:
    Sakura Air Combo 20 20 (8,12) 3 -20 -10 -10 3%
    :1::A::A: :L::M: NC
    Sakura Air Combo 20 22 (8,14) 3 -20 -10 -10 3%
    :1::A:::A: :L::M: NC
    Sakura Air Combo 20 34 (8,12,14) 3 -20 -6 -6 3%
    :1::A::A::A: :L::M::H: NC/3rd hit doesn't come out if the 2nd didn't hit
    Sakura Air Combo 20 38 (8,14,16) 3 -20 -6 -6 3%
    :1::A:::A:::A: :L::M::H: NC/3rd hit doesn't come out if the 2nd didn't hit
    Winter Stitch 18 18 3 -10 +6 STN 1%
    :4::A: :H: Opp. BT (hit)
    Stalk Clipper 12 12 2 -6 +6 +6 1%
    FC :A: :SL: TC[0-9] /TC[13~]
    Shade Buster 14 35 7 -22 KND KND 9%
    FC :3::aB: :M: "Umbrella". TC[0-13]
    Shade Buster(Fastest Input) 14 40 8 -22 KND KND 9%
    FC :3::a-small:::B: :M: "Umbrella". TC[0-13]
    Crescent Slash 16 24 4 -2 +6 +6 4%
    WR :A: :H: TC[0-10]/ Opp. BT (hit)
    Blossom Slicer 24 20/22/24 4 -6 +6 +6 1%
    :7:*:8:*:9::A: :H: TJ[9-32]/ Opp. BT (hit)
    Silver Slicer 14 14 2 -4 +4 +4 1%
    BT :A: :H:
    Windbeat Strike 14 14 2 -6 +4 +4 1%
    BT :2::A: :SL: TC[11~]

    Vertical Attacks​

    Wingbeat Shower 14 12 2 -8 -2 -2 2%
    :B: :M:
    Wingbeat Shower 14 24 (12,12) 4 -6 +2 +2 4%
    :B::B: :M::M:
    Wingbeat Shower 14 44 (12,12,20) (3rd hit) 8 -6 +6 +6 5%
    :B::B::B: :M::M::M: Can RO & Wallsplat
    Winter Funeral 20 40 8 -22 KND KND 4%
    :bA: :M: TC on frame 10.
    Winter Funeral (Fastest input) 20 44 8 -22 KND KND 4%
    :b-small:::A: :M: TC on frame 10. Can RO & Wallsplat
    Winter Funeral ~ Shrouded Sky 20 40 8 -24 STN STN 4%
    :b(A): :M: :SS: TC on frame 10.
    Winter Funeral (Just) - Shrouded Sky 20 44 8 -24 STN STN 4%
    :b-small:::(A): :M: :SS: TC on frame 10.
    Feather Slash 22 30 (12,18) 5 -6 +4 +4 9%
    :bK: :M::M: NC. TJ (14-31). Hits grounded. Forces crouch on hit.
    Moonlight Thrust 16 20 4 -6 +2 +10 2%
    :B::6: :M:
    Heartening Strike 16 20 4 -8 +4 +4 2%
    :B::4: :H: :LH: Triggers when used as post-RI only.
    Mountain Mists 16 22 4 -6 +6 STN 2%
    :6::B: :M:
    Air Cutter 20 24 4 -10 LNC LNC 9%
    :3::B: :M:
    Waterfowl Slice 14 16 3 -8 +2 +2 2%
    :2::B: :M:
    Half Moon Shadow 20 24 4 -12 +2 STN 9%
    :1::B: :L: TC on frame 18. Ends in FC.
    Reverse Blade 20 10 2 -14 -4 -4 2%
    :4::B: :M:
    Reverse Blade 20 20 (10,10) 4 -12 STN STN 4%
    :4::B::B: :M::M:
    Reverse Blade (Just) 20 24 (10,14) 4 -12 STN STN 4%
    :4::B:::B: :M::M:
    Petal Slicer 14 16 3 -8 +2 +2 2%
    FC :B: :M:
    Shade Thrust 16 12 2 -18 -8 STN 2%
    FC :3::B: :M: TC
    Shade Thrust 16 28 (12,16) 5 -14 KND STN 4%
    FC :3::B::B: :M::M: TC
    Shade Thrust (Just) 16 32 (12,20) 6 -14 KND STN 4%
    FC :3::B:::B: :M::M: TC
    Crescent Blade 18 20 4 -8 KND STN 2%
    WR :B: :M:
    Willow Divide 24 28 5 -8 +2 +2 9%
    :7:*:8:*:9::B: :M:
    Silver Slicer 16 18 3 -6 +4 +4 2%
    BT :B: :M:
    Windbeat Strike 16 20 4 -6 +2 +2 2%
    BT :2::B: :M:

    Kick Attacks​

    Rising Sun Kick 12 14 2 -6 +2 +2 2%
    :K: :H: :G: cancelable
    Knee Seduction 14 16 3 -10 +2 STN 2%
    :6::K: :M:
    Shadow Attendant 14 12 2 -6 +4 +4 2%
    :3::K: :M:
    Shadow Attendant 14 12,16 5 -6 +6 +12 4%
    :3::K::B: :M::M: Ends in BT
    Crouching Side Kick 16 14 2 -14 -4 -4 2%
    :2::K: :L: TC[11~]/ OTG
    Flame Bearer 16 18 3 -14 +0 +0 2%
    :1::K: :L: OTG
    Flame Bearer - Shrouded Sky 16 18 3 -6 +4 +4 2%
    :1::(K): :L: :SS: OTG
    Scarlet Blossom 18 18 3 -2 +10 +10 2%
    :4::K: :H:
    Scarlet Blossom 18 18,22 7 -8 +6 +6 4%
    :4::K::A: :H::M: NC / TC[12-57] / W! / ~BT
    Shin Kick 16 14 2 -14 -4 -4 2%
    FC :K: :L: TC[0-4] / OTG
    Rising Front Kick 12 18 3 -6 +4 KND 2%
    WR :K: :M: TC[0-4] W! on CH/ RO on CH
    Rising Heel 20 20/22/24 4 -10 KND KND 9%
    :7:*:8:*:9::K: :M: TJ[13-36]/:LH:(Triggers vs an opponent's jump attack)/ W!/RO
    Rising Sun Kick 14 18 3 -6 +2 +2 2%
    BT :K: :H:
    Blind Shin Kick 18 18 3 -14 -4 -4 2%
    BT :2::K: :L: TC[13~]/ OTG

    Dual Button Attacks​

    Drifting Moon 34 40 8 +4 +10 +10 15%
    :A+B: :M: :BA:
    Shade Buster 14 30 (35) 6 -22 KND KND 9%
    :6::A+B: :M: "Umbrella". TC [4-14]. Costs a small bit of meter. More dmg when "Vernal Reflection" is active.
    Sunbeam Slice 22 22 4 -14 -4 KND 4%
    :3::A+B: :M: Ends in FC.
    Lonely Shade 18 20 4 -2 +6 +6 2%
    :2::A+B: :M: wallsplat
    Fiery Dance 20 46 (52) 7 -14 KND KND 15%
    :1::A+B: :M::M::M::M: Cuts through projectiles. JF timing A or B with each hit gives more dmg.
    Winter Funeral 20 40 8 -22 KND KND 4%
    :4::A+B: :M: TC on frame 10. Can RO & Wallsplat.
    Winter Funeral ~ Shrouded Sky 20 44 8 -24 STN STN
    :4::(A+B): :M: :SS: TC on frame 10.
    Silver Moon Combo 24 20 4 -14 -4 -4 2
    :B+K: :M:
    Silver Moon Combo 24 36 (20,16) 4 -14 +4 KND 2
    :B+K::B: :M::M: NC
    Silver Moon Combo 24 58 (20,16,22) 4 -14 KND KND 9
    :B+K::B::A+B: :M::M::M: NC. Wallsplats/RO. 2nd/3rd hits don't come out on block.
    Sakura Fury Combo 24 64 (20,16,28) 4 -14 +2 +2 2
    :B+K::B::B+K: :M::M::M: NC. 2nd/3rd hits don't come out on block
    Mirror Blade (stage 1) 6 24 N/A + 6 +6
    :6::B+K: :GI:[frame 6-12] vs Highs/Mids
    Mirror Blade (stage 2) 6 34 N/A KND KND
    :6::B+K: :GI:[frame 6-12] vs Highs/Mids
    Mirror Blade (stage 3) 6 30 (25,5) N/A LNC LNC
    :6::B+K: :GI:[frame 6-12] vs Highs/Mids
    Shade Thrust 16 12 2 -18 -8 STN 2%
    :3::B+K: :M: TC [6-34]
    Shade Thrust 16 28 5 -14 KND STN 4%
    :3::B+K::B: :M::M: NC. TC [6-34]
    Crescent Lash 22 22 4 -2 KND KND 9%
    :2::B+K: :M: hits grounded
    Swan Slash 18 22 4 -8 LNC LNC 9%
    :1::B+K: :M: TC [10-19] Ends in BT. CH STN on 2nd hit only.
    Swan Slash 18 44 10 -16 LNC LNC 15%
    :1::B+K::B: :M::M: NC. TC [10-19]. CH STN on 2nd hit only.
    Rising Moon 22 22 4 -20 STN STN 9%
    FC :3::A+B: :M: TC.
    Ocean Drizzle 22 38 8 -14 +2 +2 10%
    FC :3::A+B::A: :M::M: TC
    Warbler Slash 28 22 4 -6 STN LNC 9%
    BT :2::A+B: :M: TC [8-17]. TJ [17]. Force crouch on block.
    Rainy Moon 16 16 3 -14 KND KND 2%
    BT :B+K: :M: TC on frame 4.
    Rainy Moon 16 34 6 -12 KND KND 9%
    BT :B+K::B: :M::M: TC on frame 4.
    Rainy Moon (Just) 16 38 7 -12 KND KND 9%
    BT :B+K:::B: :M::M: TC on frame 4.
    Foggy Veil 28 22 4 -14 +4 KND 9%
    BT :2::B+K: :L: TC [8-17]. TJ [17]. Can RO on CH.
    Ring of Heaven
    BT :8::B+K: :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52]
    Breaking Wave 20 20 4 -12 +8 STN 4%
    BT :8::B+K::A: :H: Ends in BT. TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30].
    Island Divide 26 20 4 -12 KND KND 9%
    BT :8::B+K::B: :M: :LH: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30].
    Ring of Heaven ~ Wings of Heaven 18
    BT :8::B+K::K: :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52]. Ends facing forward.
    Ring of Heaven ~ Wings of Heaven 18
    BT :8::(B+K): :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52] Remains in BT.

    8-Way Run Moves​

    Willow Splitter 18 18 -6 +8 +8 4%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::A: :H: 33_99A does 20 dmg
    Shadow Cutter 22 18 -6 +12 +16 4%
    :(2):*:(8)::A: :H: Ends in BT.
    Sakura Swipe 16 26 5 -16 KND KND 9%
    :(2):*:(8)::aB: :M: "Twister". :LH: Triggers as a block punish
    Sakura Swipe (Just) 16 30 6 -16 KND KND 9%
    :(2):*:(8)::a-small:::B: :M: "Twister". :LH: Triggers as a block punish.
    Horizon Sweeper 30 18 4 -12 +2 KND 4%
    :(1):*:(7)::A: :L:
    Mist Cutter 20 16 3 -14 +0 +0 1%
    :(4)::A: :H:
    Mist Cutter 20 36 7 -8 KND KND 3%
    :(4)::A::A: :H::H: NC. Jails. 2nd hit delayable.
    Rising Crescent 18 18 (14 at tip) -8 LNC STN 4%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B: :M: TC [12-18]. 33_99B does 20 dmg. Move does 4 less dmg at tip range.
    Double Silver Stab 16 18 3 -14 -6 -6 9%
    :(2):*:(8)::B: :M: :LH: Triggers vs a whiffed RE.
    Double Silver Stab 16 40 7 -2 KND KND 15%
    :(2):*:(8)::B::B: :M::H: NC :LH: Triggers vs a whiffed RE. 2nd hit can be charged.
    Double Silver Stab (Hold) 16 18,34 9 +2 STN STN 9%
    :(2):*:(8)::B::(B): :M::H: :LH: Triggers vs a whiffed RE. +22 STN on max charge 2nd hit.
    Crescent Strike 30 18 4 -12 +2 KND 4%
    :(1):*:(7)::B: :M:
    Moon Shadow Strike 20 16 3 -14 +0 +0 1%
    :(4)::B: :M:
    Moon Shadow Strike 20 36 7 -8 KND KND 3%
    :(4)::B::A: :M::M: NC. Jails. 2nd hit delayable.
    Heavenly Maiden 14 24 2 -4 +12 +12 2%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::K: :M: TJ frame [12-14]. 33_99K does 26 dmg
    Heavenly Maiden (hit) ~ Wings of Heaven 14 24 2 -4 +12 +12 2%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::K: :M::M: :SS: TJ frame 12 onward. 33_99K does 26 dmg
    Shade Roundhouse 18 24 4 -8 +6 +6 4%
    :(2):*:(8)::K: :H: :GI: vs Mids except Kicks and Thrusts. :LH: Triggers when it hits during opponents' High attacks except throws.
    Backspin Snow Sweeper 20 14 2 -14 +0 +4 4%
    :(1):*:(7)::K: :L: TC frame 16
    Shadow Hunter 24 18 3 -12 +0 KND 9%
    :(4)::K: :H:
    Shadow Hunter 24 40 7 +0 +10 +10 14%
    :(4)::K::B: :H::M: NC.
    Dancing Feather Strike 24 18, 32 9 -8 LNC LNC 15%
    :(4)::K::B::6: :H::M: 2nd hit TCs.
    Dawn Petal Strike 36 36 9 -12 +4 +4 9%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::A+B: :M: TC [10-28]. Opp BT on hit.
    Shade Dancer 22 18 3 -20 KND KND 9%
    :(2):*:(8)::A+B: :M: OTG.
    Shade Dancer 22 40 7 -4 KND KND 10%
    :(2):*:(8)::A+B::A: :M::H: OTG. Wallsplats. ROs.
    Blazing Moon 68 70 N/A N/A KND KND N/A
    :(1):*:(4):*:(7)::A+B: :M::H: :UA:TC [31-60].
    Sodden Wings 20 16 3 -12 KND KND 9%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B+K: :M:
    Sodden Wings 20 29 7 -8 KND KND 14%
    :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::B+K::B: :M::M:
    Kingfisher Divide 34 38 3 +2 STN STN 15%
    :(2):*:(8)::B+K: :M: OTG.
    Blind Heaven 22 28 5 -8 KND KND 9%
    :(1):*:(7)::B+K: :M: TC [14-22]. Ends in BT.
    Silver Shadow 12 28 4 -6 +6 KND 2%
    :(4)::B+K: :H: More dmg, more range + KND when "Moonlit Reflection" is active.
    Sliding Scraper 20 26 5 -22 KND KND 9%
    RUN :K: :L:

    Special Moves​

    Twilight Haze :SS: :SS: :SS:
    :2::3::6: :SS: :SS: Quick access to 8WR moves.
    Instant Sakura Swipe 16 26 5 -16 KND KND 9%
    :2::3::6::2::aB: :M: Instant version of "Twister" (22_88aB). Can also be done with :2::3::6::8::aB: :LH: Triggers as a block punish.
    Instant Sakura Swipe (Just) 16 30 6 -16 KND KND 9%
    :2::3::6::2::a-small:::B: :M: Instant version of "Twister" (22_88aB). Can also be done with :2::3::6::8::a-small:::B: :LH: Triggers as a block punish.
    Crimson Death 18 29
    TH :A+G: :H: :TH: Can combo after. Break with A, B, or K.
    Dawn Haze :SS: :SS: :SS:
    :2::1::4: :SS: :SS: Quick access to Crouch moves.
    Instant Shade Buster 14 35 7 -22 KND KND 9%
    :2::1::4::3::aB: :M: Instant version of "Umbrella" FC 3aB. TC[0-13]. Does more dmg when "Vernal Reflection" is active.
    Instant Shade Buster(Fastest Input) 14 40 8 -22 KND KND 9%
    :2::1::4::3::a-small:::B: :M: Instant version of "Umbrella" FC 3aB. TC[0-13]. Does more dmg when "Vernal Reflection" is active.
    Shade Thrust 16 28 5 -14 KND STN 4%
    :2::1::4::3::B::B: :M::M: Instant version of FC 3BB. TC
    Shade Thrust (Just) 16 32 6 -14 KND STN 4%
    :2::1::4::3::B:::B: :M::M: Instant version of FC 3BB. TC.
    Crescent Sweep 18 28
    DH :A+G: :H: :TH: Can combo after. Break with 4A, 4B, or 4K.
    Ring of Heaven
    :8::B+K: :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52]
    Breaking Wave 20 20 4 -12 +8 STN 4%
    RoH :A: :H: +16 on CH. Ends in BT. TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30].
    Island Divide 26 20 4 -12 KND KND 9%
    RoH :B: :M: :LH: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30].
    Ring of Heaven ~ Wings of Heaven 18
    RoH :K: :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52]. Ends in BT.
    Ring of Heaven ~ Wings of Heaven :SS: :SS: :SS:
    RoH :(B+K): :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52] Ends facing forward.
    Wings of Heaven :SS: :SS: :SS:
    :8::(B+K): :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52] Ends facing forward.
    Wisteria Cutter 20 26 5 -8 +6 +12 4%
    WoH :A: :M: +12 STN on CH. TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30].
    Lunar Arc 20 28 5 -10 KND KND 9%
    WoH :B: :L: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. :LH: Triggers once per match after SKY is charged up to C1 x10, C2 x6, or C3 x4. Becomes a :BA: when "Wintry Reflection" is active.
    WoH :G: Ends with Setsuka in FC.
    Shrouded Sky
    :4::B+K: :SS: :SS: TC [4-8]. TJ [8-30]. TC[33-52]
    Supernal Winds (level 1) 12 24 4 -8 +6 KND 5%
    SKY C1 :A: :H: Long charge time, but attack itself is i12.
    Supernal Winds (level 2) 10 30 6 -6 KND KND 10%
    SKY C2 :A: :H: JF timing does 34 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i10.
    Supernal Winds (level 3) 8 42 8 +8 KND KND 20%
    SKY C3 :A: :H: JF timing does 46 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i8.
    Infernal Winds (level 1) 16 22 4 -16 +6 KND 1%
    SKY C1 :2::A: :L: Long charge time, but attack itself is i16.
    Infernal Winds (level 2) 12 26 5 -12 KND KND 4%
    SKY C2 :2::A: :L: JF timing does 30 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i10.
    Infernal Winds (level 3) 8 30 6 -8 KND KND 4%
    SKY C3 :2::A: :L: JF timing does 34 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i8.
    Terrestrial Winds (level 1) 16 24 4 -12 KND KND 9%
    SKY C1 :B: :M: Long charge time, but attack itself is i10. :LH: Triggers once per macth after landing 2 or more WoH attacks.
    Terrestrial Winds (level 2) 12 30 6 -8 LNC LNC 9%
    SKY C2 :B: :M: JF timing does 34 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i10. :LH: Triggers once per macth after landing 2 or more WoH attacks.
    Terrestrial Winds (level 3) 8 34 6 -4 LNC LNC 15%
    SKY C3 :B: :M: Super LNC. JF timing does 38 dmg. Long charge time, but attack itself is i8. :LH: Triggers once per macth after landing 2 or more WoH attacks.


    Wintry Chill 18 45
    :A+G: :H: :TH:
    Moon Wind 18 45
    :4::A+G: :H: :TH:
    Shadow Descent 18 57
    Left :A+G: :H: :TH:
    Vermilion Moon 18 62
    Right :A+G: :H: :TH:
    Snow Gate 18 40
    Back :A+G: :H: :TH:
    Crimson Death 18 29
    :2::3::6::A+G: :H: :TH: Can combo after. Can also perform the throw during Twilight Haze dash. Break with A, B, or K.
    Crescent Sweep 18 28
    :2::1::4::A+G: :H: :TH: Can combo after. Can also perform the throw during Dawn Haze backdash. Break with 4A, 4B, or 4K.

    Reversal Edge Attacks​

    Songbird Slice 46 35 15 -12 :RE: :RE: 16%
    :B+G: :M: :RE:
    Songbird Slice 68 45 21 :RE: :RE: :RE: 20%
    :(B+G): :M: :RE::BA:
    Silken Strike 46 3 -8 KND KND 33%
    :RE: :A: :H::M: :LH: Triggers on 2nd Clash. Win vs K, Sidestep, & Backstep. Lose vs B, G, & Forward Step. Trades vs A. LH STN on hit. Ends in BT.
    Autumn Rains 54 7 (3,4) N/A LNC LNC 50%
    :RE: :B: :M::M::M: :BA::LH: Triggers on 2nd Clash. Win vs A, G, Forward Step & Backstep. Lose vs K, & Sidestep. Trades vs B. LH LNC on hit.
    Flickering Flames 24 4 -4 STN N/A 33%
    :RE: :K: :M: :LH: Triggers on 2nd Clash. Win vs B, Forward Step, & Sidestep. Lose vs A, G, & Backstep. Trades vs K. LH STN on hit.
    Flickering Flames ~ Shrouded Sky 24 4 +4 STN N/A 33%
    :RE: :(K): :M: :SS: :LH: Triggers on 2nd Clash. Win vs B, Forward Step, & Sidestep. Lose vs A, G, & Backstep. Trades vs K. LH STN on hit.
    :RE: :G: Win vs A & K. Lose vs B. Trades vs G, Forward Step, Sidestep, & Backstep
    Forward Step (Crouch)
    :RE: :6: Win vs A. Lose vs B & K. Trades vs G, Forward Step, Sidestep, & Backstep
    Side Step
    :RE: :2:*:8: Win vs B. Lose vs A & K. Trades vs G, Forward Step, Sidestep, & Backstep
    Back Step
    :RE: :4: Win vs K. Lose vs A & B. Trades vs G, Forward Step, Sidestep, & Backstep

    Gauge Attacks​

    Demon's Lament 16 70 10 -16 KND KND 10%
    :A+B+K: :M: :SG::CE: .
    Resist Impact 2 N/A
    :6::B+G: :SG: Heals 12% Guard Health.
    Soul Charge 3 N/A +0 +8 +8
    :4::A+B+K: :SM: :SG:
    Rushing Waters 16 30 N/A +0 +4 STN 8%
    :2::3::6::A+B+K: :SM: :SG: :SS: Soul Attack. +14 STN on CH. Enters SC after use. :LH: Triggers when all three Visions are active.
    Roaring Ocean ~ Wings of Heaven 14 24 4 +2 LNC LNC 9%
    :SC::2::aB: :M: :SC::SS: TC [8-13]. TJ on frame 16. Enters WoH whether it hits or not
    Divine Throne Air Combo 20 60 3 -20 LNC LNC 3%
    :SC: :1::A::A::A::A::A: :L::M::H::M::H: :SC: NC/3rd hit onwards doesn't come out if the 2nd didn't hit
    Divine Throne Air Combo 20 66 3 -20 LNC LNC 3%
    :SC: :1::A:::A:::A:::A:::A: :L::M::H::M::H: :SC: NC/3rd hit onwards doesn't come out if the 2nd didn't hit
    Hallowed Grounds 16 53 11 +4 +8 +8 12%
    :SC: :6::B::B: :M::M: :SC::BA: NC.
    Ravenous Viper 16 49 11 -2 KND STN 9%
    :SC: FC :3::B::B::B: :M::M::M: TC
    Ravenous Viper (Just) 16 57 12 -2 KND STN 9%
    :SC: FC :3::B:::B:::B: :M::M::M: TC
    Ravenous Viper (Just) 16 57 12 -2 KND STN 9%
    :SC::2::1::4::3::B:::B:::B: :M::M::M: Instant version of SC FC 3BBB. TC.
    Ocean God's Ritual 24 93 4 -14 +2 +2 2
    :SC: :B+K::B::B+K: :M::M::M::M::M::M::M::M: :SC: NC. Followup hits don't come out if 1st hit is blocked.
    Ravenous Viper 16 49 11 -2 KND STN 9%
    :SC: FC :3::B+K::B::B: :M::M::M: :SC: TC. Consumes a small bit of meter.
    Sakura Assault 16 49 10 -4 KND KND 10%
    :SC: :(2):*:(8)::aB::A: :M::L: :SC: "Twister". :LH: Triggers as a block punish
    Sakura Assault (Just) 16 54 11 -4 KND KND 10%
    :SC: :(2):*:(8)::a-small:::B::A: :M::L: :SC: "Twister". :LH: Triggers as a block punish.
    Instant Sakura Assault 16 49 10 -4 KND KND 10%
    :SC: :2::3::6::2::aB::A: :M::L: :SC: Instant version of "Twister" (22_88aB). :LH: Triggers as a block punish. Move can also be done with :2::3::6::8::aB::A:
    Instant Sakura Assault (Just) 16 54 11 -4 KND KND 10%
    :SC: :2::3::6::2::a-small:::B::A: :M::L: :SC: Instant version of "Twister" (22_88aB). :LH: Triggers as a block punish. Move can also be done with :2::3::6::8::a-small:::B::A:
    Dawn Blossom 30 50 9 +2 +10 +10 9%
    :SC: :(3):*:(6):*:(9)::A+B: :M: :SC::BA: TC [10-28]. Extra dmg + juggle state on mid-air hit.
    Celestial Gleam 22 64 7 -4 KND KND 10%
    :SC: :(2):*:(8)::A+B::A::A: :M::H::H::H::H: :SC: OTG. Wallsplats. ROs.
    Cerulean Waters 12 59 4 -6 KND KND 2%
    :SC: :(4)::B+K: :H: :SC: :AT: More dmg, more range + KND when "Moonlit Reflection" is active.
    Ethereal Slayer (Zan no Muzan) ~ Shrouded Sky 5 N/A N/A STN STN
    :SC: SKY :K: :SM: :SC: :SS: Auto-Counter STN vs Opp attacks. Long charge time, but attack itself is i5.
    Serpent Slayer 16 68 8 -8 KND KND 9%
    :SC: SKY :A+B: :M::SM::SM::SM::SM: :SC: Long charge time, but attack itself is i16.
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