Aeon General Discussion / Q&A

Man, I haven't been able to post in 48 hours. Anyways, I'm playiing Aeon with footsies. I'm not sure going for combos is worth it given his safety and low damage. Are you guys combo fishing with Aeon with success?
Check the combo thread. I've been using:

6b$ - g - 4b+kG has anyone else tried this one? It's hit-or-miss for me.
6b$ - g - 66B (timing is strict)
6b$ - g - 22_88B

(While facing right)
The 66B follow up is easier if you hold :4: to turn around, then hit :4::B: to get the 66B. its tough to explain in text. but I get it easier. as I posted in the Combo thread, if the opponent Ukemis as you hit them with 66B, it launches. Timing is specific but pretty simple to understand.
Man, I haven't been able to post in 48 hours. Anyways, I'm playiing Aeon with footsies. I'm not sure going for combos is worth it given his safety and low damage. Are you guys combo fishing with Aeon with success?
I play him the same way but when opportunity presents itself I want to maximize my damage.

3B is an awesome launcher and I do whore that out like nobodies business lol.
Oh, Aeon...

If you use the 1B BE to set up your CE, it will be unsafe on hit. You can land the combo but they get a free punisher. Try it in training. Pick mitsu and just spam BB.

Ok, so not only do we have to contend with our CE's sometimes not tracking and completely being dropped in combos, we have to consider that even if we land it we'll either get a) punished or b) almost zero frame advantage.

EDIT: !%*# jesus tapdancing christ, I just punished 3B CE too with Raph. This guy is doo doo tier.
Man, this thread is kinda depressing.

But nothing new. I mean, I played Rock for a good chunk in Soul Calibur IV, so it's not like I'm unused to being at a disadvantage...
Fuck that, Rock was baller, I could only wish he was in SCV. Seems like a few Rock players moved on to Aeon though. I guess we're just gluttons for low tier punishment.

My top moves would be.

66A: this is his best step killer. It's unsafe to most AAs, but it's fairly quick and does its job well. This > movement.

3B: decent range at can be hard to punish at max range. 66K into oki afterwards.

2A: standard 2A, I get a lot if use out of his as a poke and interrupt. Forces FC K/throw/ws mixup.

3A: up close step killer/poke. Keeps them from stepping at pont blank range which allows you mixups.

9_8B: this jumps over an absurd amount of moves. Tech traps after.

AA: it's an AA.

66B: whiff punisher from far range.

22AB: punishable, but still a good move to throw out from step. The damage on CH keeps people honest.

Throws: a+g and qcb b+g. Keeps them guessing, and possibly ducking.

4B+K: tc, tj, closes range and is safe. Can use ~G version to knockdown/RO or make semi-safe.

2K/FC K: arguably his best low. Use to keep them honest

6K_6_[K]: good poke/oki

66K: wall/edge whiff punish.

Honorable mentions/currently messing with:

8/9B+K: good tj, combo fly K on hit. Whiff recovers fast

22K: decently fast tj, good +f on hit.

1A: safeish. Gives tech traps on hit. It's low

1B: decent poke. CH combo. Good enough that I should use it more.

4B: fast and ranged. Good in poking wars.

6A: See above.

3K: ditto

9K: 2B combo . Would replace 8B but it hits high and doesn't jump as high.

11K: it's low. 2B combo.

11B: it's a low AND leaves in FC.

I really wish he had old 1A and 11A. His low mixups are ass.
long as he has a couple of decent lows its alright. Aeon gets them to crouch with AA and 214B+G

EDIT: !%*# jesus tapdancing christ, I just punished 3B CE too with Raph. This guy is doo doo tier.

Just use the meter for something else then, ive seen some horrible things happen, and Im happy to use my meter on 1B BE and GIs.

6 BE is an awesome move for Guard damage, but turns out you can SS before the last attack. Much Like Leixia's :(
Man, this thread is kinda depressing.

But nothing new. I mean, I played Rock for a good chunk in Soul Calibur IV, so it's not like I'm unused to being at a disadvantage...

Lol sorry didn't mean to be depressing. I was just very angry and surprised when I played my first match online tonight and lost because I got punished for landing my CE after 1B BE. I knew the frame advantage was bad on the CE but I couldn't have guessed it was unsafe with that setup.

Does anybody else on the roster have an unsafe CE?
most of the characters' CEs are unsafe. only few I can say are safe on block are Voldo, Elysium and Cervantes.
unless youre talking about on HIT. the ones that dont lock you into an animation can be. Ive seen:
Hilde - she can pass through the opponent causing the hits to whiff and be punishable
Mitsurugi - First hit connected, 2nd hit whiffed.
Pyrrha - 2 hit whiffed.
mostly just cause crazy off-axis interactions. but it does seem to happen to Aeon more than the others.
Yeah I was talking about on hit. But that's good info nonetheless.

More testing is required to see when Aeon's CE is unsafe on hit. Off the 1B BE starter it's always unsafe on hit AFAIK. Off the 3b launcher it seems random. I think it's always safe with the WR B, B+K starter and the 4A starter.
I never use CE outside of 3B, CE or WR B, BT B+K, CE. Using 1B BE, CE sounds like a huge waste of meter considering the 44K follow up after 1B BE gives better advantage and keeps you close to the opponent.

I'm not sure what problems you guys are having really. If you know your opponent is mashing buttons, why not adjust your gameplay to punish button mashing? Here's an example: Say you blocked an opponents AA, now you have advantage to press an attack. Typically, I'll use a low attack, such as 1K or 2K. It'll likely hit. Leaving you at advantage still. The opponent is mashing buttons remember. WR K causes stun on counter hit. Good times ensue.

But that's just one counter hit I work with.

Of course, I'm not saying I'm perfect. I lose to button mashing fools often enough simply because I can't get a grasp their thought process. But they're really easy to get counter hits on. Their defense is trash and they'll 99% of the time use a wake up attack or CE. Adjust accordingly.

Use 4B and 6A for footsies and zoning.They're fast attacks, not nearly as punishable as a whiffed 3B. 66A is also great for zoning, and on hit I like to often follow with a 2A or 6K depending on spacing.

I feel I'm ranting... My apologizes. But I feel Aeon has a great set of normals, it's just up to the player on how to use them. He doesn't have AMAZING low hitting combos (11 or 77K, 2B is like 38 damage), but he can easily open someone's defense with his low hitting attacks that are complimented by his set of mid hitting attacks to prevent someone from staying crouched.

Just my two cents.. I don't think Aeon is rush down. He feels more of a wait patiently and snap several good hits then wait again.
of course, it begs the question, if they really wanted him to not be rushdown, and if they really wanted him to be a sort of mid range poker, why did they give him the worst backdash in SCV?
of course, it begs the question, if they really wanted him to not be rushdown, and if they really wanted him to be a sort of mid range poker, why did they give him the worst backdash in SCV?
Really I always felt like I couldn't get away from anything with Siegfried unless I did 4B+K but I can make stuff whiff with Aeon.
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