Mitsurugi General Discussion and Q&A

There could also remove 6bb entirely from regular moves and add it to mist. I want mist stance to be more offensive. :)
4B is quite a crutch due to it having several great properties bundled into one easy package. For a retreating thrusting mid, its probably the best one in the game.
Fun fact:
2KB* if only second hit hits you cant go to MST, however its much safer on hit than normal version = -12
Tested vs Maxi: He can punish with AA but not CE etc.
vs Pyrrha: cannot punish with 236B and CE too, which is i13.
Seeing how Mitsu has reverted to SC2 state, I'm suprise the half moon dance (the sc2 version) wasnt brought back. I wouldn't mind seeing that again with mist left the way it is currently in sc5.
You can escape Asta's and Ivy's CE throw every time with Mitsu if you mash 236236236 during the CE cinematic. This doesn't work only when they were used after a GI.

A bug allows to avoid those CE's with special movement that puts your character in FC or a move with instant TC frames (maybe Mitsu has a move like that, I'm not sure)
You can escape Asta's and Ivy's CE throw every time with Mitsu if you mash 236236236 during the CE cinematic. This doesn't work only when they were used after a GI.

A bug allows to avoid those CE's with special movement that puts your character in FC or a move with instant TC frames (maybe Mitsu has a move like that, I'm not sure)

Doesn't work against Ivy's CE. Only works against Asta's CE at close range where you can just SSL anyways.
You can escape Asta's and Ivy's CE throw every time with Mitsu if you mash 236236236 during the CE cinematic. This doesn't work only when they were used after a GI.
This doesn't seem to work for me at all with Astaroth or Ivy.

When the flash happens, it's supposed to be that no inputs are accepted.

Could you show it in action, possibly?
This doesn't seem to work for me at all with Astaroth or Ivy.

When the flash happens, it's supposed to be that no inputs are accepted.

Could you show it in action, possibly?
It only works against Asta, sorry. You must be very fast with 236236236236... in Mitsu's case.

Those two CE are glitched and can be escaped by many characters. Try for example picking Leixia, Omega Pyrrha or Alpha Pat. You can do 4A with Leixia, 236236236 with Omega or 214214214 with Alpha during the CE cinematic. Works always.
Those two CE are glitched and can be escaped by many characters. Try for example picking Leixia, Omega Pyrrha or Alpha Pat. You can do 4A with Leixia, 236236236 with Omega or 214214214 with Alpha during the CE cinematic. Works always.
No joking. Huh.

Omega seems to go into DNS straight away? And she can punish the whiff by DNS B:4 or DNS A > CE????

I can get Leixia 4A to work, but not Alpha.

Ironic, in that I mash out a lot of things in this game, but apparently I'm not even good at mashing.
With Alpha you cant escape by 214214214214, but if you use 214B it will work. dont know about mitsu.
Hi @ all Mitsu players.

At first I need to give tousand thanks for the good strats activities here for Mitsurugi. At the head Belial ... Your arrangement is fantastic!

I play SC cince the new version, so I have some problems to estimate different thinks in moment. And I have some questions. I've read the whole Mitsu-forum but it could be I overlooked some informations. Pls don't punish me from the back for some doubles or notification mistakes:

I like to play Mitsu as offensive I can. I like the 11_77BA-mixup but the problem is that skilled opponents punish it by crouching the A and punish with a FC-move and kill the whole options and followups. Do you think it's practicable to make some confusion by throw out some 11,1B to force the opponent not to automatic punish the 11_77BA? What I mean is to make a quickstep followed by a normal 1B, that have other properties on block (-4) than a 11_77B (-10). The result is a 1B that looks like a 11B with quickstep-animation before. Now you are -4 on block, the opponent starts crouching and try to punish you because he think a 11_77BA will comming. If the opponent think you make a 11_77B, he think you are -10 and not -4.

If this is practicable the opponent is confused and don't try to punish you on that way now (is it right that the most low-starting moves you can take for punishment are unsave?). I think the situation allone that the opponent not know if there is a save 1B or a punishable 11_77BA... makes it uneasy to go ahead for them and you win some frames because the opponent needs to check before what is coming.

I hope you guys understand what I mean. If this is a possible way to force the opponent to block, because there is the option to make 11_77_BAB (I know last B is terrible slow), the opponents will block after the 1177BA and you can do the option to make a 2K[BE]B after the blocked 11_77BA and it will hit or crush.

Can you test it or give me some input if this is utter nonsense?

A second point is the 33_66_99BB ... After a blocked 33_66_99B, you can follow with the second B, but it's unsave. After a blocked 33_66_99B, you can followup with a 2K[BE]B that hits. Now you force the opponent to react after he blocks a 33_66_99B from you. He can backdash after the blocked 33_66_99B to avoid a 2K[BE]B, but not step to punish the 33_66_99B. If you have the opponent to backdash, you can followup by a 22_33_66_99_88A+B mixup or go tho the back by self to aviod opponents damage by self doing a 33_66_99BB.

Thank you guys for your open ears!
Thank you guys for your open ears!
1B is easy to confuse with 11BA, but, try not to overuse it, its more gimick than a real strategy.

66B... some people will punish it with fast AA's to provoke a reaction from you. If people love to stand there and wait... 2KB* might be a bit too risky, b/c you're at a disadvantage. I wouldnt burn meter just so. You can try for a b6 or AA or any interrupt though, if you wish.

But overall, try not to dwell too much on getting your moves blocked. If you're at -13 you can do something, but opponent will always have the upperhand once they figure you out. Throw or 2KB* instead, make them duck more often, then you wont have to worry too much about your 66B mixups :)
Who thinks that Mitsu is probably getting nerfed (potentially damage-wise)?

I don't.

Anyone thinks that Mitsu may get buffed or fixed (like 2KB* having the 3rd hit blocked when done on someone Back Turned/ On the Ground)?

I surely do!!
This doesn't seem to work for me at all with Astaroth or Ivy.

When the flash happens, it's supposed to be that no inputs are accepted.

Could you show it in action, possibly?

no inputs accepted? not true. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to JG after the flash.

Seeing how Mitsu has reverted to SC2 state, I'm suprise the half moon dance (the sc2 version) wasnt brought back. I wouldn't mind seeing that again with mist left the way it is currently in sc5.

This is just a balance patch, I wouldn't expect any changes to movelists, only tweaking of move properties.
no inputs accepted? not true. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to JG after the flash.
Well, I mean, inputs are accepted after the flash, and inputs are accepted before the flash, but it's supposed to be that during the flash you can mash all you want and nothing happens- and that's why Ivy's CE goes off, you input G2 during the flash and get thrown anyway.

but apparently for Omega that doesn't even matter.
Mitsu changes I'm hoping for in patch

1) Improve recovery for bA- Considering they remove jf AT on clean hit and that fact it can be severely punished at close distances I'm hoping for maybe -15 or -16? I think -22 is way too much considering AT requires CH.
2) 2KB a bit a safer on hit maybe -10 regular and -6 on transition to mist? Is that too much?
3) mist A (hold) to remain in mist and a tad faster (i want a reward considering its a bit slow and high)
4) Damage Nerf - He does deal a lot of damage but then again there should be a damaga nerf for other characters as well
5) Add HMD B (hold) At least another option/move to HMD. Move is pretty much same as B6.
6) ch 3A to create non breakable stun but nothing that would connect with 236B BE. That would be too strong.
Or you know you could stop asking for buffs/nerfs for characters and learn to play the game.

I can pretty much guarantee character balance isn't the reason you're not the undisputed best player in the world right now.
in terms of damage, consider this:

Mitsu's AA does more damage than Raphael's BB!!
Right, I've just had a quick browse through the Viola boards, and apparently a fair few of the guys over there are/were encountering a bit of a wall when running into Rugi... So yeah, IS Mitsu a bad matchup for Viola or were those guys not playing it right?

Cause I have to say, from my own limited experience fighting Viola seems a bit like climbing a mountain. I honestly cannot stress enough how much I loathe fighting Viola. At range she has better options and up close everything I seem to draw for is far too slow. She can attack damn near continuously and makes Natsu seem like a fucking old lady with the sheer length and speed of the strings... Honestly, between Viola and Natsu I'm one bad game away from shopping this damn game in for a bit of... Well, anything the f**k else. Don't care how that sounds, I'm not gonna force myself to play a game that isn't fun for the sake of it, that's a mugs game. /rant.

So yeah, where are the holes in her game that apparently Viola players think Rugi is adept at abusing?

Edit: Fair enough Mods, my bad.