[North Carolina] Let's make a scene

Well KDZ is always in finals for the 8 on the Break, I want to say he was one of the finalists in WinterBrawl. Belial is a name I've heard too but not 100% of his accomplishments.
All good. How ridiculously good were those guys?

man, normally during sessions u play a set of best of 3, 5, or something but these guys would beat me 10+ and pass their turn to the next guy to do it, lol. kinda hurt....sniffle...sniffle, lol j/k. I'm cool though, i have a wife and son so i have more things to be worried about in life and i dont have the time anymore to put towards a new game ya know. well anyway, hit me up online guys im down to play anytime. Idk though, maybe i siked myself out by seeing those guys when i first arrived and couldnt focus or something. I plan on playin them again while im here so only time will tell, lol.
If anyone is going to the EZ tournament tomorrw, I'll be wearing a red AC/DC shirt then, I want you guys to talk to me and invite me to play SCV, for I am a lonely scrub. As in I want to meet up with as many people as I can, as I'm nto as shy as I put off to be. And I really like SC despite me being really bad at it.
@Ceron, I played Zasalamel. She's better than Zasalamel. lol. MUCH better than Zasalamel. You played Talim, in SC3 and SC4 lol.

SC3 Zasalamel and SC3 Talim are like the templates for which we base "bottom tier" upon in Soul Calibur.

Ivy has many many tools. One of which is a 1/3rd life command throw and the other is a i11 frame poke. She's equipped.

Sidenote, why am I hyped for SFxT?
man, normally during sessions u play a set of best of 3, 5, or something but these guys would beat me 10+ and pass their turn to the next guy to do it, lol. kinda hurt....sniffle...sniffle, lol j/k. I'm cool though, i have a wife and son so i have more things to be worried about in life and i dont have the time anymore to put towards a new game ya know. well anyway, hit me up online guys im down to play anytime. Idk though, maybe i siked myself out by seeing those guys when i first arrived and couldnt focus or something. I plan on playin them again while im here so only time will tell, lol.

Don't let it discourage you. Having guys like that in your area is like... a really good tool for getting better. I'd love to play those guys. You probably just got accustomed to playing average players like me and weren't expecting that level of play I imagine.
Im not n thnx for da motivation, I just look forward to getting better. Oh n a side note I meant to say kdz n bibulus, not belial. I mixed them up lol
Ivy isn't that bad actually, shes just......different. LinkRKC is a GOD anyway so that's besides the point (no homo)

But I'm def noticing the frame slowdown online, the inputs are still on point tho, was getting Ivy JF's like a BOSS
Ivy's not bad. Ivy has no weaknesses when you get down to it.

She has an option for all ranges, safe mind you. Mid and low.

Ivy is a classic case of an equipped character, but you wont unlock her potential if you dont know every single little thing there is to know about her. She doesnt have a single go-to strategy.

Then again I might just feel like hot shit because I've programmed the new command for CS into my muscle memory now so I can do it with my eyes closed.
I just realized I play too many characters yesterday at EZ. Gonna have to sit down and settle on one for final round this year.
I got second according to the people I asked, but there was only like 7, so most of the people got top 5 >_<

First was JasonL.

I ran Algol most of the tournament just to see how he did.
Anyone in Charlotte willing to host for some games on Friday? I'll be down there for CIAA.

Before 8pm if possible. I will be too drunk for words after that.
GGs to Jason and Doug last night. PSN spazzed out and knocked me off.

Anyone in Charlotte willing to host for some games on Friday? I'll be down there for CIAA.

Before 8pm if possible. I will be too drunk for words after that.
What is it w/ black folk and the CIAA?
Rick Ross going to shut it down niggaaaaaaaa.

Nah. But there are a lot of parties going on that weekend, and a bunch of my college friends are coming back in town.

I'm a full fledged alcoholic now. And I dont want to be saved.
How the fuck do you play this shit ass game? If they hadn't arbitrarily changed Voldo's EVERYTHING back in Soul Calibur 3 (and they did the same shit with Nightmare; lets make him two characters and split his move set) I might be able to feel comfortable in this game (I know Dale's giving me an "amen brother" on that), but now I'm trying to remember things with characters I only fucked around with 9 years ago (Cervantes and um, yeah, he's the only one I messed with left relatively unfucked by SC3 onward).

At least they got Omega Pyrrha right: take Sophitia's moveset and put it on an evil bitch. Wait, there's actually no change there.


Edit: Oh Jesus H Christ, 10 minutes looking around this website and I remembered how horrible the community for this game is. "Is this Devil Jin thing cheap?" No you fucking scrub ARGH.
How the fuck do you play this shit ass game? If they hadn't arbitrarily changed Voldo's EVERYTHING back in Soul Calibur 3 (and they did the same shit with Nightmare; lets make him two characters and split his move set) I might be able to feel comfortable in this game (I know Dale's giving me an "amen brother" on that), but now I'm trying to remember things with characters I only fucked around with 9 years ago (Cervantes and um, yeah, he's the only one I messed with left relatively unfucked by SC3 onward).

At least they got Omega Pyrrha right: take Sophitia's moveset and put it on an evil bitch. Wait, there's actually no change there.


Edit: Oh Jesus H Christ, 10 minutes looking around this website and I remembered how horrible the community for this game is. "Is this Devil Jin thing cheap?" No you fucking scrub ARGH.

every sc game they change the imputs on moves, its kind of a trademark at this point. i suggest that u just do ur homework in training mode and take the time to relearn ur characters.
Relearning inputs isn't a problem at all it takes at most what 20minutes to run though a characters whole move set. Most of the changes is knowing the new frame data/hitboxes/properties of the moves and more importantly everyone elses. This changes in pretty much all fighters so it shouldn't be anything too new to get used to. Even if your playing stance characters a couple of sessions and you should of beaten back old habits.
got booted offline there guys, but gg's. I will be on more often. Just might have to give me a few mins at the start cuz the connection seems wonky at first. Ron's right about voldo, a lot of the moves are stripped and I feel like I'm not fast enough to really compete but I'm probably just not used to stuff yet.
Ohh a smaller gimped/smaller move list yeah they did that too alot of dudes in SC5 :(
1 - Voldo's big changes go back to SC3.
2 - I'm not going to get into them, aside from saying I miss being back to go into back stance whenever I wanted (214) instead of through a move.
3 - SC2 Voldo made more sense. You're in back stand, you hit 6B, its a move that leaves you facing forward; you hit 4B, its a move that leaves you in back stance. They reversed a lot of that, but not all, so its a mess.