Quinion's Customs House

Now i like that new version of the templar quite a bit...the shield is well done and the style variations are nice, i'd suggest trying shield + mitsu style using the bastard sword (or whatever it is called) since decoreated longswords are classic templar weapon and the style is no more out of place than humpy jumpy Pat for that kind of character.
In terms of two handed sword, i might have suggested the flamberge (you know the thin one with wooden parts) but this one works ok for impressing your opponent i guess ;o)

Actually, Hilde's styles makes a lot of sense - Being Knight's, they'd also be expected to carry spears/lances as well as arming swords.
Being French, they'd naturally want to keep as afar away from the danger as possible =];}P

Your french is "impeccable" !
Now Quinion, you can have your thread back, sorry for the disgression, you know the brits have a tendancy to ramble (;o)...and btw, when do you do us the honour of dropping by and see our stuff, sure Le Bello would love to ?
Your french is "impeccable" !
Now Quinion, you can have your thread back, sorry for the disgression, you know the brits have a tendancy to ramble (;o)...and btw, when do you do us the honour of dropping by and see our stuff, sure Le Bello would love to ?

Us Brits do ramble, but only because it stops the French from bloody singing all the time. J'I like j'adding j'j to random j'words now, cil vous pomme.

And yes Quinion, I'd love it if you could join us sometime :D
I finally finished my anti-Manji group, who thus far have never been named, and the only members ever revealed have been Greed (Number 5) and Miser (Number 4). Given this, i decided there must be at least five, and makes a nice parallel entry to my Manji post. I alos decide to give them a name, the Aurophili (gold lovers)...and if they annoy you, good...they're pricks who show up in story mode and steal all your gold........

First up, number 5, Greed (updated):

Number 4, Miser (updated)

Number 3, Plunder (new original)

Number 2, Hoard (based on a dropped SC concept, shown in inset)

and Number 1, the leader, Lady Avaricieux (nothing implied here, just liked the French translation of avarice/avaricious....thanks Vil)

and yes, their number is included in the design somewhere, either standard or kanji.
Thanks KokoYoshi. I definitely learned a lot about CAS from viewing Gatsu's stuff, and obviously I'll cop to aping his presentation style, mostly because I always thought that his multi-image collages showed off his stuff better than anyone else's....... I guess some comparison is inevitable. If anything, it was his advice to soemone else very recently, well after I started my thread, is that when your CAS can hold its own (design/visually) against an Official char, then its ready..........something I had been doing for a while to improve my own CAS...so yeah, some techniques sure, but I think the most obvious similarity is philosophy/approach, in that SCV Creation mode isn't just a way to personalize a player's experience with the game, it's a robust design tool for building/rebuilding characters who would actually work in this game.

Anyway back to this set, I feel this version is the Official SCV Greed, a vast improvement over my first version, and I'm pretty happy with the updated Miser as well ( I remember one comment on the first version was she looked "unfinished"). Hoard has been in my roster forever, until I found the perfect use for him in this group. Actually the origin for this set goes back to Gatsu's thread (and some others) as it seemed to me like everyone wanted to do their version of Dampierre's gang.......I've always liked to focus my CAS efforts on characters that really haven't been done, unless I feel I can bring something new/different/unique ...so Manji clan, based on your experiments with a female Yoshi...and now this set, who have only ever been hinted at.......I love looking under rocks in all of the corners of the SCV universe to see what I can find. So what's next? Fu-Ma clan of course.....and of course it will be four plus a leader (Chie), and since I've already posted my Taki...I won't wimp out and repost her, though an SCV-era Taki (per Norik's comment on my Neve) could be in the works...............
I really liked your shot at Greed, simple but give well the idea

Also i liked Hoard, and the colours are really similar to the ones i imagine on that black&white sketch
Only little change i will do if i was at your place is chose the big-chin-dude face (the one you used for Greed,but no-stache/berad version) and move down the sticker on throat level to let visible the chin
I ever find that concept one of the most intriguing and original from dropped sketches, too bad in 2013 retard marketing for kidz is the law
Again, great choice
Hooksword/sickle, dagger, giant backpack...what's not to like? :D

Yeah, too bad there's all this great stuff laying around in the PS vaults that will never see the light of day (in game anyway)........I just want to know what stopped them from putting stuff like this in Quick-play mode?

I get the gist of it.......simulated online play to encourage the real thing, but why not use that platform to expand the boundaries of the SC world a bit? Why slap together a bunch of random CAS parts to make herpderp dark knights and anime girls?
I find you cast to be good but thats it. You are doing the generic stuff but you have a good eye for stickers. Also work on your colors they are too bright, you dont want to be doing anime stuff lol.
"Clean up"-date; getting the contest entries under the same roof:

Reggie, the Two-Fisted Fop (Moustache Contest)

Amazon*, Undead Warrior w/ Amnesia, Dick-Ass Thief (Broquest Challenge)

*Amazon inspired by brucege's tribal priestess...check it out, it's cool: http://8wayrun.com/threads/a-mini-gallery.12594/page-4#post-589172

CAS Natsu 2P (Create Your Main)

Fallen Angel (Horror Contest)

SERVOntes (Robot Contest)

SCIII Nightmare (Request Thread)
How did you get the eyes on Nightmare?

He's deleted, so I'll have to do from memory, but....

Pure ring, sized to fit inside the helmet at maximum "height" (either length or depth, can't remember which it is on this piece) , and colored a low saturation dark red ( 2-3, 2 or 3 I think, 27 -31 in that range) then adjust back towards the face at eye level to allow the effect that is already there to show through , but not the skin. As I recall the bridge of the nose may have poked through a little, but the helmet covers it pretty good.
Avariceaux is not the french translation of avarice, it is "Avarice"...;o)
You should call her Lady Pingre (a byword for Avarice in french)
Yeah it should be that it translates to Avaricious... and it wouldn't hurt if I spelled it right (that part is fixed)........fail in both spelling and grammar

Maybe Americans like myself (and Alec Baldwin :D) should just stay away from French...anyone else remmeber that old French teacher sketch from SNL? Couldn't find a decent version on youtube or i would have linked.....
Yeah it should be that it translates to Avaricious... and it wouldn't hurt if I spelled it right (that part is fixed)........fail in both spelling and grammar

Maybe Americans like myself (and Alec Baldwin :D) should just stay away from French...anyone else remmeber that old French teacher sketch from SNL? Couldn't find a decent version on youtube or i would have linked.....

it is okay, french is an horribly difficult language, so thanks for giving it your best shot, really !

there is one who is incredibly well versed in the language of Molière, named Joddie Foster, isn't she american ?
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